Effects of Smoking vs. Vaping Marijuana: Is Vaporizing Cannabis Better? Some Researchers Say Yes.
Research over the last ten years has shown that vaporizing cannabis-either the plant itself or through an oil- is better for your respiratory system than straight smoking.
The Effects of Cannabis on Your Heart and Brain
Studying the effects of cannabis as both a health-protective element and treatment for many illnesses and conditions is a stepping stone for the future of medicine. While heavily contested by some, cannabis is severely put under scrutiny by researchers and specialists in all medical fields and the conclusions are staggering.
How Cannabis Helps Treat Breast Cancer By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
For thousands of years, cannabis has been used the world over for healing. In fact, marijuana is still included in the 50 fundamental (i.e. most important) herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Even though the fate of cannabis on the federal level is still up in the air, the good news is that more and more, the healing power of cannabis for even the most serious health conditions is becoming common knowledge.
Cannabis and Chemo: How Cannabis Can Help with Symptom Management and More
By now most of us probably know that research and anecdata (referenced in our last blog as anecdotal evidence based on personal observations and experiences) strongly suggests that cannabis has the ability to heal cancer.
Cannabinoids Part 3: What are Terpenes and Why Are They Important for Health?
As a superfood, cannabis shares a lot of the same healing substances that other healing plants do. For example, cannabis contains phytonutrients just like sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprouts and resveratrol-heavy dark berries do.
Treating Pediatric Cancer with Cannabis Oil
Since starting United Patients Group in 2011, we have met...