7 Ways Medical Cannabis and CBD Can Help Treat Depression And Stress
Depression continues to threaten humanity across the globe, with nearly half of the suicidal cases involving depressed individuals.
What effects does CBD have on the brain?
Hi, John Malanca here with United Patients Group. This next question is: ‘What effects does CBD have on the brain?’ Well, CBD has effects on the brain and the exact cause for these effects is not clear.
Does CBD help with Anxiety?
Does CBD help with Anxiety? Anxiety, depression, PTSD, are high on the charts when it comes to patients asking about if cannabis and cbd will help with those ailments. Will cannabis and CBD
How Cannabis Helps with Bipolar Disorder
“It makes much more sense to allow patients be able to obtain cannabis legally, through a dispensary, or better yet, grow it for their personal use. Legal or not, cannabis will continue to be my treatment of choice.”