A Guide On Using Medical Marijuana for Appetite Stimulation
Medical cannabis can relieve many symptoms of chronic illness, and is one of very few options for appetite stimulation in patients who have little or no appetite to help them manage or recover from their conditions.
Do Amalgam Fillings Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
In the early 80’s, I discovered the relationship between dental...
Treating Breast Cancer with Cannabis – Why the Treatment Must Match the Classification!
Breast cancer is a major and growing health issue among...
4 Simple Ways to Recover From Breast Surgery By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Whenever there is a cancer diagnosis, there are many decisions...
A Patients Guide to Using Medical Marijuana for Nausea and Vomiting
There is strong evidence that the cannabinoids naturally produced in the body play a role in suppressing nausea in normal circumstances, and intake of cannabinoids from medical marijuana during episodes of nausea can also effectively relieve symptoms
Information On Male Breast Cancer by United Patients Group
The prognosis can be greatly improved with information, so please share this knowledge and encourage the men in your life to watch for lumps and changes in breast and under-arm areas.