Neville and Sharon Kelly are more than grateful…
In March of 2014, Neville and Sharon Kelly were grappling with shattering news; Sharon was diagnosed with stage IV terminal lung cancer and given 6 to 9 months to live. “I was desperately searching the internet looking for information or any confirmation that cannabis can be used to fight cancer,” said Neville.
The Kelly’s found their way to a CULTURE article on Stan and Barb Rutner, a married couple who both faced cancer and both beat it, happily exclaiming that cannabis has improved their quality of life every day since. “When I stumbled across this story, every hair on my head stood up and my heart started racing.” Neville contacted the CULTURE office shortly after.
“We received a response from Jeremy Zachary with contact details and noticed he had cc’d Stan’s son-in-law as well. The rest is history. The compassion shown to us was overwhelming, and John & Corinne Malanca from the United Patients Group could not help us enough. We spoke with each other using Skype several times and we learned so much from them.”
After diving in to research with the help of knowledgeable cannabis advocates, Sharon began taking cannabis oil for approximately 7 months. Today, she is cancer free.
While Neville and Sharon are from Australia, where the ingestion, production and purchasing of cannabis is very much illegal, they took the legal risk and came out on top. Their story is not only heart warming, but a grave reminder as to why cannabis use for all suffering ailments should absolutely be an option.
“This chance meeting, where we believe I was lead to your site, was the beginning of a lifesaving journey. You never know the power of what you put to print, and what it can ultimately accomplish.”
To the Kelly’s– in regards to your bravery, optimism and for sharing your truly heart warming story– thank you.
Watch Sharon explain her journey.
Melissa Brewer says
My grandfather has 4th stage lung cancer. This literally fell out of the clear blue sky one day onto him. Healthy as could be. Never on any meds! Not even a Tylenol!
Now, this is going on. Chemo is causing a mess!
Can you please send us in the right direction where to get the oil to be prescribed to him? We live in CT.
Thank you kindly!!
(Roy’s granddaughter), Melissa :) says
Hello Melissa,
Yes, this is exactly what we do! At UPG we help families navigate this system while avoiding the pitfalls that can arise. Many end up paying thousands of dollars for the wrong medicine. Please know that one size does not fit all and that the ratio of THC to CBD is very important.
Please shcedule yourself in for a consultation by clicking the Cinsultation tab on our homw page. This way we will have an uninterupted hour set aside for you and your family.
I hope this has helped!
Shivam Seth says
My dad has lung cancer- Mesothelioma with month to live. I would just like to know the mixture of THC and CBD required for this. please help says
Every patient has different medications that they are taking and have undergone different procedures. It is very important to consult with our oncology nurse or a recommended physician to grasp what is needed for your father. If yo would like to have a consultation, please click the consultation shceduling system here.
I hope this has been of some help to you,
April Wootten says
How is the cannabis oil taken when a person has lung cancer ? says
Hello April,
My dad had stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the brain. He was given two weeks to live. We gave him a coconut oil and cannabis capsule during the day and a tiny drop of Cannabis oil at night under his tongue. He was cancer free in 9 months.
Most cannabis oil treatment is taken sublingually.
I hope this helps,
Yoav says
Hi April and Corinne,
My mum has just been diagnosed with lung cancer that has also met to the brain. Can I ask how your dad coped with the effects (high?) of the treatment? Did he have any chemo or radiation as well? And was diet changed? How did the rest of the family feel about this alternative treatment? Thank you. says
My dad rook the oil at night inorder to sleep through the affects. Our family was open to trying anything that may help as he was given 2 weeks to live. If you would like to discuss further, feel free to call my office 415-524-8099.
All the best,
Angi G says
I’m interested in more info. My mother has been diagnosed with small cell carcinoma, and given 1-12 months to live. says
Hello Angi,
If you would like to schedule yourself in for a one hour consult, please click the link below and follow the prompts. This will ensure that your call will be uninterrupted and all your questions and concerns can be answered. You will come away with a full understanding of what your mother needs, how to avoid the scams in this industry, where people get their medicine, cost and dosing.
We look forward to talking with you.
jay iarussi says
Interested in many of these topics and state of availability where I live.
thank you, Jay says
Hello Jay,
I have attached a link to our “State Laws” section. If you have further questions, please feel free to call our offices to discuss your options.
Sheila says
Hi. Last year I was diagnosed with stage 3 inflammatory brst cancer. It had metasticized to my lymph nodes and I had several small tumors along my collarbone. Prognosis was not good. I began my cancer battle with chemo. I used cannabis to help offset the nausea. I used rso in the hopes of a cure. However, when the chemo was done, I still showed a prominent tumor approximately 1.5″ in size in my left breast. So I took a month to allow my body to recoup before surgery. During this month, I took my leftover rso, mixed it with coconut oil, applied it topically several times daily and wore thermal underwear. And I slept. I ingested it inside and out. And slept. In one month I had my surgery. My sister and daughter flew in, fully expecting to pack my things and take me back east to spend my last days. What no one expected, including all of my doctors, was for my breast to be tumor free. My surgeon was in complete shock as he gave me the news that my pathology report showed my cancer in remission. He advised me to continue whatever I am doing. I am fully convinced that the chemo slowed my healing tremendously. I use cannabis oil daily and will continue to for at least the next five years. I hope to share my story and find others with similar stories. Bye bye cancer! – Luckiest girl in the world.
Tony says
Where do you get the cannabis oil that contains more than a small amount of cannabis oil. What I was able to purchase here in New Orleans, Louisiana was a very low percentage of the oil mixed in virgin olive oil. My wife was diagnosed with cancer in the lungs, but not lung cancer, it has metastasized from the gastrointestinal section, After several scans and biopsy’s the cancer can not be found. It is called cancer of unknown primary and she was given 1 to 2 years. We were told most people live the first year and pass sometime in the second year from the cancer. I am very interested in finding out how to give my wife the cannabis oil and where to get the oil with the correct percent of cannabis.
Also I am finding out that since she has been diagnosed everyone has their hand in my pocket. We went to two major hospitals and didn’t like or care for the way we were treated and all the test each wanted to do. We ended up going to MD Anderson and got basically the same answers. So we started cemo treatments here and had 4 so far. We just go back from MD Anderson were we were told that the 2 tumors in her lungs have gotten a little smaller, but the 19-9 blood test at the beginning was five thousand and something was now one thousand five hundred. That was the only good news we got. I was told about the lady Sharon Kelly and watched her video, and was told by a friend where to get the cannabis oil was at a health food store here. He said he uses it every day to prevent cancer since he works with chemicals. I purchased a bottle of what he told me he uses which is Organic Extra Virgin CANNABIS OIL CBD Enriched by Regalabs and it says Supplemental Facts: Cold Pressed 100% Organic Hemp Oil 100 mg. CBD Enriched. Now I was told that this is not the oil we should use because it dose not contain enough CBD. Were do I get the correct oil and what is the correct oil. I am not a very trusting person, and I don’t trust doctors or anyone else. They are all out to make as much money as they can, and you are only a file and number. If you say make and appointment what is the cost. says
Being that New Orleans is not a cannabis friendly state, Hemp is the only oil available there. While hemp oil is a healthy product,treating cancer requires both CBD and THC are needed to kill off the cancer. There are various formulations of oil for cancers. Many treat gastrointestinal cancers with a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC. My father’s stage 4 lung cancer that spead to his brain required a 4:1 ratio of THC to CBD. In order to by FECO oil (Full Extract Cannabis) Oil you would need to be in a Cannabis friendly state.I am not a medical professional but this is some basic information for you to understand how this industry is currently working.
I hope this answers a few of your questions.
Tony says
Thanks Corinne !
I read more of the web site and I am in the process of trying to get a written letter from one of her doctors for the use of medical marijuana. After I get this letter where do I go to get the Full extract cannabis oil. Also how do I find out the correct amount to use. I am assuming that since most people with her cancer use a 1:1 ratio that would be what she should use. How did you determine that your father needed a higher ratio. I want to do this the correct way. We can’t afford to make a lot a mistakes. This is her life. Again many thanks for the information I need all of it I can get. says
Back when we treated my father, we did not know anything about formulations or dosages. We were simply trying to make him comfortable. Yes, we got lucky but today we know much more. Once you have your license you should meet with a medical professional working in cannabis treatment. This can be a challenge as most physicians are warey of the federal status of cannabis. Because of this there are some nurses that will guide you. They charge a consultation fee but it is well worth it for the information you receive from the one our call or skype meeting. We have nurses who consult under our consultation tab or you can contact the ACNA (American Cannabis Nurses Association) for a referral.
Wishing you all the best,
Grail McGinley says
I have stage IV lung/adenocarcenoma – spread to breast and now cerebral / spinal fluid
They are not giving me good prognosis – I have been put on high dose pulsed Tarceva but am interested in the options C.O. provides = surviving!
kimpe fabienne says
hello we are from Belgium my husband has also longcancer terminal stage and has just one year to live where can i find this combination off cannabisoil that Scharon KELLY TOOK ,,
THank you and looking forward to a reply says
Hello Kimpe,
Where are you in Belgium? There are people treating themselves there although it is illegal in Belgium.
Sri Sunarti says
Dear Sir,
Kindly help me find, for my cancer patient husband, the kind of syringes which the patient Sharon Kelly used and found very helpful for rectal dispensing of the cannabis oil she used to cure her cancer.
My husband has been nauseated since he started the oil therapy. Delivering the oil via suppository did not work at all, like in the case of Sharon.
Will be most grateful for your help and also for early reply.
Sri. says
Can you email us the information for the oil that nausiated him? How much he was taking and the prices you paid? Our email is
Cathy says
I was diagnosed with stage 1V lung cancer this past Nov. I headed to Mexico for 3 weeks for detox and other alternative treatments. I started cannibis and a plant based diet when I got home. I also started 100 mg of Tarceva a day. When I had my scans done in April it showed my cancer was virtually gone! My oncologist, here in the states, says it’s because of the Tarceva. I would love to get off of it because it has side effects. It’s the only western med that I am on. He said I shouldn’t get off of it because the cancer could come back with a vengence. Are you still on Tarceva? If so, how long will you stay on it? Any feed back would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Cathy says
You may want to contact Sharon directly through Facebook. She is not a emplyee of UPG.
Jackie says
When you have cancer you need to hit it hard. Not only with cannabis oil and CBD oil but also with essential oils, diet, and supplements like Chinese medicine. I have lung cancer and starting using RSO oil but I had to stop, I had only been on it for a short time. When I had my CT Scan two months later it showed my tumor had shrunk. This was with a small amount of this. I have recently starting using the RSO Oil again along with the above mentioned items added. else. Tumeric is also something I take daily. I will let you know on my next scan if there has be an improvement. I have not had any type of conventional treatments, this is something I decided to do since I know my body would not be able to handle the effects of this and or radiation. Jackie
Flower says
Unfortunately Sharon did not make it…RIP!
MF says
My relative was diagnosed recently with Stage 4 cancer. I would like to help, but I am confused as to how to go about this. Someone above wrote Sharon Kelly did not make it? What was the cause of death if her cancer was cured?