Andrew McIntyre, patient, master grower, extractor and caregiver discusses Cannabis and Health for all, including his fragile patients, many of whom are children.
In this podcast John Malanca converses with Andrew, born in 1970 is a 50-year-old survivor of a childhood seizure disorder and severe allergies. Those allergies later surfaced as seizures primarily during deep sleep which essentially interrupted immunity, cognitive function and created a developmental delay.
He was one of the first pediatric patients in the world to take part in the Anti- Epileptic Drug (AED) trial of Depakote in 1976 at Tufts Hospital in Boston.
In 1979, Andrew discovered that using non-psychoactive raw edible forms of Cannabis with his diet decreased his severe headaches and ADHD symptoms during the day and his seizures at night. While a teenager, his experiences compelled him to study the plant’s medicinal properties to try and explain how cannabis worked.
Growing in Health, a Cannabis Journey. Andrew McIntyre
John Malanca 1:52
Welcome back, everybody, this is John Malanca. With united patients group be informed and be well, and today’s special guests and Andrew MacIntyre. He’s a 50 year old survivor of childhood seizure disorder. Born in the 1970s, with severe allergies actually born in 1970 with severe allergies, those allergies later surface as a seizure disorder primary during deep sleep that essentially interrupted immunity, and then cognitive function and developmental delay. He was one of the first pediatric patients in the world to take part in the anti epileptic drug, a Edy trial of Depakote in 1976, at Tufts Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. This is an interesting tidbit here in 1979. He discovered that using non psychoactive raw edible forms of cannabis with his diet decreases severe headaches and ADH ADHD symptoms during the day and his seizures at night. This experience compelled him to study the plasma digital properties and several years later as a teenager, he also have discovered this and is went into deeper as to wondering why and how this is working. And so welcome, Andrew. You know, I’m excited to have you on because we have some mutual friends have been talking about Andrew McIntyre. You have to get him on the show for years. And so finally, this is the first year and I’ve had numerous phone calls, but not video calls. So welcome to the show.
Andrew McIntyre 3:22
Thank you, john. Glad to be here.
John Malanca 3:24
Thank you. So you’ve had a heck of a life and you know, again, talked off off camera and you know, via phone, but you’re an and health advocate like myself, you’re a genetic specialist. You’re a certified caregiver, scientist, biologist. And so you’ve done quite a bit in this industry, but you’ve experienced a lot in healthcare personnel, but as science and the thing about the raw thing is 1979 because a lot of people didn’t understand the difference between the cannabinoids and I don’t think can avenues were even discovered them but 1979 discovering raw. I had Dr. Frankel on the show one day and we were talking about raw cannabis, and how the caveman were interested in the raw cannabis because fire wasn’t discovered until 2 million years ago. And so we’re already go going with the raw. So you’re way ahead of the game as well with us here. So, can you share a little about what you’ve been doing?
Andrew McIntyre 4:29
I know you have a just, they should comment on that. So in 1979, I, I grew the plant by accident, I thought it was birdseed and, and we planted it around my family’s grave sites and in front of the post office and then we almost got in trouble but we you know, because the plants came up. And of course they didn’t have any. They weren’t like a regular flower or anything like that. So that was very accidental. In the beginning and I ate that plant raw, and I didn’t know what th ca was or cbda or that the that the seeds came from the, you know, from Jamaica and they were they were actually like almost certified sacramental seeds with varying amounts of CBD and THC and so they weren’t your classic your classic high strains they’re very flavorful and like like land race type of genetics that I first started and at the time I didn’t know the difference between THC or or even with THC Was there any any that can Avenue? I just ate it raw. And about three years later I got a couple friends gave me a book about Bob Marley. And you know that’s where my faith walk started with with cannabis. Because they were saying that, you know, the children in Jamaica, they they eat it raw and they They use it in tea just like I did. Because I thought it was like bazel or my dad was a tea salesman. So it was really accidental. And then I didn’t learn about thca until maybe like 1984 or 85 when I started reading some really advanced books, botanical books from 1950, which was strength was, was interesting because I learned to read very late and then I was reading really difficult literature. And you know, the plant really helped out that in the diet really helped, of course, and I had amazing coaches and, and teachers and parents and siblings. But the plant just took the edge off of those really bad migraine headaches that the drugs couldn’t touch the the other Then the Depakote and the other the other drugs that they put on either really sensitive liver. So that’s why I was one of the first persons to fail out of the Depakote trial study. And that potentially saved my life because that was it was very controversial study, most of the children passed away, during or after. But you know, but at that time, a child with epilepsy really had six to 12 months to live. Because there was no there’s no eds. They Depakote was the was the first the first one that came out. So it was like a death sentence to get that diagnosis.
John Malanca 7:44
Isn’t it amazing how you kind of stumbled on this plant? I mean, it’s I always look back and had these fireside conversations. Were you sitting there? It’s like, how did early man or woman go out and say hey, this is an awesome choke this peel the leaves because we don’t we’re going to be poking poking our, our, it hurts to eat because of the,
you know, the little thorns that are on there, you know, if you keep on peeling and get to the center, there’s a heart there and that’s the best part. Same thing with you know, don’t eat the stinging nettle thing because it’ll sting you but you can cook it with tea. I mean, who was the first person to come up? And the same thing with you how you accidentally stumbled across this? thinking that it was so were you were you were pulling it pulling it apart? And I know you said your dad was in the teas. But what were you looking at? Were you adding anything to your salad or were you throwing it into your into your teeth as you mentioned?
Andrew McIntyre 8:41
I first I just I actually thought it was my I use basil and I, I took the seeds from Ernie I didn’t realize that I shouldn’t have taken them but then because I just thought it was like a big it was a huge huge bucket of seeds. It looked like bird seeds. Like something you grabbed a coffee and bucket, just go throw them out to the, to the birds, you know. And it was it was kind of a tease. They were cannabis seeds. And then when they grew, they look, you know, it would look like bazel or Rosemary or Sage it looked like, so I tasted it, and you know it, I think when you want to talk about that pre prehistoric man, you know, one of the things about the plant when I was younger, when I smelled it, it immediately sort of, I was like, wow, what is this? I just smell and I was eating the raw leaves, I wasn’t really even making good buds that at this point, these are just, these are just leafy plants that you know at that vegetative feel to them. And you know, it’s like a marjoram or you know, just a regular herb. And, but then when I I started eating more and more of it because it it sort of just if even just a little bit of it. The flavor would just reduce the the anxiety and the attention deficit and I could think clearer, and then the more that I ate it then these these headaches that I used to have with that, you know, they would give me furious that you know what that is it’s like a narcotic. And and I was like a kid taking these fear asset pills, and they were like, you know, as I grew older, and I had a beer and stuff like that, it was very similar to getting having two or three two beers like you I’d be in school. Now have a bizarre and it wouldn’t help the pain. It would just I just be buzzed. I wouldn’t care as much. But I still, I couldn’t really be effective doing my homework, you know? Yeah, with eating the raw cannabis and getting to bed early. Then. I then can concentrate. Like you know, like, hey, my behavior at school was better, and
John Malanca 11:03
how long did it take you to pinpoint that that was the plant that you’re eating that that was doing because I mean, you must have been eating other things throughout the day and wondering where you’re able to kind of fine tune what where that was that that relief was coming from?
Andrew McIntyre 11:20
It was pretty immediate, like, you know, within, you know, the plant has to take off and then get get get potent and strong. So, you know, it was in that first that first summer. You know, I’d say that the second and third summer when I started, started to look back on it. And then I started to actually make plans about where, you know, then I figured out it was illegal and I had to hide my four little plants or three little plants. It at the time. I incorrectly thought that it was illegal under under the Constitution to have three hemp plants. I think it’s in the Constitution. But I didn’t understand law that there’s other statutes that now eliminate those rights now yeah that are unconstitutional but there’s still a law so I am but I guess all I needed was was three plants to make about a quarter pound and that that’s that’s how small medicine a pediatric needs for the air
John Malanca 12:23
and you work with us taking your life experience and you do work with with pediatrics. I know that. Can we back up on how because you originally you shared with me one time on one of our calls that it was a MMR vaccine that started you on this journey is that right?
Unknown Speaker 12:40
Well, I was very I had colic and I problems from childbirth the second year I breastfed longer than other children. And I had a pet a lot of allergies and the pediatrician chose to give me the MMR but I wasn’t strong enough. Yeah. And so I was one of those quote unquote, you know, vaccine injuries.
Unknown Speaker 13:06
I you know, but
Unknown Speaker 13:09
it’s hard for me to even say that because I don’t want to be. I don’t want to be included in an anti vaxxer crowd. Yeah. And I also don’t want to be included in a forced vaccine crowd. But what I what I happened to me, I need to share because vaccines are not 100% safe, and there are people getting injured. But I’m not a part of the group that thinks there’s a conspiracy theory or, or thinks that all vaccines are bad. But I don’t I don’t believe in forced vaccination. So, it basically I my, the way I the way I understand it, scientifically now is like the CDC says on their website that it should be the choice of the pediatrician and the pediatrician as a blood Blood tests for for you know, white blood counts and rbcs and different PP o ‘s are there’s a lot of things that they can look at your immune system and if you’re not stable then the CDC recommends to delay them which is interesting. It’s completely different than what the legislation they’re trying to force down. It goes against the CDC and it goes against the doctor’s recommendation and that’s another whole whole issue. I just want to make sure that I’m not in the
John Malanca 14:29
Yeah, I know it is. Nowadays. You have to be very sensitive on everything you talk about and which side you stand on. And so I’m and I have friends that did not they vaccinated half their children and the other half didn’t and to their children. Something happened so they didn’t do the others and then everybody wants it like for example with the COVID virus You know, Friends in the in the East Coast, where they have a nice that they are grant actually have a nice They’ve never met and the parents will bring him over because they know that their children aren’t vaccinated. So it’s it’s it’s a tough, tough topic to get into. Let’s talk about why the cannabis plant worked for you and he talked about cannabinoids, but most important, let’s start with the endocannabinoid system because we have a lot of our listeners on here who may have children going through this or themselves. And they’re saying, Okay, first off, why did this work for you, Andrew? You know, I’m experiencing this and then how can I get involved or learn and so I want you to share you know, one your knowledge about cannabis could you’ve been doing this for how long now? 40 years?
Unknown Speaker 15:47
Well, I’ve had my caregivers license and my legal license status for eight years. And then before that, I was just a little you know, I just had this little these little tiny things that
Unknown Speaker 15:58
if I ever got caught, it would have been nuisance and
Unknown Speaker 16:02
but I was studying for, you know since since I was nine years old for
John Malanca 16:07
Yeah, sure. I’m guessing you’re my age but 50 something so pleasure my after I was throwing at the 40 years, but he talked about the endocannabinoid system and why? what it is and why it’s so important.
Unknown Speaker 16:20
So the endocannabinoid system, you know that the two receptor system, and you know, all the studies that are out there that shows that it’s a regulator of metabolism. And so, most epilepsy and autism, children have a metabolic dysfunction. And then as a geneticist, being involved in the Human Genome Project in in, in fish genes and in the gene gene, the genes of cannabis. Many of the children have gene deletions or D gene dysfunctions that that have metabolic Consequences like, you know, the one of the big ones is the methylation genes that where they can’t metabolize B vitamins or so they have to have a
Unknown Speaker 17:11
different kind of a Foley.
Unknown Speaker 17:14
And what what is interesting about cannabis, if it helps, especially the raw acidic forms, it will help to the ketogenic diet to to maintain the fat metabolism and in fact metab in fat metabolism, you know, their cell recovery and oxidative stress is reduced. And so for most children with with epilepsy and autism, there’s a constant metabolic disruption disruption. There have, a lot of them have a lot of us including me have like gut dysfunctions or food allergies, that then Cause you know, inflammation markers that then effect You know, other other elements, and it gets up finally gets to your brain. And then that that’s when, you know, the there’s too much energy or not enough energy, however way you want to argue it and you know that the neurons, you know, they don’t communicate the same way we get that seizure. It’s like that jerk or the convulsions and, you know, it’s basically the signalling system is broken down.
John Malanca 18:33
You showed up today as what you as an adult, do you still experience that today?
Unknown Speaker 18:40
Yes, I do it. Yeah. Especially if I’m dehydrated.
Unknown Speaker 18:44
If I’m, if I get if I’m too stressed out, I don’t I don’t give my treat myself, right. You know, that can happen as an advocate. If you’re caring for a lot of people and there’s deaths or you have to go to the hospital and you You’re conflicted about you know, should I take care of myself? Or do I? Do I take care of this patient? Well, they’re gonna die, they could die. So a lot of times I put myself second. And I’ve had I’ve had actually more adult seizures in the last eight years than I have the last 30 because that this, this new career this new this new position that I’m holding is so much different than my old structured life was very safe was very, I wasn’t. I had a lot of friends, but it wasn’t so public. Yeah. And I didn’t deal with controversial issues like, you know, people want me to talk about vaccine injuries and safety and
Unknown Speaker 19:45
sorry, my fault.
Unknown Speaker 19:48
Well, no, you you I’m not I don’t mean you. I mean that when
Unknown Speaker 19:52
the legislation and
Unknown Speaker 19:55
I actually I couldn’t, I couldn’t, I couldn’t become a part of it. It was too It was too close. To me, john, you know, like, I it’s it’s it’s tough, you know, you know, when you go through something like that, and you try to I couldn’t testify It was too close, I could testify on pediatric cannabis. It just seemed like it was more more rational and less toxic and the momentum was going in our direction. So it was easy because we were like winning on, you know, legalizing medical use of cannabis around the country. We had the studies out of Israel and Poland, Czechoslovakia, the icrs was forming. But with a vaccine issue, it seems like we’re losing ground and they’re, they’re going to take away patients rights and parents and doctors rights that you know, to maintain the that was the Hippocratic oath, whatever there we will do no harm. We
John Malanca 21:02
know I’m with you in Maine. I know it’s a recreational legal state. And I’ve heard that they’ve like really wiped out all the qualifying conditions and so now it is it just more a free for all there and cannabis is not a one size fits all type of medicine. I call it a medicine because I’ve seen it work and I’ve seen it not work and I want our listeners to, to realize I always say, you know, it’s not the golden pill, the golden ticket, you know, take this and you’ll be healed. I’ve seen it work, I’ve seen it not work and I’m certainly saying the same with you. And sometimes what works for me and you and I being same age and to say the same same ailment. We might have a different sweet spot, you know, you talk formulations. Are you talking What do you talk formulations strains. You know, I don’t talk strains because I can grow something here. Same seed, you grow it there and come back completely different. You know Especially in dispensaries across the nation you walk in there and I’ve seen you know it’s like that’s not you know Andrew star type of thing you know I’ve seen Andrews you know type of product and say they have the a lot of these names for marketing purposes and what are you seeing out there in in main one but you know, you working with patients and families What do you are you seeing more children are spending a lot more time with families and children are you spending more time with adults or the whole gamut to help because you are a health advocate
Unknown Speaker 22:35
and, and seeing more of the whole gamut now.
Unknown Speaker 22:40
When I first started it was most almost It was probably like 60 to 80% pediatrics and my advocacy was 95% pediatrics. So when I did the advocacy I would just consult with with patients all over the world you families, they would call me for advice about what’s going on. I just spent Like, I’ve got this, this guy down the street, it’s grown into plants, like how do I, I would kind of do this at home. And I did that for free because there was no other way legally. I couldn’t ship legally and then maintain my license. So I was I was only allowed in the beginning to treat children in Maine. So I took on about 1010 patients that I could the first 10 that I could, I could work with. But no, no, no patient act. There’s no smoking gun after all the work I’ve done. If you come to me with juvie Atlantic’s gets down or myoclonic jerk so whatever whatever your seizure type is or where you are in the spectrum, that still is doesn’t doesn’t translate to a certain amount of CBD or THC and milligram dose.
Unknown Speaker 23:51
It’s just a general guideline that
Unknown Speaker 23:55
CBD seems to be
Unknown Speaker 23:58
less than truth. I don’t want to say it’s safer because some people don’t like that. But usually with there’s less interaction with CBD, you can many of the kids 40% of the of the kids would just get style and and drove a
Unknown Speaker 24:17
substantial health
Unknown Speaker 24:20
outcome increase in health outcome. And that that’s, that’s those that’s the those were profound results those are from the GW pharmaceutical FDA trial study and that was confirmed with Tikun alone and with entourage with from this guy named Sergio in Bolivia and also with Charlotte’s Web with it you know, with with with Charlie Figgy at page Biggie and the Stanley brothers, which is a really interesting is that the whole plant
Unknown Speaker 24:56
you know the Israel and
Unknown Speaker 25:00
The three other whole plant studies at 40% increase in health benefits. And very much like GW, but all of them had the same kind of it between like one milligram per pound to five milligram per pound, but a smaller dose that GW dose is like 10 1010 meg per pound, 20 mg per pound.
John Malanca 25:25
When you sneeze when you say GW, are you talking to epidiolex? Right now, are you talking? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 25:30
Yes. So, it’s very, it’s very interesting that, that you can get similar results from an isolate at a at a higher dose. Yeah. And but what I’ve what I’ve seen though, is that there’ll be there’ll be a bucket of kids that will fall into the, the Iceland category and they’ll have success. And then there’s whether or not you get your product from me on the hemp side or, or, or the Stanley brothers or somebody Great guys like Jason grandpa’s another one. We’re Sergio in Bolivia. It depending on what plant that you’re making the whole plant from. Sometimes one child will do better on Charlotte’s Web.
John Malanca 26:17
Some are they’ll do better on hope springs or they do better with with with Jason Jason Cranford you know, different different different speech, different strain origins. Do you see I mean, this is a perfect example. There’s not a one size fits all way because it works on one child doesn’t mean that it works. I know that I’m very familiar with those. Those companies and their products, we work with a lot of families, children, adults, that have had success with one, not on the other. Or another child the exact is you know, has the same ailment as one, you know, one child having success on this and they’re not and then They try another product and it does work and so do you ever see a hopefully it gets to that point because, you know, we get this question all the time is since it’s not a one size fits all, do you see it changing? That would be wonderful. You have, you know, cancer take this you have diabetes take that you have autism or seizures. Take this. Do you see it going that way? And or are there any ailments that you’re seeing a success with that same formulation each and every time like Sativex with Ms was a 2.75 milligram CBD 2.75 milligram of THC, and people just replicated that, you know, they say great, it’s not available on our country. And we don’t know and surance is not covering it, we’re just gonna go get a one to one ratio. And so just like the buzzword was CBD was the past eight years. Remember, last year, the year before everyone’s at all one to one ratio? I think it made it out into an article and everyone says one to one, one to one one to one. So are you Seeing it going that way where you are seeing formulations that are working on a higher success rate, you know, 70 to 80% of the time with with a child or an adult with those ailments.
Unknown Speaker 28:13
I, I think in general, from where we were eight years ago when I started in working with Dr. Dr. dusty souillac and then being aligned with what Bonnie Goldstein does, and the way she uses aesthetic groups and with geriatrics, I, I definitely agree that we’re getting better so if somebody has like Ms and Parkinson’s, that we know a direction but the actual specific dose, like per pound or what strain how much acid it groups it has to be tweaked and customized the The only thing that I I’ve seen that is pretty much a slam dunk. dunk is, as with like, irritable bowel syndrome, and where they definitely need, you know, four to eight times more CBD than THC. And I think it’s well documented now that you know, if they if if they take a hemp capsule though it they’ll get a certain amount of release but then when they take a real medical capsule that has some thda and and just you know a little bit more THC not just slightly off the the federal registry for hemp so it’s not anywhere near not even close to a one to one and you know and those nuances really make the difference. I really love Bonnie Goldstein’s work because she really did a good job. You know after Dustin came on the scene with the thda when we could kinda started here in New England I think it got out in into the icrs. But there were there’s there’s families like the, like Jaden family when he created James juice. He was from Cola, California that was in like, what? Nine 999 or 2000. Jason Cranford did some thca where, you know, there are other advocates beside myself I was just lucky to, to have one of my mentors is Dr. Dr. Su lac.
John Malanca 30:33
He’s a great guy. I’ve known him for years. He’s spoken at our conferences and both he and Bonnie have spoken our conferences, but they your friends but also on our advisory board. So I’m also a big fan of both of those doctors. I think they’re one of the tops, if not the top in the industry, because a lot of doctors still unfortunately even here in California, you know Don’t know about dosing formulations and you still hear doctors, you know, I talk to patients and they’ll say, we just got back from, you know, a doctor and he says take indika nights ativa day and it’s just like, God, it’s more, it’s more than just indika nights ativa day. And you mentioned earlier about adding a little more THC that it’s not, you know, patients Still, the stigma is still there. It states it’s starting to drop. It’s from when Chris and I jumped in this industry in 2011. And because of, you know, we were forced into it, it forced, you know, her father in law. My father in law, her father was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer metastasized to the brain. And always thought we came across say that should 40% of cancer patients pass a malnutrition before cancer takes over the body. So wasting syndrome. And so when we went to the oncologist office, I said, when we try you know, how much time do we have weeks? May we try? cannabis for appetite stimulation, the doctor said Go for it. I know nothing about it. Our outcome he’s still alive today 2020 you know so in his formulation was a mixture of raw and heated and raw for our listeners is like his thca and CBD is like having in the 70s and 80s when when wheat grass was popular still today where you cut down the wheat grass and the juice it you can do the same thing with a cannabis plant is non psychoactive great for inflammation. You were sharing that earlier. And so he was using about three milligrams a day that’s it. And within days he was eating again that was our purpose okay he’ll pass peacefully. complexion came back. Day at finally he was on full time auction date he was off his oxygen shuffling around the house, six months hospice fire some of the patient and in nine months he was never going to get scan we incorporated the sixth month mark some heavier oil that four to one ratio still about 2025 milligrams at night. And his first scans came back with no evidence recurrent disease and he’s had about 20 plus scans and they’ve all come back knock on wood, you know, no evidence recurrent disease. If he was on a CBD is CBD is wonderful and I want to your whole plant expert as well. And let’s talk about the entourage effect, why they’re all needed. If he was on a straight CBD ratio. I know for a fact he would not be here today. And so a lot of patients call us to say, I want the medical portion, not the recreational portion. So can you share how important THC is in inhaling and even not not enough to be high and the goal is not to be high. The goal is to become healed healthy. And the same thing with the epileptic children. You know, you’ll see great CBD is working on 15 to 20 95% of the kids, you add a little minute amount of THC, and that number can go up to 75% success rate. And so he talked about the importance of the entourage effect and what the entourage effect is. And you being a whole plant expert talking about that as well please.
Unknown Speaker 34:17
Yeah, test based on some really important thing. So like in cancer, a lot of people come to me and they say, well, Andy, you’re so smart, you know, you know everything and everybody talks about you, you must don’t even have the cure to cancer and, and I tell them I don’t First of all, I don’t believe in cancer in that sense that but I know I don’t have the cure. The cure is inside yourself. I said, I can help you and with your symptoms and and but you’re going to need a team. To cure cancer. You need unique spirit you need you need a dietician, and then in some cases, you need a surgeon to cut stuff out and sometimes like when multiple myeloma Right now they they need to have those cocktails of No, because we don’t have ever figured out. But I would say that for that for the viewers, the most important thing that I’ve seen in cannabis therapy is the inclusion of like three milligrams of an acidic group for this wasting because like you said, like it, you know, cancer is primarily a metabolic problem. The cells are not dying on time. And they forgot about that gene that says, you know, it’s time to recover. And, and they need to have fat metabolism. And they need to not have fat metabolism that’s regulated, meaning not like a ketogenic, but there needs to be times in the day where they have carbohydrates, and their adenosine triphosphate and their energy cycles are replenished, but primarily stuck in fat metabolism, especially when they’re sleeping. So like that those three milligram doses that are really effective Do you know Dr. Bonnie ghosties done some work Dr. Su lac I mean there’s so many other people now it’s been now four years of geriatrics
Unknown Speaker 36:10
where these these small doses
Unknown Speaker 36:14
especially with acidic group inclusion, you know with like three milligrams of THC a and like one milligram of THC and two milligrams of CBD and these little tiny doses have these metabolic constraints. And I just what I you know, I just want the viewers to know when I when I speak about my opinions that I don’t want to come off sounding like a note all but they’re just my opinions that what I’ve seen clinically, the only the only explanation I can make about why THC is so potent at these low doses. Medically, were not even close to being high. And yet you’ll see the ketogenic like Strip, these are test strips that children use to to show how much fat metabolism there is how much keep keep analysis. And to see those scripts go up to points with a one milligram for 20 pound baby. Or like five milligrams for 150 pound or 50 pound, you know in these really small doses, the keto strips jump, the only way I can explain it is it must be the terpenes must be affecting the hypothalamus and the hypothalamus is then regulating glucocorticoids and, again, we get back to the what’s the medical component in cannabis. It’s these terpenes these bio flavonoids, the things that really aren’t in debate on the legislation and, and they’re totally harmless. It’s like, you know, eating raw green tea, or, you know, a smoothie like a ton of kale every day because Did you know there’s vitamin K to in the plant? Which, which is often overlooked, that all these wonderful leaves that are trimmed off in these grow operations, there’s just piles and vitamin K to that’s, you know, four or five times the value of you know kale.
Unknown Speaker 38:25
But yeah,
Unknown Speaker 38:27
it is true that the, the aesthetic group say I hope I mean that’s kind of like what my The one thing that I brought to the table but I do want to say like there’s other advocates like David mapes and the Slater center in Rhode Island with john gay Thomas and the first cbda study in the world. I was lucky it was so lucky to be in New England. With the Slater center the Hasbro’s Children’s Center in Rhode Island and Boston’s Children’s Center. Tufts University, you know, and to be an in connection with these teams of doctors that
Unknown Speaker 39:10
could really help me understand
Unknown Speaker 39:13
and more about all the different drug choices and about the diagnostics and you know, and help the kids. There’s a few more points you want me to.
John Malanca 39:23
Yeah, but like the importance of the entourage effect, and I and I think even even Ethan Russo, you know, who’s another top doctor in this industry, you know, talks about the importance of the entourage effect and swillers Dustin and Mani, I mean, he talked about the importance of combination of, it’s like baking a cake and leaving out the flour or the egg, and then it got through so he talks about it’s like having the orchestra and leaving out. The guy with the cymbals are the drums of the horn section that’s missing, and can you talk about about what the entourage effect is and and why it’s so important for us humans with the endocannabinoid system, you know, all mammals with a vertebrae have an endocannabinoid system and so for our listeners, you know ask your doctor if they know what an endocannabinoid system is. Did you know you have it? We all have it. You were you earlier that when you’re talking thinking was bird seeds, you’re talking about the Jamaicans I want to get into spirit and religion with you, you know in the in with the plants and I know that’s another we can go on with another hour on this year to
Unknown Speaker 40:39
let me cover that that entourage
John Malanca 40:41
or the entourage effect the now and before I forget to I want to talk about actually for everyone listening. The painting behind Andrew is he’s an expert in painting and so his house is filled with paints, paintings. So this is a beautiful I’m not going to get let you get away with it because I’m really impressed. I used to play But not like you you know so he did show me some of the things so if you look over his shoulder that’s one of his paintings and maybe if he’s if he’s brave he’ll show a couple other ones that are reverse couch. But before I forget because this is how my 52 year old almost 53 year old mind his entourage effect and then earlier talking about DNA and so I want to ask you about the DNA are you into these new DNA tests that you know we send on our bloods or our DNA test to see what cannabinoids work best for you but entourage effect if you can take that away please.
Unknown Speaker 41:34
So I I’m not sure where everybody is out there that’s listening but so that if you don’t know that, that you know that the endocannabinoid system as as the CB one and CB two receptor, more simply a a THC dominant in the CBD dominant receptor. So that’s why it’s so important to have various ratios in a formula ization. So patients need to have Like high CBD formula, and then high THC formula thda and be able to blend these these constituents with their doctor, you know clinically so they can. So what, how do I explain this every but human body is different. We have different DNA, we have different environmental stresses. Some of us get the vaccines at the right time, some of them you get at the wrong time. Some, some people get the wrong foods that, you know, there’s there’s different interruptions that the basic equation is that everybody has a different number of THC receptors and a different number of CBD receptors. We also have many metabolic dysfunctions that are unique to ourselves. And some of our metabolic dysfunctions are very similar to the rest of the population. So for instance, if you need a lot of sugar, almost everybody in in the population as a metabolic dysfunction, If you eat sugar, so you know that, that that’s an example of, but when you get we get to the, to the gene deletions like whether some, some people can’t, they can’t metabolize or break down or absorb B vitamins, or they can’t make the right amount of dopamine or norepinephrine, that, you know, that can be from a gene deletion, and that can be from a duck gut disorder. You know, and then and then that’s, that’s where somebody can come in, and they’re diagnosed with Lyme, but they actually have some irritable bowel syndrome. And they, they might have some gene deletions that make them more susceptible to Parkinson’s and Ms. And so each patient is not just that one diagnosis. But there’s a whole host of factors. So when you look at the whole plant, it’s really interesting because like, the basic thing that like you said, indika and suceava in a boat, but the people people They are watching know that know the plant know that there’s hybrids of indika and sativa and ruderalis. And these are the three like genomes of the plants genetics. And so you can have an IndyCar that that has a lot of lemonade in it. And and it’s like you might not want to have that before bed or it has a lot of mercy. So it might, it might be myrcene dominant and lemonade dominant Well, it might, it might keep you awake even though it’s an indigo.
John Malanca 44:37
It and what what Andrews talking about mercy and limiting. These are terpenes and he talked about terpenes and a lot of our listeners may be brand new. So a terpene is like a lot of company now with essential oil. I’m a big fan of that reminds me my grandmother is stop and smell the roses, the smell that the roses put off, that’s a terpene the smell that a lemon puts off in line puts off in a mango, turn off the As well as lavender for helping with calming and sleep, so didn’t mean to cut you right there. But no, that’s great. I’m a big fan. Big fan of terpenes.
Unknown Speaker 45:10
Well, thank thank you because like, I want to just share with it with the audience like a private thing about the pediatrics. So advocates like myself and David makes this wonderful gentleman that really helped a lot of parents around the country for the last 20 years with thda. When we do the consultation, we will bring like an indika A TiVo Mini said smell the roses. You can actually take like three or four different t shirts like buds that you’re going to make in a THC extraction, you can have the children or the patient, smell them, and the one that gives them the most that you’ll see that their face will light up. Yeah. Nine out of 10 times. That is One plant that that they need formulated because it’s so much about terpenes the the flavor the smell of the of the THC or CBD a is actually the the flavor of the plant and that flavors is is why I believe that it’s hypothalamus is involved as the master regulator of the body because you watch how the how the babies and even with myself or or patients that come over that are more on the recreational side you can have them just smell the blood they’ll know which one is going to give them the kind of effect right they Some want to sleepy effect some need to have more energy and then it’s interesting how each patient some patients need a like a Steve I got asleep. doesn’t make any sense but this this job that I’ve been in is is is The most humbling job I’ve ever had, because nobody has all the answers. And you have to be conjunctive after work on teams, and you have to respect the fact that I don’t have all the strings. I don’t have all the answers. And if if, and we need more people so like that’s when I when I brought up the, the Charlotte’s Web and the Jason Cranford and that’s pimento. And then there’s pimento harmony and entourage is all these fabulous companies, but none of us have have the solution for everyone. And it’s kind of a unique situation where we have to really be conjunctive. You can’t throw pharmaceuticals under the bus. You can’t throw Reiki under the bus. You can’t throw yoga, or any of these things that my mind has been blown as to the stuff that I don’t understand it but it’ll help my patient do better with their cannabis therapy. You know, it’s
John Malanca 48:02
you made a great point because I know Dave and he and I hadn’t heard from in a little while and he’s out here in California in and he’s still in the industry
Unknown Speaker 48:15
he’s had some health problems and he’s been he’s taken a couple of years ago
John Malanca 48:20
but I’m glad glad that you are literally on the opposite coast and you know of Dave. But I like the story about talking it makes sense. You know, you both letting the child or patients smell that your dad I mean, I love teas. And you know, you’d mentioned your dad earlier about about teeth. I mean, there’s times I
Unknown Speaker 48:43
I’m gonna go with this one tonight.
John Malanca 48:45
You know, and and it’s, it’s, it makes sense why why people wear Cologne, why women wear perfume, why you have essential oils, you know, because you like, we go with that and so it totally makes sense. And so, you know, that’s you mentioned about it’s not an A solo thing coming in this year. It’s a very humbling industry and there’s some great people’s are very knowledgeable people, you know, you know, we, I don’t know, all the all the all the answers, you know, and you know, my wife did not see the success of the plant because I mean, cancer is a it’s a pancreatic cancer, it’s a different breed. You know, she did three blood tests, they all came back negative. I mean, I’m like, I know my wife, she knows her body, you know? So we the only way we found it was with an ultrasound. And actually it was, I can’t believe it was three years, two days ago that we did the ultrasound got the results for the ultrasound. I mean, I just can’t believe my life has been in a twilight zone in the last three years of life. And so we continue on helping people people ask, you know, how are you still in this industry helping because I’ve seen it work, you know, and I’ve seen it work and so that’s why I continue to Like you said, it’s very, very humbling to continue this work and meet like minded people. And that’s why, you know, I decided to do this show here united patients group to, to put people together to get this information out and be that trusted source and that’s what people have come to us for the last 10 years of help Which way do we go? You know, who do we talk to talk to Andrew he’s worked with, with this ailment with with children or adults. Can you talk about the DNA tests that are out there right now? What are your thoughts to that?
Unknown Speaker 50:35
I am not I’m not very well up to date on like an Endocannabinoid gene. Gene panel, but if that’s if that’s particularly like
John Malanca 50:50
what you’re what you’re talking about, yeah, you’re you’re talking about DNA earlier and I just and I wasn’t gonna ask a question. I might Oh, I maybe should ask Andrew what his thoughts are. You talked about the ketogenic diet. Just as well. And so I know you’re a scientist, you know, you know, and I didn’t know if that was something in your repertoire as well, if not, you know, we can go right buzz right by it if you want.
Unknown Speaker 51:13
Well, let me let me explain what I do understand. So I, I was one of the first duties to be on the Human Genome Project with a crappy little gel slabs, you know, back in 90 9090. And what we have now that I, I do agree with and I think most of the doctors and nurses know about the gene, you can get it send in your blood you can get it, it’s, it’s an expensive test and it takes an extremely expensive piece of equipment and a lot of data to, to calculate to look at all the base pairs in inside of the person right? And you get, you get a long list of gene deletions for we all have them This, just just different dysfunctions in our DNA. And they that can be very important. It’s not necessarily a smoking gun, but it can, like raise up some problems where, especially like an epilepsy and autism, you’ll see what that they don’t have the genes to metabolize sugar and their energy, the genes associated with energy production, you know, aren’t there and then you get an explanation of why why someone like me is so toxically allergic to sugar.
Unknown Speaker 52:39
You know, and,
Unknown Speaker 52:42
but in terms of I, I think at some point down the road, I don’t know two to five years or something, maybe we’ll have a you know, Endocannabinoid gene that had had some some, you know, there’s about 707 genes associated with autism and epilepsy. So there’s going to be a lot and then there needs to be a long debate. Of course, these are, these are molecules. So we’ll need, you know, only generate only a lot of scientists to debate them to retest them to look at the consequences, because, you know, right now you can get a gene panel. Like I said, there’s 770 genes indicated, that are associated with epilepsy. Of course, you probably your viewers probably know that, like breast cancer is the ID on, you know, breast cancer gene. And there’s, there’s a lot that we know, but but it’s not a smoking gun, because it’s still kind of up for debate because if you have a breast cancer, I do one gene, that doesn’t mean you’re going to get cancer that has to be expressed. And so there’s still there’s still some things to work out.
Unknown Speaker 53:56
You know,
Unknown Speaker 53:58
I am I really think it’s interesting I’ve seen a map like I’ve seen patients that just change their B vitamins or they once the doctor knows about the gene deletions that explained to people then you know, they can change the supplement and then their health outcome and the cannabis therapies is increased and and see this is when we need the allopathic we need the pharmaceutical doctor to write the prescription and to communicate with us you know, then we go back to the the the holistic doctor, you know, for the for the herbs and then they come to me and then everybody’s just loving on each other and respecting their tradition, then the patient wins out, you know,
John Malanca 54:43
I can I have still I am today, you know, big fan of our naturopathic medicine that’s been our doctor forever, right. And I always share with patients that call they say, you know, I have anxiety and sleep issues and and I am I’m stressed And a lot of times you know, I route them away from cannabis you know, you say you know is it’s not a one size fits all but have you looked at trying to attack you know work with your sleep because a lot of times when you have lack of sleep, your stress comes out and a lot of accurate depression,
Unknown Speaker 55:18
anxiety and so
John Malanca 55:19
he tailor this, but a lot of times to with women that call to I don’t wanna get personal but how old are you and they’ll share the age and I said, If naturopathic medicine is available in your state, go get a blood test to see where you are because an MD will give you a blood test here from A to Z and a naturopath who give you a blood test a through WC and you can really see where you are on for your own personal body or your hormones off for the out of balance and go almost like a compound pharmacist in a natural way to balance that out bringing the body back again another type of bringing the body back to homeostasis. balance and you can do that with one balancing your endocannabinoid system to exercise you know diet sleep. You saying hi I’m sure you know in sugar you’re very very sensitive to sugar. So with your diet Are you vegan? Are you what kind of diet or dude you follow
Unknown Speaker 56:21
it I’m
Unknown Speaker 56:22
primarily I’m just I don’t eat sugar I don’t eat MSG or processed foods. I stay away from white, white carbs just in and cheap corn. And I always drink full fat milk.
Unknown Speaker 56:40
I have
Unknown Speaker 56:41
a lot of fat and protein in my diet and in vegetables. I’m an omnivore. I love vegans and vegetarians or pescatarians or anyone else that has the diet discipline I get along with because I’ve had this this this, this you know, this diet where I can’t eat Processed foods. I can’t eat any sugar. I can’t have soda pop. I can’t drink really any of the sports any of the drinks that are on the market. Yeah.
John Malanca 57:10
But you’re probably doing your body a good I bought. I went there The reason I went vegan in January 2020
Unknown Speaker 57:19
John Malanca 57:20
I’ve always been in in I don’t say shape, but I’ve always been
Unknown Speaker 57:27
health, it’s always been in my life.
John Malanca 57:29
And this is the first time that I could feel that I have zero inflammation on the inside. And I don’t have any of that. I have zero sweet cravings and I used to love chocolate covered pretzels at night, you know, or chocolate. Ah, I mean that kind of stuff. It was it was just part of me going to bed, you know, and I don’t have any sweet cravings and a friend of mine. He said, watch. Give your skin on this routine in the firt you know, in three months, you’re gonna have zero sweet cravings and so We’ll go out nice you live in Belgium. I mean, I used to drink coffee and, and chocolate was was part of my daily balanced diet. So I didn’t know but so yeah, we would get along when it comes out because you know, when you get on that diet routine it really doesn’t if it doesn’t affect I mean I’ve gotten to barbecues and I’ve cooked my thing and you know people don’t give me a hard time I think is more accepted just like cannabis is more accepted. Now nowadays as well. There’s a great documentary out there called the second brain of course the brain brain, and then the gut is a second brain so if anybody can take a look at that, it’s pretty interesting on how when you’re off down here, everything is out everything else is off and, and I’m certain that you’re the same way when you include sugar into your diet and inflammation, pain joints, and, and gut too. So I promise you an hour Andrew and I were right on that mark here as well and so is there any thing you want to share with our audience one. I want everyone to know how to find you. But is there anything that you can share that you’re working on, that you seen out there that some of our listeners would it would be helpful, helpful tip for them if they’re going through something with their child or themselves or their loved ones.
Unknown Speaker 59:21
I have I have a website and I
Unknown Speaker 59:23
definitely will take take referrals if people need a specialist,
Unknown Speaker 59:29
you know, to speak with
Unknown Speaker 59:32
I think in wrapping it up, I did want to just briefly touch on this spirituality. Yeah,
John Malanca 59:37
I was gonna go there. We, we’ve, I think that’s it.
Unknown Speaker 59:41
Perhaps that would be a good, you know, just to tell the audience I think the things we have the most success for is like the irritable vowel and the brain, you know, gut connection that you were just talking about how that affects epilepsy and autism, Ms. Parkinson, dementia and autism. The and how cannabis can regulate that. And the good news is that the specific formula isn’t as important
Unknown Speaker 1:00:10
to starting a care regime.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:13
But you know, I have a formula that works really well but I, what I am happy to, to, you know, just to report that with with with gut dysfunction and even with like gout and ulcerative colitis and things like they should be trying cannabis first get off the ends that
Unknown Speaker 1:00:34
oxy cotton you know.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:37
And things like that try try, try try like a whole plant hemp formula and their prices coming down and it’s it’s a great starting point. But if we wrap it up, I just want to explain that like liova Scalia and the biblical sources and everything in my advocacy has been about supporting parents with a child with epilepsy. Because if the parents are not empowered and they can’t trust their own decisions, then it’s nearly impossible to get the child to get become better if they’re doubting themselves. And I want everybody to understand that, like, I’ve learned so much from these patients and parents and their leadership. And when they have a gut feel they have no medical background, they don’t even know understand the formulation process. But they’ll watch their kid and they’ll report back to me and oftentimes they know more about what pharmaceutical to drop because they’re looking at their kid, they know their kid. I don’t. I know cannabis. They know their kid. So like, sometimes my biggest job has been just get them to be empowered. And their belief system. They can do this. They become you know, many patients become emotionally and spiritually hampered. And the first thing with cannabis that we have to do is you have to inspire hope. And when that’s you know, like, that’s why my farms called hope springs Memorial Fund. Because if you don’t have any hope, if the patient doesn’t feel that they’re an active participant in there, if they’re not driving their care, and they’re depending on me, they’re depending on their doctor to give them the answers all the time. It doesn’t work as well because we’re not, but even if great doctors like Dustin souillac and john katanas, the best ones, we don’t really have a crystal ball that we we have a great heart, we’ll make suggestions but if if they’re not empowered and they can’t communicate back these really important, you know, things that developments it’s really hard to operate in the phone booth.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:53
You know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:54
And what your patients on the outside. You can’t get them to tell you what is it like in your life. Life. They’re like for a cancer patient, for them to say, What is it? What is it that you really need? Well, let’s not talk about shrinking tumors let’s, what is your life? Like? What, you know? Are you empowered? Are you looking at nine? Are you? Are you meditating and seeing a tunnel? And do you know that you can beat this thing? You know, and, you know, that’s where the faith comes in, and the patients that come to me there that have a faith, whether it’s Christian or, or, or, you know, or Jewish, or if they’re Muslim or, or, or Hindu, if they just have that faith that God loves them, that Jesus is there for them. Or in and, and there’s hope, you know, it’s not about the the dogmatic part of it what religion is right or what you know, was Buddha really a god. It’s just that basic, the basic faith component and specifically in the In this interview on I’m trying to relate that faith experience to the the faith that you can beat this illness, you can make your life better. You might you might not be Lance Armstrong and you know when it’s fair to France you may eventually pass away from cancer but let’s, let’s let’s get it from two years to 10 years. Let’s get you back on the golf course let’s let’s get you you know healthy enough so you can go to your your daughter’s wedding or you see the see the kids, kids born again you know as a new child being born and that aspect it goes back to that humility. I about being a caregiver because I don’t have all the answers and but but the patients that come through and I can effectively instill hope. And if they come in my door with some faith, just a mustard seed of faith and I can inspire them
Unknown Speaker 1:04:56
to to fight
Unknown Speaker 1:04:58
is the fight that inside of them. Now, my, my cannabis therapy is on a totally different level. And it’s because of them not because of me, you know, and I have, I supposedly have this expert guidance, but without the fight that’s inside of them, I can talk and talk and I can recommend that I can try different things over and over again. But they, I, I’m basically like a coach in a boxing ring behind them putting water on, you know, every time there’s a new round, and like cannabis is like, is basically just taking that, that wet rag after around a fight, you know, putting it over and just and just talking in their ear and saying, okay, okay, you got this, okay, you’re ready for the next one. And then they go back out into the ring and then it’s, it’s really them in their in their disease and to figure it out and to and then to come back into the corner and tell us how things are gone. You know,
John Malanca 1:05:59
it’s That’s great because I always share that the same thing you know, I don’t want to give anybody false hope but hope is, is very, very powerful. You know, actually, there’s a book that I have here called Louise Hay heal your body. And that was in a too quick read. But it was something that really helped kurenai when we were going through this and someone gave that to us as a gift, and I read it to krynn, three, four times a day, but hope is important. You know, a hug, human contact is important. And I worked with some doctors when they when patients leave their office, they’re still a bit shell shocked and he says, you need a hug. God do I need a hug and they walk out of there 10 feet tall, like their King Kong. And so you know, one of our original talks that you and I had about a month ago. You know, we’re involved with integrative oncology, work world and conference in organization for the past nine years. The very first conference that I went to and these are 300, integrative oncologist, they do everything besides chemo radiation. And we sat there it was the first night we sat around listening to their roundtable and talking so said, what do you what do you look at in the patient when they first come in? And they said, Well, we look at one we talked to them, she you know how they are, but also to what their home life like, you know, do they have a relationship with a married relationship with their spouse is a good Do they have children, etc. We asked them Do they have, what their spirituality is and to hear an MD say that I was cut, we’re like, that’s pretty impressive. And then they asked, you know, do you have the hope to live Do you want to live and then we treat the cancer or whatever going and I just thought, like you said, going in there and it’s almost like smelling. Okay, I know what medicine we’re going to use here and the same thing with the boxer Putting you the tower. You can do this. I’m behind you and then knowing that they’re with you.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:07
You know, it’s
John Malanca 1:08:08
and maybe that’s why I couldn’t I had four beautiful beautiful months ago because I’ve worked with a handful of other patients where their loved one was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and they passed 48 hours later, or a gentleman, Jim Martel that I’m working with right now with Ryan’s lon his son was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and he had seven weeks and he was like crendon You know, he was athletes, etc. That’s an interesting story for anybody that his podcast has done, but he’s out here in California and he was in the hospital, the hospital would not allow them to use medical cannabis in California. So he was drugged out on morphine, fentanyl for the first four weeks out of seven weeks and they finally found another hospital in Sacramento that allowed him to go in and use medical cannabis He came out of his drugged out stupor and was able to have a relationship with his child and his wife and his friends. He passed in seven weeks and the Father Jim was upset that he lost four weeks out of the seven weeks that his son was alive because they wouldn’t allow him to use cannabis. And they were just constantly constantly pumping him with fentanyl and morphine. But he was talking about passing a law that all terminal Patients have access to this. And and you know, so that took his hope away with the medical system. You know, and but he did say he has seen hope that this plant, what it did for the last three weeks of his child’s life, his son’s life, too. So, anybody going through anything like that, you know, don’t give up on hope. When you’ve been diagnosed with something as serious as cancer or autism or epilepsy or any any ailment, that is what happening with your life too. So I can’t thank you enough, Andrew, you know, for being on the show. Andrew McIntyre. Like I said, I’ve heard your name for years. And this is the first that you and I have seen each other face to face. So thanks for coming on. And before we go, can you share how people can get a hold of you? I’ll put this also in our in the video with your links, but can you share again, how people can get ahold of you?
Unknown Speaker 1:10:23
I have a really simple website at hope SMF calm and it’s folk springs Memorial farm. You can shoot me an email there, especially if you’re in the New England area.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:36
And you know, I always like to do
Unknown Speaker 1:10:40
you know, face to face consultations, or like a zoom consult or something like that. But
John Malanca 1:10:46
can you say that the years or years of your budget Walkmans are my year? I missed your estimate. So if you can spell it out for people to that’d be helpful.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:56
It’s a it’s hope. s ss in San Antonio Mary F is in farm It’s a hope springs Memorial farm. Cool and that the springs Memorial farm is SMM.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
Cool, I appreciate that, guys SMF calm. You can shoot me a mass email from from there and
Unknown Speaker 1:11:21
I hope I can help people if if there’s some, some good talking points that we covered.
John Malanca 1:11:26
Gotcha. So, Andrew, thanks again. And if you’re interested in some of his paintings, you can get them there as well. He has a pretty, pretty impressive collection. So, Andrew, have a blessed evening. Thanks for being on everyone’s John Malanca with United patients group. Be informed and be well and we’ll see you again soon. Thank you. Bye bye