Marijuana and Dreams
Marijuana has profound effects on dreams. While marijuana’s sedative effects are well understood, not many are aware of how marijuana affects dreams.
How Sleep Affects Mental Health
Insufficient sleep will affect one’s immunity, appetite, cardiovascular health, and brain function. Read this guide to learn how sleep affects your mental health.
CBG 101: 4 Things You Must Know About CBD’s Cousin
Most people have probably heard of CBD and THC and their medical benefits. However, they’re just two of the many cannabinoids, which are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant.
How Might Herbal Remedies be Used for Cancer Treatment?
As you, or someone you know navigates a cancer diagnosis, you might be wondering whether you will be prescribed herbal remedies. We’ve put together a list of reasons why herbal or alternative remedies may be appropriate.
Story of Hope: ER, Kidney Stones, Pain Meds and Cannabis Relief
I have been following you and Corinne since your first podcast with The Sacred Plant and had been a faithful watcher. Let me first say I’m so sorry about your wife. She was lovely! I was so impressed that you continued teaching about cannabis medicine, that your story is my Story of HOPE, John.
Stories of Hope: Car Accident, Trauma to Healing
I decided to send in my story because it greatly impacted me, and I’ve been thinking about sharing it for a while now. I love these stories so I’m willing to share. I am a recreational user, but marijuana is so helpful for sleep and relaxation that I’d have to call its effects medical as I have a high stress job and it calms me.