Can CBD have an effect on PMS?
PMS is one of the oldest challenges to be addressed by the wellness community. Many home remedies exist that attempt to limit its worst aspects, from holistic anti-inflammatories and natural painkillers to hot water bottles and exercise routines, all of which experience varying degrees of success.
Is Cannabis any Good for Tic Douloureux?
Cannabis may help to alleviate symptoms of Tic Douloureux such as neuropathic pain and hyperalgesia
CBD Gummies For Pain
Research has identified a system in the body called the endocannabinoid system. This system plays a key role in how CBD gummies for pain and other conditions work.
Top 7 Things to Know About Utah’s Medical Marijuana Program
Are you considering getting a Medical Marijuana card in Utah...
Story of Hope: ER, Kidney Stones, Pain Meds and Cannabis Relief
I have been following you and Corinne since your first podcast with The Sacred Plant and had been a faithful watcher. Let me first say I’m so sorry about your wife. She was lovely! I was so impressed that you continued teaching about cannabis medicine, that your story is my Story of HOPE, John.
Stories of Hope: Car Accident, Trauma to Healing
I decided to send in my story because it greatly impacted me, and I’ve been thinking about sharing it for a while now. I love these stories so I’m willing to share. I am a recreational user, but marijuana is so helpful for sleep and relaxation that I’d have to call its effects medical as I have a high stress job and it calms me.