Research Shows Essential Oils Can Kill Cancer Cells
Why are these essential oils so effective at killing cancer cells? Much like cannabis, these substances contain many terpenes including limonene, menthol, α-pinene, 3-carene, and α-farnesol.
Incredible Cannabis Patient Story: Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma Cancer Beat by Medical Marijuana
Since Arizona legalized medical marijuana, Donna has expanded her selection of cannabis oils. Now she takes high-CBD oil during the day and FECO Oil early in the morning and at bedtime.
Cancer Survivor Sharon Kelly’s Story- Terminal Stage IV Cancer Goes Kaput After Cannabis
In March of 2014, Neville and Sharon Kelly were grappling with shattering news; Sharon was diagnosed with stage IV terminal lung cancer and given 6 to 9 months to live. "I was desperately searching the internet looking for information or any confirmation that cannabis can be used to fight cancer.."
Cannabis Oil & Cancer – Convinced of the Cure
Like before, it struck Stan in the lungs first. Manifesting as a persistent cough, a doctor later revealed cancerous nodes in the lungs that were the real culprits.