CBD Dosage Guide: Everything You Need To Know
Cannabidiol, or CBD, comes in many different forms: tincture, tablets, gummies, creams, lotions, and infused pastries. There is even CBD-infused soda pop these days! The evidence is clear that CBD works for pain, insomnia, fatigue, eye health, and so much more.
Lab Testing Medical Cannabis: Who? Where? What? How? And Other Critical Questions
In February 2017, a Los Angeles television news team broke a story that caused immediate ripples of concern across the medical cannabis community in California. The team collected 44 cannabis flower and vape cartridge samples from 15 different dispensaries, then sent them out to Steep Hill Labs for testing.
Eating Meat Good or Bad? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Summer and fall are seasons that inherently bring chances to...