Hello everyone! Well, I feel that an update on my father’s journey is long overdue. If you’ve read the previous blogs about my father’s road to remission, you should be up to date on what he ingested to become healthy again. After nine months of taking two different forms of cannabis oil, one, a cannabis capsule infused with organic coconut oil around 10:30am and high THC oil about an hour before bed, dad was given the life changing report, ”No evidence of recurrent disease”. When my mother emailed me with that report, it literally took my breath away!
Since my last post my father has done a lot traveling, strength and balance classes, horseback riding, and walking. He enjoys a full life at 80 years young. Most importantly he made it to Montana to walk me down the aisle. Dad never thought that he would make it to that day but low and behold, he continued on the Cannabis Oil and is STILL in remission! September 21st 2013 will go down in our history book! I knew that as soon as those barn doors opened and our guests saw my father and I standing there, we would all fall apart.
That day had so much meaning. The love of family, friends, unconditional love and eternal love…I had chosen my partner for life just as my parents had 57 years ago. They had many health struggles. My mother had beaten breast cancer twice and my father had had Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the late 80’s in addition to his diagnosis at 77 years old of Stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to the brain. Given two weeks to live and wasting, he was willing to try anything. Thank goodness he was open to the cannabis oil!
My parents live at a senior community in northern California and pride themselves on educating the other (in-mates) as my parents call them, who live at their residence. My husband John and I were well received as we conducted a lecture on the benefits of cannabis and the process to get relief. It was a packed house and, in turn, many have gotten their cannabis cards. They are thrilled at the relief they have experienced and how they can function normally.
Dad now enjoys giving interviews and photo shoots, he has done many. The one that got him the most notoriety was his article in Culture Magazine. Mom and dad are very proud to be a part of the education process. It is rewarding for them to see people they know, feeling better and hearing the remission stories that have come through their direction.
Thank you to all of my dad’s supporters, he appreciates the people who follow his story and looks forward to educating people for the rest of his time here. There are no accidents, my father was given this path for a reason and we are all so thankful for what his journey has taught us.
~Corinne Malanca
Stan’s beautiful story began when United Patients’ Group was in its infancy. The capsules that started his road to recovery might have been forever unknown to us without Corinne and John’s desperate and tenacious research to find some way to stop his wasting.
In just 3 short years Stan has recovered and https://www.unitedpatientsgroup.com has brought probably thousands of people into the light about the life-giving effects of cannabis as a medicine for a vast range of health issues. We pray that this understanding continues to grow exponentially and that our government stops holding this God-given substance hostage. So many precious lives depend on it!
To life!! ~ Barb Rutner
I think it is wonderful that the so called terrible stuff saved his life..god bless you for giving it to him and I hope he lives a long time..Utah didn’t want to let the canabus oil in to help kids with epalepic problems but it took a long time but satin finally signed the bill
Hello Fred,
Yes we have heard the good news! Our only hope is that the CBD legislation will soon broaden to THC as well. The CBD component in Cannabis is wonderful and can help patients with Epilepsy, but the thousands of children and adults struggling with cancer need the THC to kill cancer cells and tumors. The cancer community feels left out. Maybe it is just a matter of time as Utah needs to get their feet wet.
Again, We share your enthusiasm and thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
~The UPG Team
Well Utah just struck down the Medical Marijuana Bill sponsored by State Senator Mark Madsen, by 1 vote. You should have read the lame reasons why, for those who voted against it.
If it wasn’t so tragic for so many Utah citizens who need the benefits of medical marijuana, like yesterday, the reasons would make you break out laughing.
My Mother needs it now! She is in stage IV metastatic breast cancer. She is now on hospice, with a prognosis of 6 months left.
She is totally a fighter and is still doing fairly well, considering. In fact, her radiologist who saw her a couple of weeks ago, said he was surprised that he saw her again.
In Utah, we can get the potent CBD oil, but it has to have a very low dose of THC, or practically non-existent dose of THC.
Now it is my understanding that to treat late stage cancer aggressively, a person has to have a balance of THC and CBD.
I am trying to figure what to do.
We are sorry to hear that Utah will only move forward with CBD. You are correct that THC is needed to kill treat cancer along with CBD. We have many people that come to us for advice from Utah, one of which is Tenille from the news coverage. Please know that not all cancers are treated with the same oil. The ratios of THC to CBD are very important. We have an Oncology nurse on staff who offers consultations to walk you through the entire process. If you are interested in scheduling time with her, go to our home page and click the “Consultation” tab and follow the prompts.
I hope this helps!
United Patients Group
Such wonderful news! I am trying to figure out how all of this works for myself. I am 46 yes old and was diagnosed in january with stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer. I have had 5 cycles of chemotherapy. Radiation is.not an option because it has attached itself to the lining of my heart. Dr says 8 months with treatment and on my next visit he told me he’s stopping treatment because its not helping. My cancer has not grown or gotten smaller. I was told to watch the Sharon Kelly you tube video and was blown away by how our stories are almost identical. I am going to try the oil if I can. The problem is I live in Missouri where its not legal and of course the cost. Thank you for sharing this story it gives me hope that someday I too can say I survived terminal lung cancer by taking cannabis oil
If you need guidance, feel free to call our offices to discuss. 415-524-8099
All the best,
~Corinne (Stan and Barb’s daughter)
I would like to know which cannabis products your father used as treatment. My brother in-law is battling Burkitt’s Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and it being treated at Stanford. They have exhausted all treatment options. He has done 15+ rounds of various chemo as well as intense radiation. He is 47 years old. Please let me know where to purchase the cannabis treatment. We are in Salinas/Monterey, Ca. Thank you!
Hello Cara,
I can tell you what my father took but it is important to understand that each condition has a slightly different treatment plan. We have an Oncology nurse on staff that can consult with you, go over all the labs/scans, make suggestions and connect you to a reputable product maker. Afte that she can walk you through the dosing process.
I have attacehd the link to her schedule below for your convenience. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
All my best,
Amazing story. Truly inspirational. As a stage 4 colorectal cancer warrior, I too am hoping for such results. Thanks for sharing and continued good health to your folks.
Thank you Rebecca,
We are wishing you a full recovery! If there is anything we can do to help, please feel free to call. Have you joined Cannabis Oil Success Stories on FB? They are a private group with wealth of information too!
Strength and miracles,
Terrific site and wonderful news, but your dad walked you down the aisle (interior walkway), not isle (island). You and John keep up the good work. Naturally cultivated marijuana needs to be removed from it’s class one drug status, the veil of ignorance and fear need to be ripped away, and the medical mafia’s expensive, toxic interventions need to be ignored into extinction. I’ve included your update and raved about your site with the URL link in my latest Natural News submission that updates my original story of November 2013 on Stan.
Thank you Paul for the correction. I should have caught that since I am currently studying advanced writing and research…Yikes! We love what YOU do as well. If you would like to submit blogs or information, we are sure our readers would enjoy what you have to say. We would also add direct links back to you site. It seems that our goals and views are aligned and building momentum is so important.
Thank you again!
Dear Stan: Your daughter looks beautiful in her wedding dress and you look very handsome and healthy. I am going to try to take a page from your book so I can sleep better, just so I don’t get sick!
Congratulations on having such a wonderful family that helped you out in your time of need and show them all by living to at least 100!!!
Marguerite, This this Corinne, Stan’s daughter. I will happily pass this message on to him. You will see that my mother, Barbara, somtimes responds to notes about my dad as well. Being pro-active in regards to your health is a smart idea. There are plenty of oils and tinctures for this.
Thank you again for your sweet note!
What an awesome story and an incredible recovery! I was diagnosed with AML 2 years ago. Went through 2 rounds of hard core chemo to completely wipe out all Leukemia cells then I had a complete stem cell transplant at MD Anderson. My brother was a perfect match. I’m now 18 months post transplant and seem to be doing very well. I will have another bone marrow biopsy in April, that I pray will show that I am still cancer free. The horrible part about Leukemia is that it almost always comes back. It keeps you living in constant fear. I am very interested in trying cannabis oil to make sure that it never, ever returns!! It’s a bit overwhelming though. I have heard that you need a certain kind, from a particular strain of plant…..not sure about dosage or even where to buy it. Do I need to travel? Or move? Are online site reliable? Are they legal? I’m lost when trying to decide what’s right and what’s a rip off. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! My 2 small children need me to remain cancer free!
Sharon, Thank you for your note. We can help you get answers in these areas but we need to know where you live. To keep your personal life private, you can call our office to have all your questions answered. We CAN say that there are plenty of “legal” and “legitimate” sources although there are many that are not. This is exactly why we are here, to help patients navigate the Cannabis world.
Our office number is 415-524-8099.
We look forard to hearing form you!
The UPG Team
god put it here for a purpose and it wasn’t just to get high on but for many other reasons and thank god there finding them out now
Thanks so much for the wonderful report. I lost my younger brother (73) in December to some long named cancer that sucked the life out of him as he could not drink or eat after consenting to their “practically sure admonition that they had new answers for his problem”. What a crock and while I’m sure my brother acted out of the fear the experts instilled in him, had he known of this I believe he would have tried it. As for me, I’ll be 75 this next week and the thought has concerned me and for both me and my wife, we would like to know more about the preventive side. We live now in Honduras but we’ve got a Florida freight forwarding address. Sorry but we don’t use FaceBook or any of the social sites. If you can give me more information so I can make some decisions I would greatly appreciate it. Best to you, your new husband and your courageous father.
Good evening Dick,
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. It is such a shame that so many have lost their lives now that we know there are alternatives. You are smart to think of prevention. Some of the best ways to prevent disease is to change your diet so that your immune system is not stressed. Research an Alkaline diet and the Gershon Therapy. As for Cannabis oil, If you reside in a legal state, a minimal amount of oil could add to the prevention process but diet is the key point.
I hope this helps and good luck on your life journey,
Kind regards,
Thank you Corinne. My wife and I are careful about our diet…and are both aware of Gershon. As for the Cannabis oil, we live and are residents of Honduras now. We receive our mail directly at the post office here although things we order (because of the requirement by the banks to have a US address) we have shipped to our freight forwarding address in Florida. Can the Cannabis Oil be shipped directly to Honduras? If not because payment by credit card usually required the same delivery address as is on the bank card, are there possibilities of shipping to Florida? If so I would be very interested in knowing exactly what is recommended (products) for prevention. Thanks for taking your time to converse!
Hello Dick, Where the industry is now, it is illegal to ship across state lines (and to other countries), even if it is from one legal state to another. This is the part that breaks our hearts as ALL patients should have access. It shouldn’t matter where you live!
Thanks Corinne. Please keep us in some sort of “interested parties” file. Regards to you and your family!
Will do Dick! Take a look at this article below. It just came out today with my dad featured at the top. He is such a trooper!
All the best,
I love hearing amazing stories like this one. Gives me much hope through my own storm. I am a 40 yr old mother of two young children and a loving husband. I was diagnosed with breast cancer year and half ago. I have been doing all natural treatment since my lumpectomy. My cancer marker numbers are normal, but still fighting the cancer tumor cells that are circulating in my blood. Just learned about cannabis last week and doing lots of research. I asked my doctor about it and he said he thinks it would help me a lot especially with stress. I would really like to get details on what kind, where, and how much ASAP. I have been educating others on alternative therapy during my journey, because it seems the only way people learn that there is another way than the norm of conventional treatment. I feel very blessed that God has lead me down the path. Anxious to talk, and learn more. I have the office number I wrote down from a reply to another message. Super excited! Glad you are sharing and helping others like me. Thank you.
Tricia, Thank you so much for your note. I am THRILLED to hear that your doctor is supportive of Cannabis and feels that it would help! I am sure it will. We will look forward to your call to discuss the particulars. If you go to our home page and scroll to the bottom, click on “about us” you will see a picture of me and my husband and our story of how we got here. It has been a special journey.
Cheers to you educating yourself!
Warm regards,
Can you give me the doseage amounts to cure Cancer of Cannabis oil
There are many questions that need to be answered before offering advice on dosing. Utilizing cannabis oil for cancer is not a “one size fits all” protocol. If you would like to shcedule a consultation, please feel free to click the “consultation” tab on our home page to add yourself to our schedule. I have attached the link below for your convenience.
My brother has Hepatitis C. Is there any research on cannabis for this? I know he uses medical marijuana to stem his pain (he lives in WA state), but will that actually help the HepC?
Good morning Catherine,
Some believe that Cannabis can help with Hep C although we have not yet seen any clinical studies ourselves. I have attached below and article that discusses this very subject. I hope this helps!
~The UPG Team
Hello Corinne and John, I know you both are found well thank you for your research and help on cannabis. your story is so beautiful.my family has neurofibromatosis and would like to know if cannabis could help us. we have seen on rick simpson’s site some tumors have disappeared.does it work on all types of tumors?we would love to try it and maybe help more like us if it works.Thank you and God bless you all. The griffin Family April,Dominique,Antyon
Hello April, Thank you for your note. We are not doctors here but Cannabis has reduced many types of tumors. Understanding that Cannabis is not harmful, we don’t see any reason to try this approach as we have seen positive results in many types of tumors. With that said, Neurofibromatosis is a genetic condition and we have yet to see reports of cannabis and this condition. Who knows, you could be the first! Feel free to call our office any time to discuss yor options! 415-524-8099.
Warm regards,
Wasn’t Rockefeller that got Cannabis outlawed back in the 20’s?? Just curious, as many North American Indians used many herbs along with Cannabis. Anyways there is a lot to be said from what the Indians taught us.
I am so happy to read these types of success stories with or without Cannabis, but since you’ve proven Cannabis (THC) was the key ingredient eradicating the cancer cells from your body. WHY NOT make a public announcement concerning it’s ability. The Western Medical Society has made it a unaffordable option to for health maintenance. In other words: we the general public are the minnows for all the greedy sharks of the Western Medical Community.
I have personally stopped seeing any doctors abiding by the AMA criteria. Instead I use Dr. Mercola, a local Omish clinic or the use of the internet for home remedies. I am now beyond 13 years and also have cured myself of Psoriasis using herbs.
Thanks for another success story without using the fraudulent Western meds illusion.
Patrick O’Connor
Pete, Thank you so much for your note. We love that you have found health by way of Dr. Mercola and the Omish Clinic. My goodness, we would LOVE to hear how you treated your psoriasis! So many people call about this topic. If you would like to help other sufferers, feel free to write a blog about what they can do. I am quite sure you would have a substantial following.
Again, Thank you for writing us here at UPG! We look forward to hearing from you again.
Much respect,
Where can we find the capsules that your father took? Our 29 yr old daughter is fighting for her life. She has metastatic breast cancer and would like to.get her started on this regimen. We would be very grateful if you could point us in the right direction.
Hello Maria, We are so sorry that your daughter has to go through this. In order to help you we would need to know where you live. To protect your privacy, please email me at Corinne@unitedpatientsgroup.com
Warm regards,
Hello Maria, It looks like you live in a legal state. I haven’t heard if your state actually has dispensaries yet. The capsules are called a, “Daytime Cannabis Capsule” infused with coconut oil. They should be attainable where you are. If not, you can make them yourself or become a memeber of Cannabis Oil Success Stories on Facebook. It is a private page where professionals and patients (or loved ones of patients) can get all of their questions answered. You will surely get a lead on who in Arizona makes this type of capsule. While we are not doctors here at UPG, we prefer the oil infused capsule so that it can be frozen and cut. We didn’t want to knock my dad out so we started him with a third of a capsule. Understand that there is always a bubble at one end! My mom would freeze them and then open it up to see the whole piece and then cut it. They melt fast so put the unused part back in the freezer as soon as possible.
You should be adding into your daughter’s regime the cannabis oil. This is a concentrated oil that my dad takes at bedtime. It is very psychoactive but he just slept through any affects. We used a 4:1 ration of THC to CBD. You can also take a high CBD oil about 1 hour before the high THC oil to ofset some of the high affect.
I hope this has been helpful! Feel free to contact us at any time.
Kind regards,
Thank you, I will check out the Facebook page. Thank you. I will email if I run into any hitches.
Many thanks
Thank you for the update – this is truly inspiring & amazing. I am going to pass this info along to a very good friend of mine that was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer that has spread. He is only 53 yrs old & has so much to live for! Best of health to you & your family..
Heather, I am happy that my father’s story has inspired so many. Thank you for your note and I wish your good friend the best of luck! If there is anything that we can do, feel free to call any time.
Warm regards,
Dear Corinne / UPG:
Have just read your “legacy” via the NaturalNews.com site….SO WONDERFUL! Am grateful to be living here in the Pacific Northwest – and in a state that has finally legalized cannabis. Have never been healthier that I am now ……at 70! Alternative medicine is definitely the key. Have survived cancer, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury issues, and childhood abuse trauma…..all thanks to alternative therapies and diet changes. Love your success stories – keep up the good work. As I meet others with cancer and other traumatic diseases, will pass along your contact information!!! Thanks for taking on the challenge – the rewards are for all of us to enjoy!
Dick Snook
Vancouver, Wa.
Hello Dick, Thank you so much for your note! It warms my heart that people are inspired by my father’s journey. It is true, we are here for a reason and we are thrilled to “pay it forward.” Cheers to you and YOUR healthy journey!
Warm regards,
Great post. I was checking continuously this blog and I’m impressed! Extremely helpful information specially the last part :) I care for such info a lot. I was seeking this particular info for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.
I was just curious about what strain your father used to get the oil. My brother is facing a tough prognosis and would like to try some holistic treatments. I’ve found a lot of information regarding how to make the oil but no one says what particular plant is best for a good outcome.
Hello Katie, Thank you for your note. When it came to my father’s treatment, we used a 4:1 ratio of THC to CBD (1/2 grain of rice worth one hour before bed). He also has a heart arrhythmia so our oil maker chose a strain that wouldn’t race his heart. I think it was AC/DC but I’m not positive. He also took 1/3 of a coconut oil-cannabis infused capsule at 10:30 am. This is all he did for the duration.
I believe that the reason you were not getting specific strain answers is because everyone’s body and condition is unique. There is not a single protocol that we all can count on across the board. There is a bit of trial and error.
I hope this helps!
All the best,
I so relate to your Dads gratitude. My vision was being affected by the ocular cancer which was misdiagnosed by eye docs. They gave me eye injections that gave me Glaucoma. When treatment failed I had a vitrectomy and cataract surgery. In a month or so I was rushed to hospital for an MRI which revealed the brain and eye cancer. There must have been some miracle because I am cancer free and vision clear and no more glaucoma. Thank you cannabis. My friends and family are also amazed at my recovery.
Hello, we so much beleive CO can save my wife’s life as she’s fighting Ovarian cancer. We have done 6 chemos and a full hysterctomy but not all could
Be removed and almost inemdiately has come back. It has been 3 momths somce last chemo, 7 weeks since surgery. We are on CO, 2grms a day suppository. So far we
have done 45 grms but cancer levels CA125 keep raising and now CT scan shows to nodules 6-8cm each plus fluids building up in abdomen. This makes my wife eat less, and there a slight disconfort in abdomen area. And now it seems we have no choice but go back to chemo. We of course rather not but while STILL HAVE FAITH in the oil here we are…. Btw other than above symptoms you should know my wife feels SO GOOD, her hair is back, and while lighter in weight looks radiant and full of life. But now really upset about chemo but seems the oil is taking too long and her nner have gone up alot. ANY IDEAS ? CA125 was 1100 with initial chemos and went down to 58 before surgery but soon after started going back up 100 then 250 now 900 in last 3 months.We have been in the oil for the last 30 days,’so far a total of 45grms
Hello Pat,
We are so sorry to hear that your wife is battling this terrible disease. We are not doctors but we can pass on to you important information. With that said, we have attached some information below.
All the best,
~The UPG Team
“My mum has just beaten ovarian cancer. We used CO mixed with Frankincense oil and rubbed on her abdomen every day. Frankincense oil on feet every day. Curcumin x2000 supplements, lots of CO, 3 rounds of carbotaxol (she is refusing the rest) cut out most sugars, meat and dairy. Lots of fresh veg juice…markers went from 1530 to 53 in 7 weeks, they are at 17 now.”
I just came across this fantastic page. My father is fighting stage 4 brain cancer and has gone through two surgeries. Everyday it kills me to see what the chemo and radiation is doing to him. I have brought hemp oil/cannabis to his neurologist to see what he thinks about it and the conversation gets very quiet. I am not familiar with the process, can THC be taken with chemo and radiation etc. Need some info/help want to give him a chance to fight.
Hello Rod,
This is Corinne, Stan’s daughter. I’m not a doctor but there are many stories of patients using cannbis oil while enduring chemo and radiation. My dad chose the oil after all western treatments failed. They gave him chemo and radiation, he then got radiation pneumonitis (damage from radiation in the lungs) and was sent home with 2 weeks to live. There are additional things that your father can do: No dairy, no sugar, Frankensence, Apricot stones, and and alkaline diet.
A lot of doctors cannot direct you in regards to cannbis. They are under strict rules and affected by what we have been told to believe for many years. If you would like to chat on the phone, you can call our office at 415-524-8099.
Much of this depends on if you live in a legal state. Hopefully you do!
I hope this helps!
I love this story. Wonderful work. Thank you for sharing. Keep going Stan!
What’s up, just wanted to mention, I liked this post.
It was inspiring. Keep on posting!
I do not live in America but I decided to contact you because I do not have much choice. My father has a small cell lung cancer and I need the Cannabis oil for him. I live in Belgrade, Serbia. (Eastern Europe), and there is no oil. Actually, I found some oil on the net, but it is not the original (small percentage of THC ingredient ). I wonder if you can help me? Do you know how to get The Cannabis oil? Do you know some place in Europe where can I get it? Can I order from USA? Is it legal? I need some help…
Thank you in advance
The best way to find guidance overseas is to join the private Facebook group called “Cannabis Oil Success Stories” Once you are accepted, go to the magnifying glass at the upper right and type in Serbia. YOu will see any conversations that involve what you type in. If you do not find anything, you can post a question to the group. Make sure you mention that you have already used the search bar.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Thank you very much, Corinne
I will do everything the way you said and I”ll let you know…..
All the best,
Corrine, Your father’s story is inspiring, I have an uncle who is in the same scenario stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to the brain and kidneys, I got him the oil and he is quite out of it from the oil so the family is starting to argue about how his last days should be spent. Is there anyway we could speak with you about your experience?
Yes Erika,
Please call our office at 415-524-8099.
You really make it appear really easy with your presentation but I in finding
this topic to be actually one thing which I believe I’d by no means understand.
It sort of feels too complicated and extremely large for me.
I am having a look forward to your subsequent
put up, I’ll try to get the hold of it!
Hi Corrine,
Not sure this is still active, but i am a younger guy and been diagnosed with brain cancer. Going through all the stuff but also a lot on the medical cannabis side and getting specific recommedations. I thought i heard in one part northern cal mentioned, but i live up here too and it would be great to talk about all this. I am doing great but always helps to continue on with things especially like this. Hope to hear from you,
Hello JK,
Feel free to call our office at any time!
~Corinne 415-524-8099
We saw you the morning after your wedding in Murdocks. Thats a Montana thing!
You two were ear to ear smiles… ♡♡♡ Love!
Didn’t want to intrude that day… but I had seen the wedding photos on fb the night before. Beautiful…
warriors unite!
ONE♡ Always
Oh I love it!!! Thank you for popping in here to say hello!
Hello, your family’s story is inspirational! Have a question. How long did it take for your dad to be discgpharged from hospice and did he find himself sleeping a lot while taking the oil? Thanks.
Thank you for writing! My father was discharged from Hospice after about 7 months on Cannabis treatment. My father did not sleep a lot. Many people who are sleeping a lot are taking far too much oil. My father only too one tiny drop (the size of the ball on the head of a straight pin) under his tongue before bed. If you would like to chat on the phone, please feel free to call my office at 415-524-8099.
Wishing you health and happiness!
~Corinne Malanca