Learning Resources
We have collected resources that will help users of all levels feel comfortable when it comes to Medical Marijuana.
If you need additional information about your specific situation we recommend to schedule a consultation.
Beginner’s Guide to Marijuana
A guide intended to help patients in California who are new to using cannabis therapeutically to treat a medical condition.
Ways to Consume Cannabis
An easy guide intended to help patients, doctors and caregivers understand the different methods of administration of medical marijuana.
Getting a Marijuana Card
Getting your card is a multi-step process. You must first find a licensed medical doctor who provides recommendations.
Illnesses Treatable with Cannabis
Cannabis has been shown to be effective treatment for a variety illnesses and issues such as sleeping disorders, aches and pains, cancer, epilepsy and more.
Using Marijuana for Pain Relief
Marijuana pain relief and marijuana pain management are typically considered to be a primary use for a medical marijuana recommendation or card holders.
How Medical Marijuana Works
There are over 400 natural compounds in medical marijuana and, of these, eighty are only found in cannabis plants. These eighty special compounds are known as cannabinoids.
California Marijuana Laws
Medical patients and designated primary caregivers may legally possess and cultivate marijuana if they have a physician’s recommendation.
FAQ’s about Medical Cannabis
What are the primary differences between Indicas vs. Sativas ? What are Edibles ? Can I travel on an airplane with legal medical marijuana ?
Types of Medical Marijuana Strains
Looking at all of the medical marijuana strains that might be helpful for your condition can be overwhelming. Different medical marijuana strains can treat so many conditions and illnesses.
Ask The Expert
Schedule a phone or video consultation with a medical professional (MD, MSN, RN, DO, or AGPCNB-PC)
Becoming a Caregiver
Medical marijuana was legalized in California under the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. The Act allows individuals suffering from debilitating medical conditions and diseases such as cancer…
The Entourage Effect
Aside from THC and CBD, we know that there are as many as 66 other cannabinoids that provide therapeutic benefits. What’s most interesting, though, is the synergy between these cannabinoids.
Patients’ Top Choices for Medical Vaporizers
UnitedPatientsGroup.com and VaporNation.com Patients’ Top Choices for Medical Vaporizers Use Coupon Code: UPG for an extra 10% off.
Top Books on Medical Cannabis
“This book should be required reading for all medical professionals, politicians, and everyone interested in health and wellness.” – Andrew Weil M.D.
Traveling with Medical Marijuana
It can be a challenge to travel for medical marijuana patients. In addition to concerns brought on by their condition, traveling with medical marijuana can be difficult, especially for out of state trips.
Juicing for Life: Benefits of Juicing
Juicing is the latest manifestation of a centuries-old health practice. And in this new age of genetically modified, over-refined, chemically-laden non-foods, this “rediscovery” of juicing has never been more appropriate.
Growing Indoor vs. Outdoor
In many states where medical marijuana is legal, patients can choose to buy their medication at a dispensary or to grow their own indoors or outdoors.
Marinol vs. Medical Marijuana
Marinol is a government and FDA approved prescription medication whose active ingredient is dronabinol, a synthetic form of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the naturally occurring psychoactive constituents in cannabis.
Interesting Facts about Medical Cannabis
The history of cannabis and its associated social stigma blur the true facts behind its true medical benefits.
Videos on Medical Marijuana
The Science of Medical Cannabis: A Conversation with Donald Abrams, M.D. and more…
Cannabis and Brain Cancer Links
There are many types of brain cancer. It forms in different cell types and different areas of the brain and spinal cord.
10 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar for Great Health and At Home
Apple Cider Vinegar has many all-natural uses. Apple Cider Vinegar enthusiasts suggest to take a tablespoon or two a day to fight everything including gout, diabetes, allergies, and cancer.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine is a unique and distinct system of health care that emphasizes the use of prevention and natural therapeutics.
DEA Drug Scheduling
Drugs, substances, and certain chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules depending upon the drug’s acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential.
Write Your Senators
Our Federal government is at a critical crossroads with respect to its stance on medical marijuana. Let your voice be heard!
Check for Reactions with Cannabis
Currently displaying all 565 drugs (3598 brand and generic names) known to interact with cannabis.
USA Medical Cannabis Patents
United States Patent 6,630,507
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants
and more…
DrugDangers.com – Educating the Public
DrugDangers.com’s goal is to keep the public educated and informed of all defective medical devices and dangerous medications that are currently on the market.
USA Medical Cannabis Patents
United States Patent 6,630,507
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants
and more…
Books on Medical Cannabis
Learn more about the benefits of Medical Cannabis, current laws and legislation and cooking recipes.
Vaporizers provide a healthy alternative to smoking. Learn more about the various types and best models here.
Making Sense of Medical Cannabis
The cannabis plant has been used for thousands of years in religious, recreational, and medical contexts.