“This book should be required reading for all medical professionals, politicians, and everyone interested in health and wellness.” – Andrew Weil M.D.
“a valuable and instructive resource for anyone interested in cannabis and/or the reform of…” – Jon Gettman, High Times
“Marijuana Is Safer provides an informative, enjoyable, comprehensive…” – Mitch Earleywine, PhD, author of Understanding Marijuana and editor of Pot Politics
A holistic understanding of the physical, psychological and spiritual benefits of marijuana which bridges the gap between ancient wisdom…
“From cover to cover, The Little Black Book of Marijuana delivers exactly what it promises…” – Seattle Weekly Blog
“With marijuana legislation making headlines almost daily, The Pot Book’s timing is impeccable…” – Andrew Weil, M.D.
“Here is a book by four leading experts who collaborate in answering questions about marijuana..” – Thomas Schelling, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences
“Very engaging from beginning to end…this book should anger the public with the amount of misinformation…”
“Fun, informative, illustrative, hands-on and authoritative. Whether for approved medical..” – Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director, NORML, Washington, DC
“Written by a ten-year veteran of the iconic magazine, Elise McDonough, the cookbook is humorous yet…” – Houston Press
“If you only own one book about cannabis…” – Steve Kubby, American Medical Marijuana Association
“For decades society has searched for a cure for cancer and we haven’t even found a more humane treatments..” – Kay Lee
Grinspoon and Bakalar have compiled testimonials…- Kathleen McQuiston, Philadelphia Coll. of Pharmacy and Science
“An excellent review which has been well researched and written. It will have a considerable impact.” – Patrick D. Wall of FRS, DM, FRCP, Professor Emeritus, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
“Marijuana Medicine is the most complete visual record of cannabis culture ever published” – Branches of Light
“The Blessed Herb”. Medicinal cannabis users in their own words. In this book, patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses…
“One of marijuana’s greatest advantages as a medicine is its remarkable safety.” – Lester Grinspoon, M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association
“Regan finds that things are hardly that simple, or mellow, in the marijuana game. It long ago became a big business and today in many areas…” – Richard Huff, New York Daily News
The issue before Congress is whether to continue the federal prosecution of medical marijuana patients..
“Matt Mernagh is a fantastic writer.” — S.T. Oner, best-selling author of Marijuana Chef Cookbook
The Handbook of Cannabis Therapeutics: From Bench to Bedside sets aside the condemnation…