Apoptosis: What is it and what is the role of cannabinoids?
By now you have probably heard a story or two about how medical cannabis helped heal cancer. This may have even been your experience or the experience of a loved one. Cannabis has proven to be effective against cancer in many ways, from reinforcing the endocannabinoid system to boosting the immune system and cutting inflammation.
How Cannabis Helps Treat Breast Cancer By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
For thousands of years, cannabis has been used the world over for healing. In fact, marijuana is still included in the 50 fundamental (i.e. most important) herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Even though the fate of cannabis on the federal level is still up in the air, the good news is that more and more, the healing power of cannabis for even the most serious health conditions is becoming common knowledge.
Killing Cancer Stem Cells, If You Have Cancer, Pay Attention! By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Here is a fact that may surprise you: According to a ground-breaking 14-year study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, although there are some cancers that have a higher rate of long-term survivability in response to chemotherapy, the overall 5-year survival rate for cancer patients who utilize cytotoxic chemotherapy alone is only 2.1%.
Living with Breast Cancer: How Medical Cannabis Can Help After Diagnosis and During Treatment
As we wrap up Breast Cancer Awareness month, it’s worth noting that during our grandmothers’ lifetimes, real, significant progress has been made against this group of diseases: it’s no longer the death sentence it once was.
What’s So Bad about Bromide? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
You’ve probably heard of the environmental toxin fluoride, which has been systematically put into the water supply of many U.S. municipalities since the 1960’s and has led to all sorts of health complications for thousands of Americans.
Cannabis and Perimenopause: Help Through “The Transition”
The endocrine system regulates the levels and output of the dozens of hormones in your body, including the reproductive hormones that are a part of the changing internal landscape of peri-menopause.