Stories of Hope: Cannabis, My Cancer Journey
I have been following you, John, for 5 years now since my kidney cancer metastasized to other parts of my body. I realized traditional treatment was not the course for me and my cancer journey.
Stories of Hope: The Dramatic Effects of Cannabis
I am relatively new to the vaping world, having only eaten edible candies or chocolate. Illinois just legalized marijuana last January, too. Back in the '90s, I made pot brownies and such, so I am familiar with the culinary aspect, but being athletic, I didn't, and still don't want to have treats all the time.
Stories of Hope: Clear Scans From Ireland!
Hello my name is Bronwyn Duffy, I'm a 40-year-old woman from County Armagh in Ireland. I’ve a partner Stephen and 3 children. I work as secretary in a primary school for 23 years. I love my job, don’t smoke and only take a drink at Christmas.
Stories of Hope: No More Migraines
I spent my life from the age of 12 suffering with occasional migraines, trying gabapentin for a while. I didn’t like it much, nor did my parents as it made me nervous and anxious in school.
Stories of Hope: From Tragedy to Triumph and Beyond
We welcomed 2021 and looked forward the year ahead. My hope for you and your family as spring has sprung, is peace, happiness & healing. I am so sorry for the loss of your Corinne and how difficult this was and continues to be.