CBD Oil for Back Pain: Does It Help?
Back pain is one of the most common chronic ailments. The causes vary, but the statistics are shocking – around 65 million of Americans report back pain episodes
Is CBD the Answer for Pain Relief?
In this new way of life that we are all experiencing right now, and people are starting to get back to this ‘new’ normal, uptight, and anger might be more prevalent in your personal space. Is this happening to you?
Thinking About Cannabis Edibles? Weigh the Pros and Cons Before You Purchase!
How do you know that the edible you are about to consume (in the portion you are about to consume it) is right for you?
Fibromyalgia: Big Pharma vs Medical Cannabis
A recent survey of 1,339 fibromyalgia patients conducted by the National Pain Foundation showed that medical cannabis is far more effective than the three common drugs approved to fight this disease