Navigating THC Dosage – How to Find Your Perfect Dose
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most well-known cannabinoid found in cannabis...
What You Need to Know before Trying Rick Simpson Oil
Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO for short (aka FECO –...
What is FECO? Everything You Need to Know
FECO stands for “full extract cannabis oil.” It is a thick oil, usually dark in color, that is normally consumed from either a syringe or packed in capsules.
Story of Hope: ER, Kidney Stones, Pain Meds and Cannabis Relief
I have been following you and Corinne since your first podcast with The Sacred Plant and had been a faithful watcher. Let me first say I’m so sorry about your wife. She was lovely! I was so impressed that you continued teaching about cannabis medicine, that your story is my Story of HOPE, John.
Stories of Hope: Car Accident, Trauma to Healing
I decided to send in my story because it greatly impacted me, and I’ve been thinking about sharing it for a while now. I love these stories so I’m willing to share. I am a recreational user, but marijuana is so helpful for sleep and relaxation that I’d have to call its effects medical as I have a high stress job and it calms me.
Should You Be Using Ketamine for Addiction?
In the past few years, a lot of hype has started to develop around ketamine as a potential first-line drug for addiction treatment. In 2019, Florida State University researchers found that rats that were induced to have alcohol use disorder were far less likely to drink alcohol after being given ketamine.