Emily’s Story of HOPE
My name is Emily and I make use of Medical Cannabis daily to help treat seizures that have come about from multiple head injuries.
My first head injury occurred when I was a teenager and was crossing a very busy street while riding my bike. I was hit by a truck and suffered a skull fracture and lost my sense of smell. I was able to recover a good bit from general medical help and natural health therapies. Worked quite a few jobs, could drive, and still function decently.
Then just after buying a car in 2013, I got hit by another car, did flips, and suffered a pretty bad concussion from that. Afterwards, I began to have the seizures. I became unable to work, drive, or go out in public very often and lived with that for quite some time. Black outs, some grand mal seizures, yeah, no good.
Then Cannabis was made legal in the state I live, and I recently got approved for the Medical Cannabis card and started to make use of it. That was the beginning of December 2020 and I’ve been having nothing less than miraculous results. I’ve been able to have consistent time periods, not only free from seizures, but cannabis has also helped with anxiety and depression.
In less than two months I’ve gained more help from this plant to treat my seizures than any other since having them. I’ve been prescribed all kinds of medicines, dosage amounts, and even have a VNS implant (Vagus Nerve Stimulator). However, using medical cannabis, I can get almost instant effective help, and it’s a God send. In some ways it really goes beyond words how to describe how grateful I am to have gained access to this amazing healing substance and see it become something more accepted by the medical systems, and socially.
I am able to get Medical Cannabis right now, but only from dispensaries that are kind of far from me and only cash is accepted. Seeing more attention given to this substance and seeing more people achieve help from it, has me seeing stars in some ways! I just hope that it continues to be further accepted and made easier to get for all.
Nonetheless, I am so very grateful for the progress being made and that there is more doors opening, more answers being found.
With much Love and Gratitude,
P.S. While during my down time with not working due to seizures, I wrote a book. Kind of a kid’s book, but it has a message weaved into it that anybody can benefit from :-)
It be called, “Learn to Live a Life You Love”
*Cyber high five!*
Links to Emily’s books:
- https://www.amazon.com/Learn-Live-Life-You-Love/dp/1979308403/
- https://emzonaboutlearnlifelovin.wordpress.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/lovelivinglifelearning
- https://www.elephantjournal.com/now/life-is-so-worth-loving/?fbclid=IwAR1OKGReZ4PPEnVwxzv6xmZFGisCCIljYwbRm-IKFl4NV50uGiTfU4DES6o
Respectfully submitted by Emily
If you’d like to share your Stories of Hope…we would be honored. You can submit to Hope@UnitedPatientsGroup.com