Join John Malanca as he sits down with the legendary ‘Mother of Probiotics’ Natasha Trenev owner and founder of Natren Probiotics and Protren Probiotics, both globally recognized probiotic companies that has been helping patients for the past 5 decades. Gut health is so important…some even coin it the 2nd brain! You can find Natasha’s companies at: and
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Learn more about Natren and Protren Probiotics here
Uncover the Benefits of Probiotics with the “Mother Of Probiotics”!
John Malanca 0:00
Hey everybody John Malanca here with United Patients Group be informed and be well and I have a special guest today she is considered the mother of probiotics. Welcome Natasha Trenev.
Natasha Trenev 0:14
I’m very good and so happy to inform your listeners have the most important aspect of their health.
John Malanca 0:22
Probiotics and so let me just get into a little so for audience members, that Tasha is not only a her company’s not something not only someone, a company that I’ve used for years, but she and her husband yard and have become dear friends as well. And so you know, people ask me what do I do on a regular basis when it comes to my health and wellness, besides using cannabinoids exercise, diet, sleep, but also what I also put in my body as well as on top on my body as well. So I do use probiotics. And I have shared quite a few blogs on our site. And so I just want to share that with you but Natasha turneffe. She’s considered the mother of probiotics. She’s a probiotic pioneer, she says significantly contribute to the evolution of the probiotics history. Prior to her work in the field, consumers had a very limited knowledge of the supplement and its many benefits. Natasha extensive experience and knowledge of the industry began with her family’s 750 year history producing the most beneficial yogurt prized by the Royal Family of Yugoslavia. She’s located down in Southern California after graduating UCLA 9070 a decade of research led and Natasha’s development of the first revolutionary methods of producing an effective and scientifically validated single straight probiotic bacteria product repart helped to establish the entire category in the world. And so, on that great intro, Natasha, thanks for being on. And let’s talk about probiotics. You know, I know it’s starting to come up quite a bit of what are probiotics, what do they do. And I’ve shared over the years that the gut is There’s a great documentary, but the gut is the second brain we have the brain brain and the gut, the second brain and when that is off, everything else is off. And so let’s let’s just jump on here, you know, what are probiotics?
Natasha Trenev 2:17
Well, probiotics was a term that was brought to me to the health food industry worldwide, in 1981. And it read literally means for life, presented by biotics mean against life. And it’s the selection by a knowledgeable person of beneficial bacteria that have been with us for centuries, and have contributed to our health, well being not only mental, but physical, but also to the beauty of our skin. So it is a very complex issue. And you should know who you’re buying your probiotics from, because there are live bacteria and live bacteria are smarter than we are. And they only perform when they’re enticed to perform. And they are essential to our good health. And I just want to say right now that the reason we are having a problem with chronic disease in this country, about 80% of our healthcare dollars of which is 4.3 trillion is spent on chronic health care. So we know we have a huge problem with the bacteria, about 100 trillion of them that live in the 27 feet of our GI tract
John Malanca 3:41
you know and you say the $4.3 trillion spending on health care and it’s about 80% of health issues I think you and I you shared before in the US are have to deal with chronic disease. And so you’re starting to hear you know, I do a lot in the functional integrative functional medicine world as well. And I was at a conference this past year. And I was surprised to hear not surprised I didn’t say but I about five or six of the doctors in their presentations about different ailments cancer being one they all had a section about probiotics and what how it can benefit. Health and how things are stemmed from you and I even having conversations about careers passing about pancreatic cancer. You shared a lot of the studies showing the benefits of in the need for probiotics when fighting certain ailments. Most certainly something as severe as is cancer but also pancreatic cancer. And so why is this? Why is this being ignored? I know but can you share why this isn’t out every day, talked about by your doctors, etc.
Natasha Trenev 4:50
So first of all, you know we are we are a healthcare system based on urgent care. In other words, the medicines and the treatments. We have For people who need urgent care, and if you do need urgent care, and God forbid, you’re in an automobile accident, then Western medicine is your best choice. The problem with Western medicine, it tries to cure symptoms and do something quickly. Whereas we are a organism, the body is an organism, that we have actually more bacterial cells in our body. Some estimate even 10 times more microbes that compose our body than we have human selves. And each year, the whole body cellular structure is replaced. And that body cellular structure needs to be formed in a healthy fashion. Without without the right beneficial, optimal balance of these bacteria in our gut, is the start of all disease in the body, no matter what name we give it. And that’s basically it. The other problem is that the dietary supplement industry is very loosely regulated, and probiotics, even more so because probiotics require rocket science, for the manufacture of preservation and activity. So you have all these people, putting pretty boxes telling you things that don’t make any sense scientifically, in order to sell your product. But the situation in our culture is very serious. With 80% of chronic disease and exploding. We have cancer in all age groups, including young people increasing by more than 20%. We have autoimmune disease that’s exploding. Autism is growing rapidly. And the numbers are not reducing by 2031 in two children who have autism, you know, what else can I tell you that cancer is rapidly increasing? And yet, we don’t look at the microbiome, or the bacteria in our gut is the first solution. And how did we get ourselves into this place? Well, we got into this place by a line more than 200 chemicals in our food, supply, pollution, or water pollution of our air and pollution of our mind, with very negative thoughts and our very negative perception of reality. So we can no longer rely on just friendly fermented foods to take care of our problem, we need to have precision probiotics, they have to be taken into careful consideration. So we can give the body the tools to start healing itself. And not to end up taking more drugs to try to control symptoms, which will ultimately lead to cancer.
John Malanca 7:45
You know, you mentioned about the different chronic diseases and how they are not only affecting elderly, but But nowadays, even newborn and so it is scary. What’s in our food right now. In the news, you’re seeing a lot of food products that are being starting to be banned here in the United States, but have been banned all over the EU, as well as the many, many countries in Europe, but we still have them here. And they’re they’re proven they can cause cancer. Why is that we’re seeing that in the food that we that we put into our bodies as well as skincare. There’s a lot of I think there’s about 1600. And I could be totally wrong in that product set are banned here in the United States to put in skincare skew the other way around banned in Europe and Asia, but they’re allowed in our skincare here. You know, hopefully, it would be the FDA that looks over that.
Natasha Trenev 8:41
Yeah, the FDA really is the one who’s letting the ball drop here. And actually what we need to do as citizens is you know, start demanding that these chemicals be taken out and stop killing farm animals, though, because we’re afraid of co2, which is a completely different topic. But, you know, let’s talk about something that people can understand. I’m sure everybody’s heard about the lawsuit against Monsanto, and their weed killer called glyphosate. So the I believe the commercial name was Roundup. And there’s now another slew of lawsuits against Monsanto and Bayer because bear bought Monsanto and what what people are failing to understand that what caused the cancer with the roundup is the destruction of the microbiome. It wasn’t a direct effect in our cellular structure. But we now know from that case, and Roundup, when you disturb the microbiome and kill it off to such a fashion, your immune system is basically gone, because those bacteria, you know, are very important to communicate with the immune cells that our intestinal wall and about 80% of our immune system isn’t that into has been a while. So if we don’t take the right beneficial bacteria, we don’t know how to support their immune system. We’ll listen to the fast talkers, and the people who are promised you all these things, but they really don’t know anything about probiotics, microbiology, or how to help you. Yeah. And yet, we have very serious problems with these pesticides, like glyphosate that are in our food supply, they’re having a destructive effect on our microbiome. And that’s causing the explosion of chronic disease, especially cancers, and especially cancers of the colon, which now we know there is a causal effect. And that’s different microbes in the wrong position in our intestinal tract, that are stimuli in your body to make cheek proteins. And those teeth proteins made to recycle all of our body are causing these cancerous growths.
John Malanca 10:56
So with these cancerous growths and with probiotics, and getting your butt up here, but your gut bacteria into balance, what age would you recommend taking probiotics? You know, we’re in the health and wellness world. And a lot of times patients will say, you know, I’m going to try this. And if this doesn’t work, then I’m going to, then I’ll try that option. And so, you know, why not be ahead of the game kind of off of the path and start bringing your body back to balance before something awful is any element in chronic disease detection? So So what age would you recommend a patient,
Natasha Trenev 11:36
you start you started birth or even while you’re in the womb of your mother? Yeah. Because, you know, I could bore you with statistics, but women in westernized cultures are not able any longer to pass on these beneficial bacteria to their child while it’s in the womb and going through the birth canal. And so as a result, the children are born with a handicap, their immune system cannot tolerate food going across the intestinal wall. So we have an explosion of food intolerance, we have a an explosion of allergies, we just have sick children that are not thriving and learning. And so I tell mothers, we have a product called lifestart. It’s made in three different formulations. And that product should be taken by the pregnant woman for the child, and our special healthy trinity or trend of treating the professional at during the pregnancy. And right after birth, the child can then be given this lifestyle product along with breast milk, it’s very easy to do with the mother can just put it on the nipple, and the child can suckle it off. But we know that in Western societies that children lack this beneficial bacteria, only 7% of the women in North America have this bacteria to pass on to their child, which is the most essential bacteria for their health for the rest of their life.
John Malanca 13:02
Incredible, you know, at the beginning of this podcast, my apology, Natasha and I was going to do it towards the end. But Natasha and her husband Yarden are the owners of nature and nature and you will find it in pretty much every health store here in America, including whole foods in the refrigerator section. This is for the general public. And it’s the nature and product line. And then the would you call it considered medical professional line? Yes, yeah. And so the other one is the is pro trend. Pro trend you can ask. Approaching, I guess you asked your doctor by name, if they know anything about
Unknown Speaker 13:51
the program, they can contact us and we can direct them to
John Malanca 13:54
contact you directly and you can find them on nature as well as Pro as well. And so I throw that on there. You know there’s so many like all the different vitamins and supplements that are out there and I take a lot and have been taking them what I want to say 30 years what’s a good time to to take I’ll say probiotics when’s a good time because I you hear the things you know when to when you should take your supplements in the morning before food after food or at nighttime while you’re sleeping. And so I kid you
Natasha Trenev 14:30
but I can’t talk about other probiotics because I’ve virtually 99% of them were not designed to survive stomach acid. Without that survival. It really doesn’t matter because a vast majority of them will get killed trying to pass the acid in the stomach. So make it easier for people I tell them to take it. Take the trend of TRIO or the healthy Trinity. Upon arising or taking just before breakfast. You can take our Potter’s just Before breakfast to make it easier, you can take it three times a day, if you’re somewhat seriously compromised, or you can take it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, there’s not really a one way to take our products, there’s a best way to take our products.
John Malanca 15:15
Gotcha. And so can you share, because until meeting you, I really didn’t understand what the rankings are. million billion and trillion rankings that you’ll see on all probiotic. bottles and
Natasha Trenev 15:32
boxes, right. So first of all, I was honored to be asked twice by the entire healthcare industry to set a probiotic labeling standard, because unfortunately, you know, efficacy is not regulated, either by the health food industry or by the FDA, they just don’t prevent you from making any claims. Regardless of how much research you do. The problem is that the billion designation was set up by me to show that you need at least 2 billion per gram of these active healthy cells in order to have an impact on your body. And then I said, every bacteria that you list on your label has to be guaranteed separately. Because if you just list the bacteria name and give a total potency count, it’s very deceptive because it doesn’t mean anything. So all of these people who are giving you a total 50 billion 100 billion, it’s meaningless, because number one, you don’t know if you have really good bacteria at a large count in that mix. And number two, and most importantly, will that survive stomach acid, which is you know, it’s very acidic. And actually, stomach acid was designed to digest proteins and kill bacteria. So you know, you don’t have to be well educated as a consumer, if I’m telling you the most important supplement to take for the 21st century, and you’re buying things that were going to be killed by your stomach acid, you’re not doing your body any favors, you’re not saving any money. And you’re completely missing the need for these beneficial bacteria to be reintroduced to the body, which we have lost in significant numbers. Because what we’ve done environmentally to the air to the water, and our food.
John Malanca 17:25
It’s scary when you really get down to it, especially being in the health and wellness world that you and I both have been in for quite some time. I don’t want to say that we’re privy to more information. But you know, we do hear a lot because that’s our daily conversation, the topic that comes up because I share a lot with my audience about things that I do for my health and wellness. Going to be 56 this year, and I pretty feel pretty good still. But how do you know this is a question? It’s like, John, how do I know if my probiotics work? And how do I know if it’s working? And and why should I? Why should I take it? And so can you? I know I threw two questions in there. But how can you share with with with our followers, or any of your consumers? You spoke about consumers? Yeah, right.
Natasha Trenev 18:13
Yeah, most consumers I know either have constipation or diarrhea. And if they don’t have constipation or diarrhea, they really don’t have a high energy level. In other words, their food is not being converted into energy. You know, you can feed your body or fuel your body. And if you have the right probiotic, it’s going to help your body fuel itself because you should have energy after you eat and not feel tired.
John Malanca 18:42
So I may have missed here, I know what you meant. But just just to clarify, you said if you do have if you don’t have don’t have diarrhea,
Natasha Trenev 18:53
and you don’t have constipation, but you’re not you can still not be converting the food into energy. Okay, just be heating your body, which means you’re just adding you know, layers of cells to your body, or you’re using that food as fuel. And if you plan to gain weight easily, you are not able to fuel your body because your food is not converted into energy.
John Malanca 19:21
And so we’re how to probiotics get in there. I mean, if I didn’t work out, I can gain weight. And so I do it for my own therapy is but also to to stay in shape. And so I can tell when my body is off, and so back again, how do I know my probiotic is working?
Natasha Trenev 19:39
If your probiotic is working because you feel energetic? When you get up in the morning, Your mood is better, because now you’re getting those feel good chemicals that the bacteria make in your gut, like serotonin and dopamine and they are the precursors to GABA and tryptophan. So all those good chemicals that your brain He needs to function properly are made in the gut, and seeing how depression is a field that’s exploding another problem, I know that it’s a gut issue first. Because if you’re not getting this filled with chemicals, there’s no way that you can feel happy, and you have your mood swings, unless you’re very advanced, you know, meditator, and your perception of reality is controlled by your thinking, not too many people are up there. So most of us depend heavily on these bacteria to be able to produce these feel good chemicals. So we feel good. When we wake up in the morning,
John Malanca 20:40
instead of just jumping up and get a cup of coffee, getting getting that energy somewhere else. You know, we talked about good and bad bacteria in the gut. And can you talk about why one would need a probiotic bacteria in the gut? I know, you’ve talked about, you know, sleep and health and wellness, but also depression. And it’s, you know, after spending a lot of time with you both in really understanding the importance of, of probiotics, you know, like I mentioned, you know, I’ve been on your products for years before I’ve even met the two of you. And there’s a total that’s a whole other story, but
Unknown Speaker 21:19
using our brand, which is even nicer.
John Malanca 21:21
Yeah, exactly. And so, you know, running into you like, Oh, my God, I know exactly who you are. You guys are. But the the importance, you know, with all the patients that I work with that come to us here, United Patients group, John help, I’m dealing with sleep issues, depression issues, chronic chronic ailments, fibromyalgia, autism. The list goes on lupus, lupus, and I think the thing that I do, you know, I say, Yes, you know, cannabis, and cannabinoids, in my opinion, are, it’s a wonderful plant medicine, but it’s also a band aid for a lot of things. And I’m a fan, which my followers will always have heard me say for years, giving any, any of this type of thing, a one, two punch, even 123, even five punch and adding different things. And with all my conversations, I always talk about guts, and you can rewind all my tapes and all the videos I’ve done talking about the second brain, the brain, brain and the gut, the second brain or vice versa, however you want to look at that. And so talking about why does one need probiotic bacteria in the gut, and how everything is stem from there. And you just mentioned about mental health, which is happening right here. Not only taking his wave through America, but but globally. That’s one thing that I say, research look into into the benefits of probiotic bacteria in the gut and how that can benefit, whatever you’re going through as as part of that one two punch. Can you talk about that?
Natasha Trenev 23:00
Yeah, if the most important thing is to keep those beneficial colonies up, if we have 100 trillion bacteria, lining the 27 feet of our intestinal tract. And every 10 minutes, you lose 10. I mean, every minute you lose 10 million cells, your body has to produce 10 million new cells every minute, because your 50 trillion cells are replaced every year. So the probiotics play an indispensable function in making sure that your body is producing healthy proteins and not cheap proteins to make the new cellular structure. Okay, that’s also part of aging. It’s not just mental health, it’s also part of aging, and your skin really reflects what’s going inside your body. The skin is like a mirror of what’s going on inside your body. And unfortunately, since 40%, of our dry weight fecal is a matter is bacteria, those bacteria are need to be recycled on a daily basis. And in the cultures that I have studied. It used to be fortified by having natural fermented foods, such as real yogurt, real kefir, some kind of a fermented food that’s part of the cultural intake to replenish that beneficial bacteria. However, what’s happened in the last 50 years, those foods which we call functional foods, with some bacteria in it, are no longer enough to replenish the amount of good bacteria that we’ve destroyed by the chemicals, our thought process, and the food that we consume, and the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. So we’ve brought our body down to its knees. In other words, we’ve done so much harm that a food alone cannot replace it. So I say it’s the diet. It’s the exercise To moderate exercise, I should say, and the right precision probiotic supplementation, because if you don’t use the right supplementation, you will never experience the miracle of what a true probiotic can do for your health. And not just you know, for longevity reasons, for energy levels for beautiful skin for good thinking, it is an essential part of our body in our composition that needs to be renewed, just like you need to eat every day, to help your body form this new cellular structure, the bacteria have to be renewed every day, because you as an individual are no longer an optimal area that it wants to live. And bacteria don’t waste your their energy going someplace that doesn’t benefit them. And unfortunately, what we have done is we have made ourselves not the most exciting place for them to want to live anymore. And this is gone over a 50 year cycle. That’s what you’re seeing an explosion of diseases, because we’ve lost our first line of defense.
John Malanca 26:10
So let’s talk about explanation to diseases. I was gonna keep that question towards the latter part of this of this podcast here. You know, I know you work with a lot of mental health patients, but you work with, you’re working with a lot and have worked with a lot with a lot of autistic families and patients. And so can you talk about how and why a probiotic or even approach a nutrient, nitrogen are beneficial for that what
Natasha Trenev 26:42
you’re doing? Yeah, first of all, with autism, it is a complete breakdown of the communication of the first brain to the second brain. And the neurons in your head are completely in a rock formation for you to function properly. There’s many theories of why we and I don’t have time to go into what the theories are about what causes autism, but we know that it’s increasing, and it’s not getting better. So we find that unless you take you take care of the gut, you really can’t take care of the neurofeedback that’s necessary for that autistic child. Because if the God is not functioning properly, those messages that keeps being sent up the vagus nerve up to our first brain are still skewed, and the inflammation is causing the malfunction and not allowing the body to heal itself. So you have to have a program I have a 12 week program that took me over two years to come up with and that to your program has to be administered to the child, it has to be put on a low carbohydrate diet. You know, you may have to go into other Neurofeedback therapies. But it is a combination of the right therapies. The problem we have now is as people are using this therapy or that therapy, and not the right combination of therapies to treat the body as a whole. We are again trying to treat symptoms and not understanding that the body as a whole has to be healed in a very complex disease that we just labeled autism.
John Malanca 28:21
So you Yeah, so what is so give me an example of an outcome of a patient who’s autistic and does it does the the probe we program?
Natasha Trenev 28:36
Well with the Toby program, some people some younger children have full recovery, other children start functioning much better and are much more able to take on additional therapy like trance, magnetic stimulation, or neurofeedback, or, you know, learning to speak, because until the gut is fixed, all those other processes will take way too long. And that will not give a full recovery to the patient. Because remember, the dynamics going on in your GI tract affect every second of your life. And if that’s upset, everything else in your body will not function appropriately. And what is inflammation. Inflammation is caused by the immune system trying to destroy defective cells in the body that it feels are threatening the rest of the body or health. So if the bacteria are misdirecting the immune system to attack the body rather than to the pathogen or the invader. It’s a continuous inflammation because the immune system is being misdirected. It’s destroying the cellular structure and not understanding that you cannot continuously keep destroying the cellular structure because now you’re starting that slide down which destroys the body ultimately. So make sense.
John Malanca 29:59
It does doesn’t make sense. And so again, for our listeners, because I do, I do work with a lot of autistic families and patients, just so you can clarify again, what the positive outcome is or what you’re looking at when you say, I, you know, I don’t want to say it’s, it’s a cure, I don’t use the word cure. But at the same time, helping these families, which I’m sure are
Natasha Trenev 30:21
what I’m saying, it’s the first tool you need to use the body heal itself, the body is a magnificent machine, it has the ability to heal itself. Without fixing that tool, which is the digestive tract and affects every function in the body. Whatever therapy you’re using, is not going to work to heal the child, unless the child has some kind of a miraculous recovery. And I always pray for that. But what I see being done is the inappropriate use of probiotics, where you’re just targeting symptoms, and you’re throwing in you’re making promises you can’t really keep, we think of the intestinal tract is a very complex ecosystem, that needs to be changed slowly, so that it doesn’t have what we call a, a healing crisis. Because when the body recognizes that there’s too many toxins being produced inside by bad bacteria, it tries to flush it out immediately. And since there’s not enough exit points, the person will feel miserable until those toxins are cleared out of the body. So we know that children who are autistic are extremely toxic in their intestinal tract. So that process of elimination as the beans and slowly with the right precision probiotic, it has to be done over a long course, so that the ecosystem has a chance to reestablish itself and optimally serve the end user, which is you the individual.
John Malanca 31:53
Gotcha. I mean, I know this, this topic comes up quite a bit with with families like that, and our conversations that you and I have had about the gut, and how exit points are not too many. But also, let’s go into cancer, pancreatic cancer, for example, you know, you know, when crinan was diagnosed, we did everything. And we did do probiotics, we did do enzymes, we did coffee enemas. I mean, when you get a diagnosis of sugars, cancer, you will try anything and everything
Natasha Trenev 32:30
in there not bad therapies, but they’re not conclusive. You see, nothing is the one thing the FDA does not want to regulate his natural remedies because it hurts to sell pharmaceuticals. Yes. And I have to say this, because I’ve been in this field 54 years. So it’s not a matter of using just any probiotic. I’ve worked in this field for 54 years, I’ve dealt with some of the best minds in the world. And one of the former heads of the World Health Organization, Dr. Constantini, stated emphatically that cancers are caused by bundle overgrowth in the production of mycotoxins in the body. And he particularly talked about pancreatic cancer as being the problem with fungal overgrowth. Because, you know, the pancreas serves us with many functions, and one of them is making regulating the sugar levels in our bloodstream. And you know, what the rest of our body utilizes. So what is the objective of any organism that wants more sugar, it stimulates you to eat more sugar, but that more sugar allows something distracted to grow. And as a consequence, the you know, what I call cheap protein cells will be produced. And that’s what causes the cancer. That’s how these organism causes the cancer as they take that energy necessary for you to produce healthy proteins to replace your cellular structure. And when that’s not being done, that’s how cancers are formed.
John Malanca 34:02
You know, there’s so many different types of, I guess, supplements and different types of organisms out there as well as probiotic companies. You’ve slightly touched up on it, but what makes pro trend and Nathan different, better than the other brands? And I’m not saying the RS is better than but but why that? And then also, you know, I’ve heard some of the organisms can be harmful. How do I know that pro trans bacteria are shaped games? You can share that? Yeah,
Natasha Trenev 34:33
well, okay. First of all, I’m a veteran of 54 years, my probiotic labeling standard was not only voted on by 5000 members of the healthcare industry and accepted and then in 1995, it was read into congressional record. So yes, there is a standard and unfortunately, because our methods are difficult and expensive, most people don’t want to do that because that’s not an easy way to make money. I am still the only one in the world, that’s using two unique methods to make the probiotics that I researched personally, for well over 40 years to make sure that whatever bacteria I chose has been in the literature for well over 100 years, it doesn’t, you know, oppose the other bacteria that I use, or try to inhibit them, so that the bacteria use are completely compatible. And I chose bacteria that actually love to live in certain places of your intestinal tract, and cooperate with your immune system in your body. That’s a lot of work to do to figure all of that out. And that’s what most people don’t want to do. Because it’s not an easy trail to make money.
John Malanca 35:45
Yeah, I know that and I’ve been to your your not only your offices, but also your with what would you call it not where action. I mean, it is a pharmaceutical grade production facility, with multi multi multimillion dollar pieces of machinery in there, the cleanliness, the top of the line, every show, correct me if I’m wrong, but every label, I mean, just like in the in the cannabis industry, every bottle has to be accounted for is that correct? As well,
Natasha Trenev 36:16
we cannot destroy any label, we operate under international drug cGMPs. And every label has to be accounted for documented, if it’s lost, every piece of rum material that comes into our plant is quarantine. And we sent a sample out to an independent lab to make sure that whatever raw material we were sent is actually what’s in that can or in that, you know, bag that was sent to us. And we don’t buy any of our raw materials, except from the US, Europe, Canada, period, we don’t buy anything from Asia, because we know we’ve had problems. So that’s what makes the product a little bit more expensive, as those places we get our raw materials from have a higher standard of producing them. And we put a higher standard of product in our in our finished product. But the cost of quarantining every bag of material that comes in, we have to have a separate room, we have to have a full laboratory staff, we have to take samples from that we can’t use it for at least seven days, because that’s how long it takes for the outside lab to verify what’s in that raw material bag. Without that kind of dedication, you’re gonna get contaminated product, you’re gonna get bacteria that possibly could turn against you. And that’s where I’m opposed to the use of soil organisms. And I’ll tell you why very simply, there’s only three things that can turn on and off your genes. Your genes do not turn themselves on and off by themselves. The number one thing is your perception of reality, how you read reality can turn on and off your genes, you’re a negative person that’s always complaining about something, that negativity will turn on and off the wrong genes, okay, will not help you. Second thing is the bacteria in your gut, the bacteria in your gut have the ability to switch on and off your genes. So by all means, you cannot willy nilly just buy a product off the shelf with all these bacteria names, which most consumers, quite frankly, don’t even know what they’re buying, and just put it into your body, it’s not really a good smart thing to do. And the third thing that can turn on and off into your genes is the poisons or the toxins, these unwanted bacteria may produce, they can turn on and off your genes. It’s the toxin that was found in that roundup weed killer that was starting to kill the beneficial bacteria that cause the microbiome to become defective and cause the cancers to be formed.
John Malanca 39:06
You know, being in this being in this in this sector of the health and wellness world, you know, this is our daily discussions with with patients consumers, and I’m certainly with you as well. This one comes up even with my family members as well is why do I need a probiotic supplement? If I am already taking yogurt, kefir, kefir, fermented foods that you know in my diet and as well and so can you talk about?
Natasha Trenev 39:34
Absolutely. Why? Why? Yeah, I set the liquid yogurt standard in California in 1969. I was asked by the Department of Agriculture in New York State to fly out and help them set a curfew standard. First of all, no, no government agencies, state or federal is checking to see that you have the right bacteria in order to be able to call something a yogurt or to call Somebody’s acute fear, anybody can stop on that label and use any organisms they want. Whether or not it matches the finished product or not, is completely irrelevant, because nobody’s checking. That’s number one. Number two, any foods such as yogurt, and kefir is called the functional food. It provides more quality and positive things for your diet than an average food. But it does not contain the proper bacteria in any form, no matter what they tell you on the label that’s going to implant in your small and large intestine that help you the functional foods were used before, as a way to stimulate those bacteria that were already there to grow and thrive. But since we’ve lost those beneficial bacteria, by the abuse of antibiotics, by the toxins in our food, by the toxins in our environment, now we need smart bacteria that need to be reimplanted in order for those functional foods to have any effect on us.
John Malanca 41:05
You know, you talked about and I know we’re coming to the end here, because I want to stay on mackage down here for another two hours of you. You talk about anti antibiotics, which is happening with a lot of patients these days. And it’s one thing I was talking about if you’re going to take that even if you’re battling something, you know, quick illness where the doctor gives you antibiotics. You know, you should you should also protect yourself with probiotics.
Natasha Trenev 41:37
So, yeah, you need to every after every dose of an antibiotic two hours later, you need to take a probiotic. And why? Because you’re creating a void on the intestinal wall. And, you know, microbiology voids are not tolerated. Yeah. So rather than allowing that empty space to be filled by resistant bacteria, you need to take a probiotic as a placeholder to sort of control the the vast changes that are going to be taking place because of that antibiotic use.
John Malanca 42:08
Yeah. Can we talk? No, and I appreciate your time. But can we talk about the pain, I work with a lot of pain patients as well, that are dependent on an opioid to get through the day, I work with a lot of pain patient but also fibromyalgia patients. Can you talk about that? I know we’ve talked about this off offline, can you share how that could be beneficial for pain patients, as well as fibromyalgia patients,
Natasha Trenev 42:39
you know, pain is usually caused by inflammation. And inflammation is usually caused by the immune system trying to destroy something that’s defective in the body. And depending on where the pain is, or what part of what area of the cellular structure is being destroyed, is where the pain occurs. So again, it’s a holistic problem that needs to be approached in a holistic way. You have to change your diet, you have to get real precision probiotics into your diet, you have to start meditating, you have to change your lifestyle. And then, you know, while you’re getting through is continued to take the pain medication, but start trying to try type trade off. Because pain is a sign that there’s a dysfunction in the body. The body does talk to us, and we ignore it by giving it painkillers because what are we doing? We’re shutting off the message. But we’re not taking care of the problem. Yeah.
John Malanca 43:38
Yeah. You know, Natasha, and you’re done. You guys have had your company for 50 years. Like I said, I met I mentioned, I’ve been in your office, I’ve sat in your, in your boardroom I’ve been I’ve been in your warehouse, and everything. Not only do you work with patients to try to get their guts back in balance, I should say, you’re working with the autistic groups. You’re working with the pain groups, you’re working with the cancer groups, but you’re also working with the, the rehab groups.
Natasha Trenev 44:16
Yeah, the addiction groups, which is exploding in numbers as well.
John Malanca 44:20
Yeah. And so not to say, you know, take a probiotic, and you’ll be healed, and is the magic pill. But there’s a lot that goes on with having your gut balanced, the bacteria in your body balanced. And then of course, the brain, the first brain, second brain or vice versa.
Natasha Trenev 44:40
Remember, we have an addiction. It’s also your microbiome that’s addictive. And what we’re trying to do is provide a healthy environment for the body to have the ability to heal itself. You know, we’ve been sold the idea that the body cannot heal itself and absolutely can You just have to give it the tools and stop abusing the body. And the best way to stop abusing the body is if we’re more microbes, and we are human cells, we better make sure that that more microbes is more of the beneficial variety than the variety that can cause problems. Well,
John Malanca 45:20
Natasha, I thank you very much for your time. Do you have any closing words for my audience?
Natasha Trenev 45:27
Yes, I do. I, you know, firmly believe and that’s why I’m working after 54 years, is that the the concept of probiotics is not understood. People are bombarded with all kinds of pitches and sales, the time has come, it’s too serious of a problem right now. You cannot be just pitched products. And that’s what I’m not working. It’s not about selling your products. It’s not about trying to convince you of anything. I’m here to tell you what the facts are, which I’ve learned in 54 years of me being in this industry, you need to fix your gut, you need to do it with precision probiotics, it’s not a quick fix. For some people, it’s a longer fix. But you need to dedicate yourself whether you have pain with your brain issues, whatever it is you would have in your body. This is what you need to fix first, as your first roadmap on getting yourself healthy.
John Malanca 46:23
Amen. I laugh when you say 54 years of doing this, because I know your daughter and maybe your husband at times, like come on. pass the torch, Mom, you’ve done so much for this industry. And you know, but
Unknown Speaker 46:43
there’s really no one to pass the torch on to.
John Malanca 46:45
It’s a pet. But it’s a passion you believe is not only with you, and you’re having this company for 54 plus years, but you grew up with this. And this is something that has been passed on from generation to generation generation. And but I thank you for your doing I thank you for your products. You can find nature in online at nature, or it pretty much all of your health food stores here in America and some places overseas. I know you do a lot over in Europe. Dubai, I’m going to say that even the the Asians Chinese are Oh yeah,
Natasha Trenev 47:27
my biggest customers are in Hong Kong. And I love the Chinese customer. Because their their ethnic philosophy is to protect health, not to take stuff after they get sick. But to mid stay healthy, which is a philosophy I think all of us need to adopt,
John Malanca 47:45
you know, growing up in Asia, I’ve met people back over here. And they said, you don’t have the same mindset of the typical American. And I take that as a compliment as well as before things happened. Let’s let’s let’s Let’s prevent prevention. Prevention is really important. So nature, and you can find in, or your favorite health food store, and protrusion, which you can find online as well. But
Natasha Trenev 48:17
John’s recommendation because he did with our coaching team, and you can get a much more custom, you know, formulation, that doesn’t cost you more, but we do it as a service to all of our customers.
John Malanca 48:30
And there’s a lot and when you have a great team there that can answer a lot of your questions about which one is best as for what I’m going through as well. Not to make this as sale thing, as you mentioned earlier here, but Natasha has given our followers a 20% off. If you want to take take advantage that the up the code is UPG up G and you can do it on their website as well. But the Tasha, thank you for all that you do. Thank you for being part of my health. And I appreciate and don’t retire because I depend on these.
Natasha Trenev 49:06
And also every day, what I’m most proud of Don’t forget, you can call and talk to a live person that you know most of these people have been with me for 10 years or more. Some have been for me with 20 years. And they’re here because they share the same passion because they said nothing makes them feel better than when somebody said thank you, you really saved my life. I feel so much better.
John Malanca 49:29
And that that when you hear stuff like that, you know you’re on the right path. And what do you want to add your phone number on there and you want to just go to your
Natasha Trenev 49:38
so call our toll free number 866 The number four and then spell the name n a t r e n and there you can also push for professional which John is associated with the pro trendline or you can go to our Consumer Direct. Either one we’ll be happy to help you and we just want you back Are and you know, I know this is a difficult topic for you to understand. But you have to you all have the ability to know the truth when you hear it. So listen and see you know discern Don’t be sold by glitzy packaging fast, you know talking people. There’s too many of those in our industry and we have too serious of a problem to fool around with that.
John Malanca 50:25
Well, Natasha, turn of the mother of probiotics. I want to thank you for your time and it’s always great seeing you and talking with you as well. Everyone, this is John Milaca. With United patient group be informed in V will and we’ll see you soon. Have a great day everyone. Thank you