Should You Be Using Ketamine for Addiction?
In the past few years, a lot of hype has started to develop around ketamine as a potential first-line drug for addiction treatment. In 2019, Florida State University researchers found that rats that were induced to have alcohol use disorder were far less likely to drink alcohol after being given ketamine.
Lab Testing Medical Cannabis: Who? Where? What? How? And Other Critical Questions
In February 2017, a Los Angeles television news team broke a story that caused immediate ripples of concern across the medical cannabis community in California. The team collected 44 cannabis flower and vape cartridge samples from 15 different dispensaries, then sent them out to Steep Hill Labs for testing.
Cannabis and Acupuncture: Recent research shows that, like cannabis, acupuncture actually works to regulate the endocannabinoid system.
The many alternative healing modalities that together are grouped into the term “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)” have been in operation in China and other parts of Asia for over 5,000 years.
Cannabis and Musculoskeletal Issues: Why It’s a Viable Alternative to Traditional Meds
United Patients Group (UPG) regularly hears from patients that wish...
Incredible Cannabis Patient Story: Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma Cancer Beat by Medical Marijuana
Since Arizona legalized medical marijuana, Donna has expanded her selection of cannabis oils. Now she takes high-CBD oil during the day and FECO Oil early in the morning and at bedtime.
Is Cannabis the Solution to Antibiotic-Resistant Staph and Superbug Crisis?
MRSA In the United States, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) kills...