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As the school year gets underway, many children, teens, and college students will struggle with sitting in class and paying attention. Others will look for a way, at whatever possible cost, to pull “all-nighters” and remain alert for heavy class loads. Some of these students may just be bored or overloaded with work, of course, but many of them are struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that usually becomes apparent around age 7 and often lasts into adulthood. While most families and college students reach for a pharmaceutical solution, those concerned with effects of giving these drugs to children and young adults have started seeking alternatives. One of these, perhaps surprisingly, is medical cannabis. How might cannabis help ADHD? Let’s take a look at the evidence.
The Current Situation
ADHD is on the rise—a recent CDC study says 11 percent of school-aged children have received a diagnosis. Whether the increase is due to more children having ADHD or better diagnostic criteria is uncertain, but one thing is for sure: more and more kids are taking drugs like Ritalin and Adderall. A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found that 43 percent of children treat ADHD with medication alone, and another 31 percent combine medication and behavioral therapy. That’s around 4.7 million children on these pharmaceuticals.
ADHD is usually treated with central-nervous-system stimulants (or, less commonly, nonstimulants that affect norepinephrine and/or dopamine levels) and behavioral therapy. ADHD drugs can be very effective, but they often come with undesirable side effects including stunted growth, loss of appetite, sleep problems, headaches, stomachaches, tics, and emotional extremes. And some doctors believe these meds aren’t really helping in the long run.
“Attention-deficit drugs increase concentration in the short term, which is why they work so well for college students cramming for exams. But when given to children over long periods of time, they neither improve school achievement nor reduce behavior problems,” writes L. Alan Sroufe, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development, in an op-ed for the New York Times. “To date, no study has found any long-term benefit of attention-deficit medication on academic performance, peer relationships or behavior problems, the very things we would most want to improve.”
While most people react to stimulants by becoming more energetic, ADHD brains have the opposite reaction—stimulants calm them down. Most ADHD drugs work by freeing up dopamine in the brain, which helps regulate behavior and focus attention. But there’s a safer substance that also increases dopamine levels: cannabis.
David Bearman, MD, a leading medical cannabis physician, explains, “Cannabis appears to treat ADD and ADHD by increasing the availability of dopamine. This then has the same effect but is a different mechanism of action than stimulants like Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Dexedrine (1) amphetamine which act by binding to the
dopamine and interfering with the metabolic breakdown of dopamine. Cannabis (THC) is an anandamide agonist that is it stimulates the anandamide (CB1) receptor sites.” Dr. Bearman hypothesizes that the anandamide—sometimes called the “bliss chemical”—slows down the rate of neurotransmission, and that stimulating anandamide receptors also stimulates Renshaw cells, which turn off some cells that provide sensory input. The overall effect would be to increase the ability to regulate behavior and reduce the overstimulation that causes ADHD brains to become distracted.
Getting the medical establishment to consider cannabis as an alternative treatment is an uphill battle. Studies consistently show that those with ADHD have higher rates of substance abuse, especially alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Most doctors simply assume that the higher rates of marijuana use are signs of addictive behavior, not of self-treatment.
“The preponderance of studies show marijuana use is overwhelmingly prevalent with ADHD sufferers, either as a self-medication or for recreation,” explains Dr. Bearman. “While some apply preconceptions that marijuana exacerbates ADHD almost all California cannabinologists believe cannabis and cannabinoids have substantially improved the lives of ADHD sufferers, and with less negative side effects than common stimulant drug ADHD treatments.”
Dr. Bearman has reported tremendous success treating his ADHD patients with medicinal cannabis. “Almost universally ADHD patients who therapeutically used cannabis reported it helped them pay attention in lecture, focus their attention instead of thinking of several ideas almost at the same time, helped them to stay on task and do their homework.”
So far, no scientific research has been performed to determine whether and how cannabis can help ADHD. As with so many ailments that could be potentially helped with medical cannabis, it hasn’t received the serious consideration it deserves because the legal landscape makes studying cannabis so difficult.
If you have ADHD, or if you have a child with ADHD, you may want to explore cannabis as an alternative treatment to stimulants. ADHD is generally not a condition that’s specifically listed for treatment with medical cannabis, so if you live in a state with strict limitations, you won’t be able to get a recommendation. Find out your state’s laws here.
Your best bet if you need to travel to try it is to head to the Golden State. California’s medical marijuana law currently allows treatment of any illness “for which marijuana provides relief,” and you do not need to be a California resident to get access to medical cannabis.
Navigating the system, finding a doctor who has proper knowledge and experience, and locating the right medicine can be daunting—it was that exact plight that inspired us to found United Patients Group. If you are seeking more information and guidance on how to try this treatment, we are here for you. Set up a consultation, and we’ll guide you to the medical professionals and cannabinoid medicine producers who can help.
And, as always, we love hearing stories of patient experiences. Have you or someone you know tried cannabis for ADHD? Was it helpful? What advice would you give to someone who’s considering it? Please share your story in the comments below.
Us in Virginia so wants this to get legal here in our state we really want to see it in all 50 states because there is nothing wrong with it
I was diagnosed with ADHD and placed on Focalin in 4th grade. Went on and off for a few years, but the meds only made me feel like a zombie; depressed, disconnected from my emotions, and unable to connect to the people around me. When I went to college in Michigan I got a medical cannabis card and began medicating with low doses of cannabis to help with my school work. It was like nothing I had ever tried! The cannabis was like a feedback system that helped me to be more aware of my tendency to become distracted. Now that I go to school in Iowa I have no way of getting the medicine I need, and I’m criminalized for using it!
I would love to know what I can get to help my 11 yr old. Please,I am desperate!!Someone has suggested CBD oil. Would anyone know if this helps ADHD??!!
I have recently started my 8 yr old daughter on hemp CBD oil and so far I am hesitantly optimistic! Today will be her first day back at school using it but here is what I have observed at home:
She has much more control over her emotions – prior to this any little thing (saying no to her, asking her to get ready to go somewhere, clean up after herself etc) was met with a tantrum, probably 50% – 80% of the time. It was absolutely exhausting! These last 4 days she has had a total of 2 meltdowns that lasted approx 1-2 min each time. She was able to reel herself back in emotionally and we moved on….amazing! My friend and her behavior therapist both noticed that she was much less whiny, more calm, and actually exhibited patience when told that she could not do something that she wanted to do at that moment. I feel like a huge weight has lifted off of my shoulders and can only hope and pray that the results continue. 2 things I should note is that she is definitely still a high energy kid…always exploring and touching things. I am completely ok with that…I did not want anything to change who she was just something to help her be more in control of her emotions and help her to focus. Secondly we also follow the Feingold diet which was a huge help as well. She has been on it for over a year and although we have loosened up a bit we still pretty much subscribe to it. She has made great strides over the last year in school just by changing her diet. So far the hemp seems to be providing that little extra help that she needed, especially with her emotional outbursts. Good luck.
I’m curious if cbd oil will help my ADHD 12 year old. For anyone who has been trying it, are you using in addition or in place of the other common prescription drugs approach?
Can you update me on the progress of your daughter and provide the dosage of CBD oil you are using?
I am in California and I have a daughter with many diagnosis including ASD, ADHD, ODD, OCD. We have been trying to medicate her but nothing seems to work. would like to explore medical marijuana for her but I am unsure of where to start to get her the Rx. Can anyone help direct me which way to go?
Is this treatment still working for your daughter. I am looking into every option for my 7 year old that was just diagnosed with the hyperactivity disorder. Any update would be great. Thanks
We started feingold for my 7 year old in November 2017 (its been very helpful) and i expect our first bottle of CBD oil to arrive in the mail today. I am hoping for good results too. We all want to know if your daughter’s good progress continued!
I want my son to try cbc for add adhd but I guess Cali is the only place you can get it is Cali but what if we do not live in Cali ? Do we just have to wait years for our state to allow it??
Hi if you are interested in it go to CW Hemp (Charlotte’s web) also link you to Realm of caring a support foundation. It is legal to buy it from them because It has almost zero THC. Hope this helps.
My 12 years old son was diagnosed with ADHD 3 years ago. At the same time, My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma cancer. Doctors gave my dad six months, but I didn’t. My dad has been taking cannabis Capsules for the past three years and by God willing.He is doing great. As for my son, I started him with Redline and was feeling so guilty because of all the side effects. I have been giving my son High dosage of CBD oil with a very low THC He is doing great. I mix it with honey and give him a size of a grain of rice five days a week. I hope this helps.
Please tell me where to get the cdb have a 12 year old son who needs help bad. Severe ADHD .severe side effects from medication.
Much depends on where you live. Please understand that it is not just CBD that is in the formulations for ADHD. It is best to consult with a medical professional in the cannabis industry. Each patients needs are different-this is not a one size fits all treatment.
Feel free to call our offices to discuss further. 415-524-8099.
I don’t know if you will see this, but I would LOVE an update on your story. I am a mom in the exact same situation today. I want to try CBD for my 12 year old son (ADD/anxiety OCD disorder), my Stepdad has colon cancer, & I am losing my ability to get through it all. Please email me if you have the time. Thank you!
When u say high dose of cbd oil how much and how did u determine dose
Hello Julie, Cannabis is not a one size fits all medication, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with one of our medical professionals. The medical professional will guide you on the proper medication and dosing. You may access the consultation page via this link to the UPG website:
All the best to you,
UPG Staff
Hi there. Was hoping to speak to you about using CBD/THC with your son for an article I’m writing. Very important to share with other parents!
Cannabis has been a Godsend to me and a miracle plant. I was diagnosed at age 40 of having ADHD combo with severe mood swings, anxiety, OCD, APD, SPD, and ODD to name a few. Not to mention IBS with a nervous stomach, needless to say this didn’t help me get through school let alone get on the bus!
But I can honestly and miraculously say herb has helped me every step of the way unconsciously and now consciously. I was self medicating for years. It took me 13 years to finish college. 10 of those years at the local community college off and on academic probation and the final 3 I transferred to UC Berkeley and finally finished my undergrad there. And marijuana helped me focus and slow down.
Once I was diagnosed after the fact, I tried the doctors medication but I didn’t like the way it made me feel (jittery) and my wife said my mood swings were harder because of the come down and she said she likes me better when i smoke. So I decided to operate on a lower dosage and take medicinal marijuana as opposed to getting “stoned to the bone!”
And this little switch has done wonders for me and my life. I only vape now and don’t smoke. Just 1 or 2 hits and I can make it to work without losing it like i would. I hate traffic but this made it bearable. And I’m not at all “high”. Feels to me like a cup of coffee or a cigarette (used to smoke but quit 2 years ago) or even low dosage Ritalin. It’s that powerful. And they all have that wake-up call buzz to them. I hate using the word drug but marijuana for my conditions is truly a wonder drug.
And sleep? I sleep like a baby! No more tossing and turning and thinking of my past and present and future at 4 o’clock in the morning. Now I sleep through. I recommend this to everyone I know especially when they have trouble sleeping Truly amazing. Highly recommend it. Now I’m considering giving it to my 7 year old who is a
Chip off the old add block. I don’t want to get her on drugs so I’ll be exploring this for children. Thank you so much
My 7 year old is probably ADD and if so I would definitely go the marijuana route. You wrote this back in the summer. Did you ever medicate your seven year old?
I absolutely support responsible use of medical cannabis. In California an 18 year old with ADHD can get a green card, HOWEVER, not all 18 year olds are mature enough to learn the correct types, amounts and usage guidelines. My son with ADHD having access to purchase medical cannabis has been a nightmare for us. It has affected his and our lives in a very negative way and we are certain substance abuse treatment is in his near future. I suppose there are some 18 y.o. that can use it appropriately. Our son is not that person and I know several other families in our community that have the same situation. There are countless students in our high schools that have obtained green cards through legit and/or fabricated diagnoses. I watch them lighting up while walking to their cars after school release. Not that 21 is a magical age whereby someone becomes enlightened enough to make only appropriate decisions but 18 is just too young to have this easy access.
What are the legal ramifications? I have a 14 yr old add/Asperger who struggles with lots of everyday stimulations. It is getting more difficult for him and me in turn.
I do not want to get on the pharmaceutical train.
The legal aspects will depend on where you live and if there are cannabis laws in place. Here is our Laws by State page for your convenience. We have medical professionals who can offer a one hour consult to assess your 14 year old’s condition and offer a personal plan/protocol. This is not a one size fits all medicine, therfore a detailed medical intake over the phone or skype will help in streamlining your process. This will also help you to not spend money on a cananbis medicine that is the incorrect formulation. There are drug to drug interactions and a medical professionals should advise you in this area.
I hope this is of help to you!
UPG Staff
I am a Cannabis provider and also was diagnosed with ADHD in my 40’s . I cannot take any on the meds even if I wanted to since My cardiologist is concerned about it raising my blood pressure. But I have been using a tincture THC:CBD 1:8 2 spray under my tongue twice a day , It seems to help me focus and stay on track because when I skip a day or two I start seeing the ADHD issues creep up. I did consult with two people before starting the regimen – on Pharmacist and the other a Nurse Practitioner who is a Cannabis consultant . So I would say even if you are the provider it is always good to get the most up to date information.
And the Adderall and Concerta both made my insomia mush much worse
My son has ADHD and has been on amphetamines for most of his life. We are starting him on CBD oil now and have seen so many amazing changes! A bottle lasts a few months so it’s about $1 a day. His adderall was $230 a month and stopped his growth and appetite. That stuff is scary!
Are you using CW? My son is also ADHD and has been on non-stimulants for the past few years. Stimulant meds caused tics, and nothing seems to work. I would love to try CBD, but not sure about dosing, etc. Advice is greatly appreciated.
Hello Shannon, We would recommend that you schedule a consultation with one of our medical professionals. The medical professional will guide you on the proper medication and dosing of CBD for your son. You may access the consultation page via this link to the UPG website:
All the best to you,
UPG Staff