Why Cannabis Dabbing Is An Emerging Trend
As the world of cannabis evolves, so do the ways to consume it. Most people still smoke traditional joints, blunts, and pipes.
Overview of the Newest Cannabinoids to Hit Japan
Weed, pot, dope, grass, or simply marijuana are familiar names associated with the cannabis plant.
Concentrates: Dabbing for Medicinal Purposes
From insomnia to epilepsy, cannabis has long been hailed as a sort of miracle plant, able to ease many of the ailments that afflict us. Because of this, talking about marijuana from a medicinal perspective is nothing new. What is perhaps relatively new is talking about cannabis concentrates within the medical cannabis realm.
Concentrates: How To Use
Cannabis and humans get along like two peas in a pod. With all of our cannabinoid receptors that link up easily with cannabinoids, you might even say it’s a relationship that was always destined to be.
Cannabis and Acupuncture: Recent research shows that, like cannabis, acupuncture actually works to regulate the endocannabinoid system.
The many alternative healing modalities that together are grouped into the term “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)” have been in operation in China and other parts of Asia for over 5,000 years.