Going for your first time to a medical marijuana dispensary can be a bit overwhelming. Dispensaries will have a large variety of different types and strains of marijuana, as well as different kinds of medical marijuana products, such as edibles, tinctures, tonics, creams, etc. Dispensaries will also be able to show you all the different ways of using medical marijuana, i.e. smoking, vaporizing, edible & liquid consumption, etc.
Once you have your medical marijuana recommendation from a state certified health care provider, you can visit a marijuana dispensary. Dispensaries are safe and secure places to learn about and obtain high quality. When you arrive, security personnel at the door will ask that you show the original letter of recommendation from your doctor as well as some form of identification to establish identity and state residency, such as identification card, driver’s license, or passport. If you have a medical marijuana card, you can show that in lieu of the doctor’s recommendation, but you still need to bring a form of valid ID. Bringing cash as payment is preferred, although some dispensaries will take other forms of payment or have an ATM machine available.
The staff at marijuana dispensaries (often referred to as canna-baristas) are very knowledgeable and friendly. For first timers, you will be asked to fill out a membership registration form and be given an overview of the dispensary policies, hours, and guidelines. At this point, you will most likely be offered a menu that lists dispensary offerings and pricing. A staff member will help you get acquainted with the dispensary and answer any questions you may have about what is offered on the menu. Sharing your particular needs for medical marijuana will help them to make recommendations regarding strains, dosages, and products best suited to deliver the desired effect and relief you are seeking.
Some dispensaries allow on-site consumption, providing supplies such as marijuana vaporizers. If you should choose this option, be respectful of dispensary rules and others who might be waiting.
Currently, there are 35 states that have approved medical use of marijuana. Learn more here: Medical Marijuana Laws By State
I must say, the first time walking into a dispensary was a scary experience for me. I didn’t know what to expect and I assumed that everybody would know that I was a beginner. It was quite the opposite experience. I walk into complete hand holding and felt completely at ease. They walked me through what a dispensary is all about and what medicine would benefit my ailments.
Before entering, I automatically had an image what a dispensary was like and the people who worked there. Boy, was I surprised. I’m certain everybody has their own experience, but mine couldn’t have been more positive. I had never used marijuana before, but it has been my saving grace. I’m happy to live in a state that allows me access…safely.
Book-marked, I love your site! :)
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Amazing article. I found it truly helpful. Best.
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They forgot to write “Begin your life of relying on a drug that make you think it is treating pain when in fact you’re simply using it to get high like a recreational user.” In other words you medical patients are nothing but recreational users who get fancy little cards so you can feel special about being drug addicts. Oh and your little aches and pains that you think cannabis treats? After you’ve used it for awhile they’ll get worse so you’ll need more and more. For example I get migraines that have stroke like symptoms, if I started smoking pot to treat them, then before long my brain would learn I only smoke when I have a migraine so I would get them more frequently. Go ahead and tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about since I’ve never used cannabis. Funny how people addicted to pot who have never tried other drugs think they can comment on them bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Unfortunately there are people that will use the system. We at United Patients Group do not represent or help anyone other than the gravely ill and homebound. Our company began due to my father’s journey through stage 4 lung cancer and a brain tumor. He is 80 years old and is definitely NOT looking to get high, he mearly would like to live a little bit longer and not in pain. We are here for people looking for one last chance. I have added the link to my father’s journey below. I understand your frustration but this site is not about the recreation of cannabis nor the abuse of it. I hope this helps you to understand what we do and why we do it.
Not true at all. Ive been fighting for my life for 3 years. I went to pain Manegmanet for 2 in a half years and they washed there hands of me because I cant take anything strong and nothing was helping my agony and he told me ” I’m NOT giving you morphine ” .. why do most people think were just getting a card to get high? First of all let me say this. It’s hard to get a card and much more expensive the, and the wait is long .. if I could take a pill that worked I would.. You seem like maybe You wanted a card and mayhaps have been denied. why else would you be so upset. I wish you luck in your life.. and possibly an attitude change . bring peace not hate. Love this site.. so glad I found it. was hoping you had a facebook page ?
We do have a FB page as well as twitter. All of the social media links are listed on the home page of http://www.UnitedPatientsGroup.com. We are so happy you like our site.
Wishin you our best,
We are so happy you
You have NO idea what you are talking about Sarah.
Maybe your a stock holder of the pharmaceutical companies or you are just that ignorant. Either way you real do not know what you are talking about.
You want to talk about real addictions I will gladly enlighten you on the topic. But marijuana is so far from anything even close to be actually labeled addiction.
The most dangerous and addictive drugs in our country are Alcohol (legal, highly addictive and deadly), opiates (legal, highly addictive, and deadly), barbituates (legal, highly addictive, and deadly) and so many more pharmaceuticals that are highly addictive, regularly prescribed, deadly and have extremely awful side effects that ravage your body.
And then there is marijuana completely natural, hardly any side effects worth noting other than hungry, am having a calming effect. It is 100 % biodegradable and recyclable, and get this it is ACUTALLY better for our planet as it is the fastest growing plant and natural resource out there it actually clean the very air you breath simply by planting it.
Marijuana is so far addictive, and an actual drug addiction. Simply relating the two just show how much you do not know about it. I challenge you to actually read up on it, and learn about it. Learn about the miracles it provides for people before you jump on the whole marijuana is evil bandwagon. Have an open mind to it before you run around judging anyone especially when you have NO IDEA about the subject your arguing and judging people on.
The biggest mistake of our Countries life time was calling marijuana a drug in the first place. Putting billions of dollars into the Cartel’s hands and starting what we know of today as the Drug Trade. When our police and resources should be focused on the hard drugs that completely ruin lives and kill thousands of our young adults each year HEROIN, CRACK/COCAINE, METH, AND YES PHARMACEUTICAL NARCOTICS ex: OxyContin, Fentanyl, Clonapine, and so many more.
Sorry for my passionate rant but this is the truth that needs to be known and addressed.
Sarah, obviously you have been duped into believing much of the same old worn out arguments against using marijuana for beneficial purposes that the old generation used and is using. How sad for you that you cannot do some reading and research on your own. I have worked with both physical and mental health patients and have seen the awesome effects of this plant on a wide variety of ailments.
Dear Sarah, I have Lupus, bipolar and two cysts on my brain that cause me to have seizures. I have taken almost every prescription medication you could think of and trust me when I say more than half of them did NOT work and sometimes they even made my symptoms worse. And I have taken these meds for eleven years so I know what I’m talking about. I first started smoking weed in high school when the symptoms for my illness’ were at there worst and it worked for me. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying this type of thing is for everyone, but what I am saying is that you shouldn’t judge medical marihuana and the people who use it because of the stigma the plant has had since the 30s. Majority of the time patients get non smokable products. I also believe that regulated medical marihuana isn’t as bad as the media makes it seem, because its not like you’ll walk into a dispensary and see people getting high behind the counter like some ridiculous cheech and chong movie. No, when you walk in there it’s like any other store. Also please educate yourself before you post such a hateful comment on a website meant for medical marijuana patients.
Sarah, I am sorry to hear you feel that way. If you only have migraines you should step into bodies like mine. Trigeminal Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia, chronic kidney disease, Candida and no I do not have HIV, bursitis in hips that will not go away, low immune disorder due to Menegitis, arthritis throughout the whole body, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, neurological damage from getting Bacterial Spinal Menegitis at 17. These are a few of the medical problems I have. Cannibis works better on my pain then any medications I take.
Marijuana can worsen migrains if you dont drink enough water; in otherwords, if you smoke irrisponsibly. You can also take it in the form of a pill, if you want to spare your big ego and make it seem like you’re taking an asprin or any other potentially addictive medicine. Its silly that youre using this argument for medicinal marijuana when studies show in several states there is an icrease of addiction to heorin because of over the counter and perscripted medicine! But yes, what junkies and drug addicts. Using the safest drug out there. For shame!
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia two years ago but have been suffering from it for my whole life. If you do not know what fibromyalgia is, it’s a chronic pain disorder that cannot be cured.
Everyday I am depressed, hating myself because I can’t get out of bed. I feel weak because I am in so much pain all the time. I suffer from muscle spasms, uncontrollable pain, depression, fatigue, insomnia and so many other symptoms. I have tried tens of different pills, none of them work; if one symptom is somewhat helped, another is worsened.
Unfortunately, there are people who will use medical marijuana in the opposite way they should but, for people like me, it’s their only way to a happy life.
lol grow up
@Sarah – Uneducated people lacking compassion are the reason that marijuana was criminalized in the first place.
Medical marijuana is a Godsend, not a “recreation.” Consistently sleeping through the night for the first time in more than a decade, being able to hold a granddaughter for the first time, being able to wipe your own ass – you may take these things for granted, but I don’t, and I owe it to medical marijuana.
Why are you on a site like this, anyway? Just to harass those of us who have chronic, otherwise un-treatable, often fatal ailments? Don’t you think we’re dealing with enough without being harangued by a society that has already dismissed us?
I am asking this question for my Dad. He has cancer and has already received a paper from his doctor. He is saying that he needs a different form to take with him when he goes to the dispensary. I have no idea what form to print out for him. Can someone please help me?
I suffer from Neurasthenic pain also have a pinched nerve in my neck, is it possible to receive a medical cannabis card in Kentucky?
Kentucky is not yet a legal state.
I’m had a lot of knee surgeries and 2 back and arthritis in knees, back and elbows and hand, I get migrained, I was opened IP across my belly to fixre an intestinal issue every time I move my bowls the adhesion have my screen. I need to see a medical doctor hoping to try marijuana see if it helps, do we use insurance to purchase the medicine.
I have attached the link to our locator for your convenience:
I get depressed during work and anxiety before my shift knowing that it’s coming. At night i cant sleep knowing the faster i go to sleep the sooner I’ll have to do it again the next day. Quitting is not an option. I need the money. I woukd just like to know if their are any useful marijuana strains for these symptoms that won’t affect me the way pharmaceuticals might and if it would be enough for me to receive a recommendation for marijuana.
Cannabis in the, correct formulation, has been utilized successfully for depression and anxiety. With that said, your ability to get legal authorization will depend on whether it is legal in your area and what conditions are approved.
What would you recommend for pain and anxiety at an easy desk job…
Hello Lori,
We are not physicians here at United Patients Group but you are welcome to schedule an appointment with one of our nurses to get guidance. Please keep in mind, much depends on where you live, is it legal, what are the “work” regualtions on cannabis treatment, other medications and treatments etc…
I hope this helps,
Mary Ann
i have pain from disc bulge l3 l4 the l5 s1 disc impresses can i get apporved in mass
Here is the link to our laws by state page. SCroll down to your state to read the details.
Thank you!
My friend is thinking of visiting a medical marijuana clinic for the first time, and she told me that she wants to know what to expect there. It’s good that you mentioned having her original letter of medical marijuana recommendation with her, as well as some form of identification to establish her identity and state residency. I’ll be sure to tell her to bring these documents as these will be asked of her. Thanks for this!
Hi Sariah,
Thank you for letting us know.
Glad we could help out.
Sarah, you really have got to be kidding. Are you really under the impression that because you get migraines and choose to accept that rather than trying to do something about it that everyone else should do the same? Sorry, but I don’t have that luxury. I have to be able to function, which in my line of work requires being able to stand up and actually move around. The older I get, the more difficult that becomes. Being in a social setting where your livelihood depends on how you are perceived can be pretty tough if you’re trying to smile and be positive when it feels like someone is sticking a knife in your spine. It’s also tough when just walking from one room to another takes more effort than you can muster up.
You just passed an incredible amount of harsh judgement on a huge number of people you know nothing about.
Maybe you should think before you post next time or at the very least, try educating yourself.
LaDawn, laws vary from state to state. I think your Dad is talking about his actual card. In the state I live in, approval from a physician is only the first step. You then have to submit quite a few forms with a recent pic and a check or money order to the state. After that, you have to wait for an email with a temporary card. That can take weeks. Once you receive that email, then and only then can you visit a dispensary. Eventually you will receive an actual card via snail mail and that can take months. Thankfully, you are able to use the temporary one in the meantime. Hope this helps and hope your state is faster than mine. Good luck to you and your father.