Basil and Holy Basil: Powerful Herbs with Cancer Prevention Properties? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Basil in all its forms is a true nutritional powerhouse. It is anti-bacterial and is high in essential nutrients like vitamins A, K and C, manganese, magnesium, calcium and potassium.
Apoptosis: What is it and what is the role of cannabinoids?
By now you have probably heard a story or two about how medical cannabis helped heal cancer. This may have even been your experience or the experience of a loved one. Cannabis has proven to be effective against cancer in many ways, from reinforcing the endocannabinoid system to boosting the immune system and cutting inflammation.
Top 8 Health Benefits of Consuming Raw Cannabis
While you may know that smoking cannabis can provide relief, did you know you could be eating it too?
Cannabis and Chemo: How Cannabis Can Help with Symptom Management and More
By now most of us probably know that research and anecdata (referenced in our last blog as anecdotal evidence based on personal observations and experiences) strongly suggests that cannabis has the ability to heal cancer.
Dandelion’s As Medicine– From Super Weed to Super Herb
Take a walk in the neighborhood, and you might just...
Cannabis & Skin Cancer: Cannabis Is More Than Skin Deep
The reason cannabis is particularly effective in treating skin conditions is because it’s properties can help reduce many of the most common symptoms and triggers, including: Inflammation, pain, Immune system malfunctions and Infections