Welcome to our PTSD Center
I’m here to walk with you and any loved ones who experience PTSD. We know our Military heroes who return from combat often deal with impossible memories which create anxiety and mental health challenges.
Did you know average people can experience PTSD? The loss of a loved one, witnessing an accident, a difficult relationship, loss of health, prolonged stress, abuse are just some of the hidden causes of traumatic syndromes and associated with Post Traumatic Stress.
UPG is here to lead the way and also to learn from you! Follow along with me as we journey through a number of treatments. Tune in to our Center, where we will tackle PTSD and walk with you through cannabis and alternative treatments. We’re in this together.
From Injury to Inspiration: U.S Veteran Bryan Buckley Speaks on Cannabis as Medicine
Dr. Jordan Tishler – Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia in Uncertain Times–Harvard Doc Treats with Cannabis.
Stories of Hope: Overcoming Anxiety
Share your story and get featured on our website!
Stories of Hope: Car Accident, Trauma to Healing
Stories of Hope: Head Injuries to How I Got MY Life Back
My name is Emily and I make use of Medical Cannabis daily to help treat seizures that have come about from multiple head injuries.
Stories of Hope: Sean Kennedy – PTSD to Living Life Again
From Fighter to Farmer: A Soldier’s Journey
Cannabis is not a one size fits all type of medicine. It is important that you contact a medical cannabis expert who is well versed in cannabis and its impact on your health.
We offer online consultations that help answer any questions you may have when using Cannabis, including: Dosing, Ratios, Protocols.
Let our team of medical professionals help you on your journey back to health.