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As cold and flu season makes its rounds this winter, people are looking for alternative methods to treat their symptoms. One of the more prevalent remedies is herbal tea, which offers both health benefits and soothing qualities. With increased legal cannabis access, cannabis tea has also begun to grow in popularity and has shown a marked effect in addressing discomfort caused by influenza and the common cold.
Cannabis is well known for helping with pain and nausea control, appetite stimulation, reduced muscle spasm, and improved sleep, the exact benefits that people suffering the flu need. But smoking and vaping can aggravate congested sinuses, sore throats, and painful coughs. That’s why cannabis tea is the perfect solution: by extracting the main elements of cannabis, THC and CBD, into tea, you can get the medicinal effects of cannabis without aggravating symptoms, and you also reap the other rewards of the tea itself.
Due to its relatively slow uptake, relief of symptoms can last hours. In addition to easing symptoms, cannabis has been shown to encourage calmness and restful sleep, thus allowing an ailing person to relax, an essential aspect of the healing process. Cannabis tea can also stimulate the immune system and offer additional protection from viral infections. This means that you’re better able to fight off your virus, and you’re also less likely to contract other more serious illnesses while suffering from a cold or flu.
Pre-made cannabis tea is available at many dispensaries, but if you can’t find it, you can make your own without too much difficulty. Because the active elements in cannabis tea are not water soluble, you need to use something with fat to pull the cannabinoids out—butter or coconut oil are good options. Then combine your cannabutter or cannabis infused coconut butter with a bag of your favorite tea and steep it in boiling water. You get to determine the strength of the brew by how much cannabutter or coconut oil you add, but remember that it can take an hour or more to kick in, so sip it slowly.
This ability to modulate dosage and the overall mellowing effect can make medical cannabis tea a perfect option for treating issues related to the flu or common cold without the harmful side effects of smoking. So, next time you feel the drain of a cold coming on, warm up a cup of cannabis tea and enjoy the tranquil benefits of this ever-useful herb.
Cannabis Tea Recipe:
1 cup boiling water
1 teaspoon cannabutter or cannabis infused coconut butter
1 tea bag
1. Add the 1 tsp. of cannabutter or cannabis infused coconut butter and tea bag to the cup.
2. Boil the water and pour it in.
3. Let the cannabutter or cannabis infused coconut butter fully dissolve.
4. Remove the tea bag, add milk (optional), and consume.
Total Time: 10 minutes
I have found that just boiling/steeping the leaf, with no fat to absorb the THC, makes for a lovely relaxing drink without a high. Flavorful and lovely. Capsules are also a wonderful Smokeless Cannabis Remedy for those who do not wish to smoke. Blessings!
How can I find a Dr that prescribe marinol for bipolar and other mental disorders??
Marinol is for nausea and appetite as they relate to cancer treatment. We have not heard of Marinol being used for mental disorders.
You would not want it. I have tried it before and found it to be lacking many important compounds that are needed for it to be helpfull with many things especially mental disorders. I have Bi polar disorder, PTSD, and social anxiety borderline panic disorder. I wish I could get marinol prescribed just because insurance would actually pay for that, but I would have to add at least some extra terpenes to make it worthwhile in any way other then making me hungry. There is a synergy of hundreds of compounds in nature that marinol doesn’t even come close to. I have been expirimenting with herbs and terpenes that are found in cannabis to save me money because I can’t always afford cannabis and I am able to make the amount I have much more effective for my needs and last longer. CBD is better for our mental disorders then THC, but in my opinion the THC is the glue that brings all these compounds together and makes them more effective. Without the THC I still benefit from these terpenes and CBD, but they just do not seem to work as well. Your best bet is looking into the canabinoids and terpenes that help whatever ailments you are dealing with and math that to a strain of plant that is high in those compounds. This is only good if you have the money and it is legal where you live, but if not you can still get CBD hemp oil and terpenes along with many other herbs in nature that can help. Thw key is just do a lot of research and you will find what you are looking for. Out of all the medical problems I have had i can say that Bi polar disorder was the fastest and easiest one for me to fix. I didn’t use any herbs or medicine and got rid of it in minutes. I know that sounds unbelievable and miraculous because it was. I found a list of these special prayers and after I finished them my depression was gone and has not come back. It would come back instantly if I let it, but I have made changes to my life and attitude that prevent it from returning. I wish you the best as I know how hard these things are to deal with. I personally feel Bi polar disorder is more then just a chemical imbalance and more of a spiritual issue, but that was for me anyway so I can’t speak for others. I never thought this until it just vanished one day after saying the right prayers and changing my way of thinking and lifestyle. I know it sounds crazy, but honestly what do you have to lose? I am not saying you can just say one prayer and magically be fixed, because it is hard work keeping it from returning. If I slip up at all and do the wrong things it would be back just as fast as it left. I was miserable and didn’t even want to live anymore, but after minutes of praying one day I became the happiest person I know even though my life is hardest. Take it for what you will, but it worked wonders for me.