Cannabis and Acupuncture: Recent research shows that, like cannabis, acupuncture actually works to regulate the endocannabinoid system.
The many alternative healing modalities that together are grouped into the term “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)” have been in operation in China and other parts of Asia for over 5,000 years.
Cannabis and Musculoskeletal Issues: Why It’s a Viable Alternative to Traditional Meds
United Patients Group (UPG) regularly hears from patients that wish...
Cannabis and Perimenopause: Help Through “The Transition”
The endocrine system regulates the levels and output of the dozens of hormones in your body, including the reproductive hormones that are a part of the changing internal landscape of peri-menopause.
Top 5 Cannabinoids That Heal Your Body and Mind
Did you know that there are 480 chemical compounds in...
Fibromyalgia: Big Pharma vs Medical Cannabis
A recent survey of 1,339 fibromyalgia patients conducted by the National Pain Foundation showed that medical cannabis is far more effective than the three common drugs approved to fight this disease
THC, THCA, CBD, CBC, CBN: Medical Marijuana Composition, The Chemicals in Cannabis
As the science of medical cannabis develops, we’re discovering more and more that breeding cannabis for different levels of medicinal compounds