A 1,000 thanks to United Patients Group for giving me the key to defeating my Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma residing in the 3 lobes of my right lung, my right liver, and the largest lesion above my heart near the aorta.
I have been fighting this new challenge since 2013, when 6 lesions were found in my right lung and claimed inoperable. Doctors predicted I would be dead by that December. You cannot always believe what you are told. You must believe in yourself and in your choices, and always seek out alternative treatments. I realized that our God had a plan for me, and only He would determine if I would live or if I would die!
I changed to a different oncologist and facility of treatment seeking a specialist in melanomas. I was looking for a mini miracle and thought I had found one. But each treatment, Mekinist and Tafinlar, and then Yervoy, Immune Therapy worked for a short time, but the cancer continued to return and the side effects of these drugs began to take their toll on my body and spirit. By January of 2014, I thought I would lose this battle.
Then my cousin in California connected me with United Patients Group and my journey began to change!
I started medicinal cannabis oil (aka FECO Oil – Full Extract Cannabis Oil) in February of 2014. I took it 4 times a day in micro doses. The next 14 months there were NO NEW lesions, and the lesions I had were shrinking substantially…A prayer had been answered…
6.6 x 4.8 cm to 2.2 x 1.5 cm in my liver
7.8 x 6.9 cm to 1.2 x .3 cm in my lung
There was hope and I became a believer!
But as we all know cancer is unpredictable, and in July of 2015 a new lesion appeared at my bra line on the right side. I wanted it surgically removed but my oncologist did not agree. We tried a second Immune Therapy, Keytruda, with Mekinist and Tafinlar. The side effects took away my quality of life, and after passing out cold for the third time, I decided NO more pharmaceutical drugs. My oncologist was not pleased with my decision, but I felt I had better chances with Medicinal Cannabis….
It was time for a second opinion, and thus the search for a new facility and oncologist! Fortunately, I found a team which consisted of an oncologist, a radiologist, and a surgeon who felt my lesion was in the muscle tissue and should be removed. An African delegation from Young Life prayed over me asking God to assist the surgeon in his task and to heal me from my cancer.
I continued to take my Medicinal Cannabis knowing how well it had been working! Surgery took place in February of 2016 and was successful. There was no trace of cancer in the surrounding tissue or in my lymph nodes. My first full body PET/CAT scan 3 months later showed my lesion area free of cancer, and the lesions in my lung and liver are no more. The only existing lesion is above my heart near my aorta, and it measures 1.2 x .7 cm. We decided I should continue on my Medicinal Cannabis regime since it was working. My radiologist felt we could do targeted radiation if the lesion showed growth. Sure enough in August 2016 my lesion was growing to 2.3 x 1.6 x 1.6 cm.
In September of 2016, I had four strong targeted radiations given within a week. I continued using my FECO oil (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) 4:1 ratio (THC: CBD) oil once a day at night time, my healing time…
In November 2016 my full body PET/CAT scan showed the lesion was shrinking slightly 2.3 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm which was a good sign.
NO NEW lesions…
I continued with FECO oil daily, feeling stronger and more like my old self. My stamina improved, my appetite improved, my sleeping patterns became more regular, and my attitude is so positive, and I believe in what I am doing.
In February 2017 my full body PET/CAT scan and full body PET/MRI scan found NO HOT SPOTS, NO Cancer! The spot remaining is now only 4mm. I have now been off of pharmaceutical drugs since November 2015, and only on cannabis oil (FECO oil). This is the way to treat cancer with no side effects!
Because of my first story shared on United Patients Group site and their newsletter, I have heard from others who have read my story and want to know more. My goal is to help as many as I can in hopes to extend their lives!
Forever grateful for this journey in my life! Hoping tomorrow brings more success to others battling cancer.
Donna Esposito now 70 and looking forward to reaching 80!
I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer ! I had a lumpectomy done on April 25, 2017 . My tumor was a 1.8 cm when found . I had cat scans and x-rays done 2 weeks ago and everything came back normal . No sign of cancer . Now the oncologist is wanting to do a macetomy , chemo and radiation . He can’t prove to me that I still have or don’t have cancer cells remaining ! Aren’t there test to tell if you have minute cancer cells anywhere in your body ? I live in south Louisiana !
Yes Verna,
There is a test called the Oncoblot test.
Hi. I have severe late stage emphysema & am taking CBD & TCH oil orally, but felt it was upsetting my stomach. So started doing suppositories. Due to illness I have not been consistent in taking it.
I cannot tell you what strain it is.
Am wondering if your research shows if cannabis does help for emphysema & what is the best strain to take.
Thank you.
We reserve medical advice for our medical team as we in the front office don’t have the medical expertise. You can schedule a consultation via our consultation tab here to get advise for your condition. As you may know, each patients requires a spcific formulation and dosage protocol. A full medical history, current med list as well as supplements all must be considered in order to suggest the proper medicine. This means that all Emphysema patients would not be treated the same.
I hope this helps!
Are there any success stories with a cancer survivor who used cannabis ONLY, without Chemo or Radiation ? I’ve read many accounts of survivors that have continued with their conventional cancer protocols (Chemo and/or Radiation), but unfortunately not a single one has used only cannabis, why is that ?
There are many reports of people solely utilizing cannanbis with other alternative modalities. With that said, Cannabis is wonderful as a complimentary treatment with chemotherapy. See article here.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at info@UnitedPatientsGroup.com
My mom has metastatic colon cancer in her liver. Is there any studies out there on Cannibis reducing tumor caused by colon cancer?
Take a look at this page, I think you will find what you are looking for.
Please feel free to call our offices if you would like to discuss further. 415-524-8099
Hi Alex
I just saw the Sacred Plant and am hoping to be able to contact one of the survivors/thrivors whose story inspired me.
I am a single mother who also lives in NYC have had one type of cancer and now facing surgery on next Monday for partial removal of my lung.
Jill seemed to be well connected and compassionate and on the road to health so I was hoping to get some advice/contacts/connections from her.
Hello Beth,
If you have any question about the series, please feel free to call our offices at 415-524-8099.
Wishing you Health and healing,