How Can CBD Oil Change Mental Health Treatment?
The medical benefits of cannabis have been known to humanity for a long time now. Using cannabis compounds for medicinal purposes becomes more and more popular as the laws and society awareness changes.
What to Know About the U.S. Law and Industrial Hemp
All cannabis is cannabis, but some cannabis is hemp. To many laypeople, this delineation is exceedingly confusing; after all, much of the Western world has used the term “hemp” to refer to all cannabis for centuries. If not all cannabis is hemp, what sets hemp apart from the rest?
Stories of Hope: Chronic pain for life? But wait, I’m too young…
About 10 years ago, my youngest daughter was terribly injured in a 5 car pile-up on a busy interstate at rush hour. Diagnosed with severe spinal injuries and chronic pain for life, she was devastated emotionally & physically.
Top 5 Dispensaries in the San Francisco Bay Area
The San Francisco Bay Area has always been at the forefront of the cannabis movement. Going back to the 1990s when Proposition 215 was passed, local dispensaries have been building their businesses and offering the local community cannabis that is held to the highest standard. With this wealth of knowledge and experience, many new dispensaries and delivery services have been able to follow in these footsteps, and forge their own path since the 2018 full legalization of cannabis.
Can You Benefit From CBD Oil This Winter?
For many, winter means harsh weather conditions and the possibility of contracting several health issues. Learn how taking CBD oil can potentially help you manage these issues this winter.
How to Smoke Hemp Flower: Different Ways for Different Perks
The hemp flower has been one of the most growing trends among cannabis enthusiasts. No doubt, everyone loves the intense sense of awareness that comes with blunts of hemp flowers. In fact, smoking hemp flower is perhaps the best and most effective way to consume CBD.