Breast Cancer, Cannabis, and Tamoxifen: Understanding the Dangers of Drug-Drug Interactions
For many people living with life-limiting and life-threatening diseases like...
Apoptosis: What is it and what is the role of cannabinoids?
By now you have probably heard a story or two about how medical cannabis helped heal cancer. This may have even been your experience or the experience of a loved one. Cannabis has proven to be effective against cancer in many ways, from reinforcing the endocannabinoid system to boosting the immune system and cutting inflammation.
Can Cannabis Help Heal Your Gut?
Hope you had a nice 4th of July weekend. Did you have too many hotdogs? Upset stomach? We’ve all had a little bit of heartburn, gas or bloating when we “overdo it” now and again.
Why Laughter and Cannabis May Be The Best Medicine
Have you ever heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine?” Surely whoever spoke these words was referring to the cathartic effect we feel when we have a good guffaw, because only until recently have researchers put this age old adage to the test.
Top 5 Benefits of Medical Cannabis Tinctures
Did you know tinctures were once the most popular form of cannabis medicine? In fact, until prohibition began in the late 1930s, cannabis tinctures were available at most pharmacies.
Lab Testing Medical Cannabis: Who? Where? What? How? And Other Critical Questions
In February 2017, a Los Angeles television news team broke a story that caused immediate ripples of concern across the medical cannabis community in California. The team collected 44 cannabis flower and vape cartridge samples from 15 different dispensaries, then sent them out to Steep Hill Labs for testing.