Do Delta 8 Edibles Work For Female Arousal?
Are you curious about delta 8 edibles and their effects...
Cannabis and Its Health Benefits: What You Should Know – Part 2
Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and...
THC vs. CBD: Which Cannabis Strain is Best for Chronic Pain
Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of...
5 Tips for Incorporating Cannabis Into Your Daily Routine
Cannabis is a plant that has been used for centuries...
Story of Hope: ER, Kidney Stones, Pain Meds and Cannabis Relief
I have been following you and Corinne since your first podcast with The Sacred Plant and had been a faithful watcher. Let me first say I’m so sorry about your wife. She was lovely! I was so impressed that you continued teaching about cannabis medicine, that your story is my Story of HOPE, John.
Stories of Hope: Car Accident, Trauma to Healing
I decided to send in my story because it greatly impacted me, and I’ve been thinking about sharing it for a while now. I love these stories so I’m willing to share. I am a recreational user, but marijuana is so helpful for sleep and relaxation that I’d have to call its effects medical as I have a high stress job and it calms me.