Medical Cannabis and COPD: What’s the Real Story?
Sixteen million Americans are currently living with a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates up to another 11 million people have the disease but have not yet been formally diagnosed with it.
A 1,000 thanks to United Patients Group for giving me the key to defeating my Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma by Donna Espositio
A 1,000 thanks to United Patients Group for giving me...
Under the Sun: Protecting Your Skin – Medical Marijuana Can Help Prevent Skin Cancer
Summertime means long hours at the beach, family barbecues, and getting that toasty shade of golden brown. But with 2016 on track to be the hottest year on record, it also means protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Data from NASA reports that each consecutive month in 2016 has been the hottest month, respectively, since the commencement of temperature recording in 1880.
Incredible Cannabis Patient Story: Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma Cancer Beat by Medical Marijuana
Since Arizona legalized medical marijuana, Donna has expanded her selection of cannabis oils. Now she takes high-CBD oil during the day and FECO Oil early in the morning and at bedtime.