Cannabis & Skin Cancer: Cannabis Is More Than Skin Deep
The reason cannabis is particularly effective in treating skin conditions is because it’s properties can help reduce many of the most common symptoms and triggers, including: Inflammation, pain, Immune system malfunctions and Infections
Sub-lingual Delivery vs Oral Ingestion Methods for Cannabis
For those medical marijuana patients looking for alternatives to smoking...
Cannabis Kicks Lyme’s Disease to the Curb: Cannabis Treats Lymes
Lyme disease has been controversial for some years. Many medical...
Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil – How to and the benefits!
Coconut oil has been growing in popularity among various groups...
What is Cannabis Oil? by Dr Arno Hazekamp
What is Cannabis oil? Concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as...
Pax Vaporizers Treating the Body Well
A proper vaporizer is designed to heat medical cannabis to...