Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer—3.5 million Americans are diagnosed with it every year. The main cause is UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds, although exposure to chemicals and genetic factors can lead to skin cancer, too. Right now, the accepted courses of treatment are to cut out the lesion if it’s found in the early stages or to use chemotherapy if it has spread.
But what if there were a better, safer, noninvasive, and completely natural cure for skin cancer? What if the cure for skin cancer is cannabis? The medical establishment has little to say about this, but numerous people have taken to the Internet to share their stories of curing skin cancer with cannabis oil.
David Triplett had skin cancer on his nose that was treated and then came back. His doctor recommended chemotherapy cream, but he did some research online and found out about cannabis oil. He decided to give it a try and record what happened. The pictures he took over the course of his treatment show small dark spots on his nose growing and then disappearing.
“I used the oil for three to four weeks before I saw any results, and then the results were dramatic,” he testifies in the video. “Not only was the oil healing my nose, but it was bringing cancer to the surface that I didn’t even know was there.”
A YouTube video by Cure Your Own Cancer gives instructions for treating skin lesions with cannabis oil and shows the healing process of several skin-cancer patients.
These videos are yet more evidence of what we’ve been saying: Cannabis Oil: Convinced of the Cure!
Big Pharma is in no rush to look into this, of course, because there’s not a lot of money to be made from a cure that people can grow in their own homes. But the anecdotal evidence has been enough to prompt a few studies, which are preliminary but promising.
Last year, Japanese researchers published a study in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology that showed a marked reduction of skin cancer in mice when treated with synthetic cannabinoids—up to 90 percent.
European researchers recently studied the endocannabinoid system and how it fights melanoma, which accounts for only 2 percent of skin-cancer cases but 75 percent of skin-cancer deaths. (Endocannabinoids, in case you’re not familiar, are the body’s self-made equivalents of the cannabinoids found in cannabis.) The study, published in the European Journal of Pharmacology, found that endocannabinoids suppressed and killed cancer cells.
Which was the most effective of these endocannabinoids? Anandamide (AEA), which activates the same cannabinoid receptors in the brain that THC does. Clearly they’re on to something here.
Scientific researchers are becoming more and more interested in how cannabis kills many types of cancers, including skin cancer. But the progress remains frustratingly slow because cannabis is still a Schedule I controlled substance, research permission and dollars are hard to obtain, and drug companies are pushing back against it.
People who have cancer now do not have the luxury of waiting for “official” science to catch up with personal experience: they need to get treatment right away. If you have skin cancer and live in a medical cannabis state, it’s worth considering treating your lesions with cannabis oil. You may find yourself posting YouTube videos of your incredible progress a few months from now. And if you do, send us a link!
dave pirie says
Why is this still a question? Such stupidity is difficult to digest! There is no ailment that cannabinoid therapy cannot help and many so-called ‘diseases’ can be totally beaten by a cannabinoid supplement regimen. There is no need for any person to die of any type of cancer, if it has been diagnosed while still localized!
Any child that dies of leukemia is a MURDER VICTIM
The Truth about cannabis will open your eyes,
but only if you first open your mind!
George says
You may well be correct but need to realize that until *actual scientific research* is done, such claims, even well-meant can only be anecdotal. A statement such as “no ailment that cannabinoid therapy cannot help” isn’t exactly helpful either. We need serious, research about how cannabinoids can help treat cancers (there IS evidence, by the way)….and of course cannabis legalisation to make it easier not only for indiv. people but even more so for researchers to even conduct such research. (Which it isn’t in countries where Cannabis is still an illegal substance, obviously! If you first need to file a permit to obtain an “illegal substance” for testing, this doesn’t exactly help progress with research…)
Edward A. Fountain, MD says
The material on cannabis oil is very intriguing. I am a retired psychiatrist whose main interests now are homeopathy and other areas of alternative medicine. I am from Alabama and have a long history in my family and personally, including melanoma 25 years ago. My most recent lesions have been basa says
Hello Dr. Fountain,
Please join us for a day of education at Dominican University on Novemeber 1st. We will have renowned doctors, nurses, hospice and alchemists speaking at his event. I have attached the link for your below:
Edward Allen Fountain, M.D. says
I have another home treatment for basal cell lesions, not for more serious lesions such as melanoma. It is from the holistic healer Edgar Cayce. Make a paste of castor oil and baking soda. Apply a small amount daily and cover with Band-Aid. After about a week the lesion will appear much worse. Now apply calendula ointment for a few days, till it sc
Edward Allen Fountain, M.D. says
I have another home treatment for basal cell lesions, not for more serious lesions such as melanoma. It is from the holistic healer Edgar Cayce. Make a paste of castor oil and baking soda. Apply a small amount daily and cover with Band-Aid. After about a week the lesion will appear much worse. Now apply calendula ointment for a few days, till it scabs over. When this clears away, repeat the whole process if any cancer seems to be left.
Rebecca says
I know that Cannabis of this sort and quantity is illegal so where would you get this from? Would you need a prescription? Also would cannabis treat NON cancerous tumours? as in Lipomas or anything?
I’ve heard that it helps with depression and addictions too, which is why I want it plus im waiting on results from a few mole biopsies. So if I have to treat anything this is the approach I am willing to take but I need to know where to get it? says
Hello Rebecca,
There are so many consitions that cannabis oil and tincutres can address. Many of your questions will depend on where you live, and if your conditions are included in your state’s guidlines of accepted conditions. Please feel free to set up a consultation by following the consult tab propmpts on our home page. This way we are able to direct you privately.
Sue Evans says
My husband has 2xlarge skin cancers and multiple smaller one he is treating the larger ones with cannabis oil but I am wandering what is the best way to treat at present we are applying it every 3 rd night is this the best way
Thank you for any information you may be able to supply
Sue says
Hello Sue,
Would you like a referral to our oncology nurse?
henry says
could you tell me where did he purchase this oild from? says
If you would like a consutlation with our nurse, please click the consultation tab on our home page. You may want to join the facebook page called COSS-Cannabis Oil Success Stories. Post a question for help there.
I hope this helps,
Mary Ann
Janice Tall says
I have A friend, getting ready to start fight lung cancer.Friends have gotten together oils for her to start with.Any info will be greatly received & appreciated.She is in her early 50’s & has cancer deaths in her family.Her mother fought breast cancer & beat it.So far she is still OK.She has lost two sisters very young.One to Anal cancer.I can’t remember which cancer her other sister died from.She is & with understanding scared right to pieces.So any tools you may have to help us help her would be wonderful.Thank you for your time. Gratefully Janice Tall says
Hello Janice,
while we are not doctors here at UPG, we do have an oncology nurse on staff. If you would like to shcedule a consultation with her please click the link below to shcedule yourself in.
I hope this helps!
On the heals of the surgeon general’s comments recently, we feel it is time to set the bar higher. We are a full resource for physicians and patients. Our online CME courses are the first in Medical Cannabis education.
michellebeckom says
My mom has a skin cancer that’s life threatening. No insurance and no one is willing to help. Her without money.she is only sixtytwo years old.I would love to find some to help her. says
You may want to log on to a Facebook page called “Cannabis Oil Success Stories” There are people there that may be able to help you.
Patty Young says
How do I get this oil for skin having a lot of trouble with my nose i fear its skin cancer says
This would depend on where you are located, if you are in a legal state that has a program up and running, and if you are a legal patient.
Feel free to check the state laws here.
Brian ogden says
My grandma was recently diagnosed with skin cancer,how can we,my family get cannabis oil to help with my grandma’s treatment says
Hello Brian,
This will depend on where you live, if it is a legal state, if she is a legal patient and so on.
Samuel Enyinnaya says
My wife needs help urgently.She is admitted in UMC LAS VEGAS. She has had skin cancer for 7 years.I think cannabis oil can heal her.How can I get help.
Corinne Malanca says
You are welcome to call our offices at 415-524-8099 or find a physician in your area that has experience in this area.