In Loving Memory of Corinne Malanca ❤️
In Loving Memory of Corinne Malanca ❤️ I am deeply...
How Cannabis Helps with Bipolar Disorder
“It makes much more sense to allow patients be able to obtain cannabis legally, through a dispensary, or better yet, grow it for their personal use. Legal or not, cannabis will continue to be my treatment of choice.”
Cancer Survivor Demands National Cannabis Access for All Patients
If you’re a regular reader, you’ve followed the incredible story...
Cannabis Extract Medicine: Successfully Treating Children for Cancer and Epilepsy by Justin Kander
Other forms of epilepsy seem to respond just as well to high-CBD therapy. Dr. Margaret Gedde found that child patients with Dravet syndrome, Doose syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome all improved with extract use.
Cannabis Kicks Lyme’s Disease to the Curb: Cannabis Treats Lymes
Lyme disease has been controversial for some years. Many medical...
The Cash Hyde Foundation: Information on Medical Marijuana & Pediatric Cancer
Medical marijuana resource United Patients Group and the Cash Hyde...