Stories of Hope: Cannabis, My Cancer Journey
I have been following you, John, for 5 years now since my kidney cancer metastasized to other parts of my body. I realized traditional treatment was not the course for me and my cancer journey.
Stories of Hope: The Dramatic Effects of Cannabis
I am relatively new to the vaping world, having only eaten edible candies or chocolate. Illinois just legalized marijuana last January, too. Back in the '90s, I made pot brownies and such, so I am familiar with the culinary aspect, but being athletic, I didn't, and still don't want to have treats all the time.
Trick-or-Treat for Grown-Ups: 5 Rules for Happy & Safe Medical Marijuana Halloween Edibles
Cannabis-Infused Candies and Sweets Have Come a Long Way, But...
Map of Medical Marijuana Laws by State
This summarizes state by state marijuana laws. The states that...
Medical Marijuana and Lyme Disease …Alexis’ story
United Patients Group is happy to be here for all...