Marijuana and Dreams
Marijuana has profound effects on dreams. While marijuana’s sedative effects are well understood, not many are aware of how marijuana affects dreams.
How Sleep Affects Mental Health
Insufficient sleep will affect one’s immunity, appetite, cardiovascular health, and brain function. Read this guide to learn how sleep affects your mental health.
7 Ways Medical Cannabis and CBD Can Help Treat Depression And Stress
Depression continues to threaten humanity across the globe, with nearly half of the suicidal cases involving depressed individuals.
Top 5 Tips When Using CBD Oil For Alzheimer’s And Dementia
Medical studies published in the world's top medical journals have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) can be used to reduce the effects of cognitive decline caused by conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
A Patients Guide for using Medical Marijuana for Anxiety, Sleep, Depression and Mood Disorders
One reason cannabis is effective is because it has 61 unique cannabinoids, each of which falls into one of eleven different groups that have different effects when used to treat conditions.