Should You Be Using Ketamine for Addiction?
In the past few years, a lot of hype has started to develop around ketamine as a potential first-line drug for addiction treatment. In 2019, Florida State University researchers found that rats that were induced to have alcohol use disorder were far less likely to drink alcohol after being given ketamine.
Putting The THC In Healthcare: 9 Perks Of Medicinal Cannabis
Cannabis has been utilized predominantly for recreational purposes in western civilization since the 1850s. But should we integrate weed as a medical treatment in American healthcare too?
Dry Herb Vaporizers and Medical Cannabis: What you need to know
The cannabis industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and is expected to continue growing as more states and countries legalize the use of this plant. One of the effects of this is that the more the industry grows, the more products will be available.