The use of cannabis extract medicine to treat children for cancer and epilepsy has been growing rapidly since the release of Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s documentary on CNN. In the original documentary, Charlotte Figi’s recovery from Dravet syndrome was extensively detailed. Before using high-cannabidiol cannabis oil, Charlotte was having up to 300 grand mal seizures a week. Using the strain now named after her, Charlotte’s Web, those seizures have dropped to about two per month. In Sanjay Gupta’s sequel, Weed 2: Cannabis Madness, another child patient named Vivian Wilson was discussed. Like Charlotte, she has Dravet syndrome, which improved remarkably after beginning use of high-CBD oil.
Other forms of epilepsy seem to respond just as well to high-CBD therapy. Dr. Margaret Gedde found that child patients with Dravet syndrome, Doose syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, metachromatic leukodystrophy, cortical dysplasia, and idiopathic epilepsy all improved with extract use. 8 of 11 patients observed 98-100% reduction in seizures, 1 reported 75% reduction, and 2 reported 20-45% reduction. These improvements occurred where other pharmaceuticals failed, and in most cases, were achieved in the first month of treatment.
Although high-CBD oils are greatly rising in popularity and credibility, it is critical that THC not be forgotten. For many children with epilepsy, some THC is needed to achieve total seizure control. And for many children, the non-decarboxylated, unheated form of THC known as THC-acid is working as well or better than high-CBD oils. In Australia, dozens of children are using THC-A tincture for epilepsy.
Tara O’Connell, another Dravet patient, was seizure free within a year of treatment and no longer needs a wheelchair. Other epilepsy patients, including Tara’s brother, are seeing similar results.
THC is also an integral component of treating cancer. Both THC and CBD kill cancer cells, and even work synergistically to inhibit cancer through multiple pathways. However, high-THC oils have historically been more utilized to treat cancer, and there are few cases where high-CBD treatment alone had a significant impact on cancer. Many parents are using CBD as an adjunct therapy to high-THC oils, both to mitigate the psychoactivity of THC and benefit from the synergy of the two primary cannabinoids.
A growing number of children are experiencing remarkable healing through the use of cannabis extracts. One of the first children to raise awareness of extract effectiveness for kids was Cash Hyde. Cash was diagnosed with a Stage IV brain tumor on May 3rd, 2010, and his prognosis was very poor.
Pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy put Cash in the ICU for two weeks. Cash’s parents soon learned that cannabis oil could potentially fight cancer, and Mike Hyde began secretly giving Cash oil through his feeding tube. Almost instant improvements were observed, and within two weeks, Cash was feeling much better and was off eight medications. In January 2011, Cash was declared cancer free.
Unfortunately, political problems cut off Cash’s oil supply, and his cancer returned. This time, a combination of proton therapy and cannabis oil eliminated the cancer, despite yet another negative prognosis. Yet again, politics cut off Cash’s supply of oil, but the Hydes were not able to procure more. Cash’s cancer returned for a third time, leading to his passing on November 14th, 2012. His experience is both a testament to the power of cannabis oil and the importance of continuing treatment after initial remission. Residual cancer cells often remain and reemerge, but it has been proven that a maintenance dose of cannabis oil can prevent this from happening.
Cash inspired countless parents to use cannabis to help treat their children. Mykayla Comstock is one of the most notable current child patients. In July 2012, she was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She began chemotherapy and did not respond well, with doctors saying she may need a bone marrow transplant. Mykayla’s parents began giving her cannabis oil, and within days the blast cell counts began dropping, and it wasn’t long until they were gone. The oil also eliminated the need to use traditional pain and nausea pills.
Landon Riddle, another child patient with leukemia, quickly rebounded with cannabis oil after being given only an 8% chance of survival. His experience was elaborated upon by Dr. Sanjay Gupta in an online CNN clip.
Another acute lymphoblastic leukemia patient named Silas Tedesco found substantial relief with high-CBD oil. Chemotherapy caused sickness, insomnia, and immobility, which led to the doctor recommending cannabis oil to combat those effects. Within eight days, Silas was walking, talking, smiling, and playing again. He went into remission shortly after and continues to improve.
An anonymous 14-year old female patient was the subject of a November 2013 Case Reports in Oncology study. She was diagnosed with terminal acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and 34 months of chemotherapy and radiation did nothing to control her leukemic blast cell count. Shortly after discontinuing traditional treatment, cannabis oil administration began. The leukemic blast cell count was almost completely abolished by Day 39. Unfortunately, the patient passed away a few weeks later, and according to the study cause of death was determined to stem from side effects of prior chemotherapy.
The effectiveness of cannabis extracts extends to brain cancers, which many children are finding success with.
Dahlia Barnhart is currently using high-CBD cannabis oil to help fight the disease, and according to her mom, it’s making a big difference. “I saw almost immediate responses cognitively; she developed into a normal 3-year-old from a very critically ill child almost overnight,” said Moriah Barnhart.
Another article which mentions Dahlia also discusses an anonymous child cancer patient using whole cannabis oil and CBD to fight an undisclosed type of terminal cancer. Hours after the patient’s mother administered the oils, improvement in quality of life was observed. After a few weeks, the child was walking, drawing, and joking again.
Another anonymous child recently reported on was diagnosed with cancer only a few weeks after birth. Her mother denied chemotherapy in favor of cannabis oil, and in January 2014 the child’s mother was told by doctors the cancer cells are dead.
Alysa Erwin, who began fighting a terminal brain cancer known as Grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma in 2011, was cancer free with cannabis oil by January 2013. Even with aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, 18 months is the expected survival time with such a cancer. Instead, with very little and staggered traditional treatment, and mainly cannabis oil therapy, Alysa went into remission within 16 months.
Two cancer patients named Sophie and Chico are featured in a new documentary by Ricki Lake called “Weed the People”. Sophie was diagnosed with optic pathway glioma and Chico with rhabdomyosarcoma. Although only the trailer of the documentary has been released, both patients have improved dramatically through the use of cannabis oil, with significant reported cancer cell death in Sophie and improved quality of life in Chico. Many notable people also appear in the film, including Stewart Smith and Mara Gordon of Aunt Zelda’s, who are involved in the treatments. Dr. William Courtney, Dr. Donald Abrams, and Dr. Sunil Aggarwal also are interviewed. United Patients Group’s own John Malanca appears as well.
With so many patients seeing miraculous results so quickly, it is absurd to continue prohibiting access to cannabis medicines. At the very least, immediate research is warranted and any parent should have the freedom to choose cannabis oil as a treatment option. As results like these grow, the sheer criminality of Prohibition will become stunningly more apparent, and change will come remarkably fast.
PRESS RELEASE: Leading Medical Cannabis Advocate United Patients Group Calls for New Research into Cancer-Killing Effects of Cannabis Extracts
Justin Kander is an advocate for the use of cannabis extract medicine to treat cancer. He previously interned with Students for Sensible Drug Policy, one of the nation’s leading drug policy reform organizations.
In 2013, Justin completed the Comprehensive Report on the Cannabis Extract Movement, a 100-page report that examines and analyzes the mounting evidence in support of cannabis extracts as medicine. He presented his findings at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Denver the same year.
My daughter has stage 3 unfavourable neuroblastoma tumour and chemo shows no sign of shrinking. I am deeply interested in the thc and cbd treament but I cannot access the oil here in canada. Is there any way you can help me out. Anything would be wonderful
Robert, We are so sorry to hear about your daughter. As you know, it is illegal to ship cannabis in any form across state lines. We are sure that you can find help on the private facebook page called, “Cannabis Oil Success Stories”.There are many professionals and patients that can forward to you their contacts. Please let us know if you need any further assistance!
Kind regards,
My Son was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 14 yrs old and has been stable for 5 years until just recently. He is 22 now and has relapsed and it has spread and we don’t know what to do. We have been told about cbd and thc and not sure what we need to do. Can someone please help and guide me in the right direction please.
We have medical staff the conducts consultaation to guide patients. This is not a one size fits all protocol so it is important to get medical guidance. I am attaching the link for our consultants scheduling system here for your convenience.
@Robert,I’m in Canada I can help point you in the right direction please send me a facebook message..
Thank you @LynnYoung!
Here is my email addressI would love to hear from you as soon as possible
Robert, were you able to try out the cannabis oil treatment for your daughter with neuroblastoma? My 6year old daughter was recently diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma and we are in Texas so it’s also hard to get here. I would like to know if it has worked for your daughter & would like to see how about getting some
My son has relapsed neuroblastoma. I would love to hear if either of you had success in treating this deadly disease with cannabis. Thank you.
Did you get any responses from your request on your child with neuroblastoma? We are fighting it too.
If you see this message , you could email me pls .
My nephew in brazil has neuroblastoma too and his situation is not good
Pls . Send me something if u had success with your daudtger . Or just talk about her treatment . Thx
My daughter Harmony was diagnosed with epilepsy 3 years ago at age 5. She never had more than 3 seizures a week but when she had one shed sleep for at a couple hours afterward. Is there any info on how the oil may help those who don’t have great quantity of seizures?
Hello Melody, While we are not doctors here at UPG, we have come to understand through reports and patient feeback that a high CBD strain works quite well. It is found in Oil and tincture form but it would depend on if you live in a legal state as to it’s accessibility. Feel free to contact us at info@UnitedPatientsGroup to discuss in more detail. We hope this helps,
~The UPG Team
my mom has lymphoma then had radiation and got a cancer from the radiation in tumor form, she found a guy that made the oil well he is no longer around, the oil shrunk a tumor that when removed was considerably smaller and they surgeon was able to save her vagina and rectum which was going to have to be removed a month earlier after the mri! of course the doc was subtle with his how the heck did you do this… but we know it was the hemp oil. we are having a heck of a time this round of tumors trying to find someone in washington state that has the good hemp oil with the thc and cbds that will make the difference , it is very expensive so you expect to get good stuff but is it? do you ship your oils for a cost? I will check out your web page but please email me if you do sell your oils!
Hello Marlo,
United Patients Group is not in the product business. We do not sell or ship anything. We offer medical guidance of formulas and dosing through our nurses consultations as well as education for medical professionals and institutions. I fyou were a California resident/legal cannabis patient, our nurse could guide you to the product you are looking for as well as dosing.
If you have further questions, please feel free to call our offices Monday through Friday from 9-6pm.
Hi, we have some of the same stories about our 18 year old daughter who had her first seizure at age nine! Our daughter takes a handful of meds twice daily and yet she still progresses! We’ve taken her to see specialist’s in Cleveland Clinic (twice), Johns Hopkins (twice) and as far as Montreal (once) with plenty of test’s with unfortunately no answers to why this is happening to our daughter! We’ve seen both specials with Dr Sonjay on CNN and many others which make us seek out any information and the possibility of trying the cannibus oil to help our daughter. We live in Michigan and seem to have a problem trying to locate someone with answers and that can help! I’ve tried emailing a couple of different sources which we saw on tv but received no response! So if you could please, share any information or number’s that would help, would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time!
Hello James, Here at UPG we pride ourselves on answering our phones the old fashioned way. If you’d like, we can talk in detail. This way, your privacy will be honored. Feel free to call our offices at 415-524-8099. We look forward to speaking with you!
Warm regards,
Thank you Corinne. I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. Either myself or my wife, Cheryl, will contact you! Thank you again, it’s nice to have a response and help offered!
My son tested positive for scn1-a , he has seizures at least once a month or twice a month. Medicine does not control, I’m actually seeing a nutritionist for a lie glycemic index diet next week per his neurologist. Will the oil help him? Or give some hope? We are in NJ. Any feedback is greatly appreciated .
Marlene, While we are not doctors here at UPG, there are studies that show cannabis oil helping with seizure conditions. My suggestion is to join the private FB page called “Cannabis Oil Success Stories”. Once you are a memeber, you can post questions, you will get more replies than you could imagine! There are many experts, patients and researchers that will answer your questions in detail.
I hope this helps!
~The UPG Team
What is the youngest age cannabis oil can be given. Our son is 10month old and has myoclonic jerks/muscle spasms, at times everything is so tight he stops breathing the episodes last anywhere from 5min to an hour…doctors say we just have yo wait it out we have been on different medications and nothing seems to help. Can a child this young be approved for cannabis oil use?
Hello Jen, We are not docotrs at UPG but we have heard of patients as young as 10 months. It would depend on where you live as to whether you can treat your son with cannabis oil. If you would like to discuss these details in private, feel free to call our offices at 415-524-8099.
Kind regards,
~The UPG Team
my grand-daughter was diagnosed with Embryonal Rhadbomyosarcoma od 5/14/14. They have started Chemo, but the tumor continues to grow. It is filling 90% of her abdominal cavity. She is not responding to the Chemo, and the have increased her dosage, which makes her so ill. She will not eat and receives transfusions almost every other day. She is 17 months old. We live in the state of Illinois, do we have and options?
Hello Debbie, We are so sorry to hear about your grand-daughter. While we are not doctors hear at UPG, there are some options if your family is willing to travel. We have attached the Illinois Cannabis laws below. If you would like to discuss this in private, please cal our offices at 415-524-8099.
~The UPG Team
its not legal almost anywhere but the way I look at it its LIFE / DEATH of a child or yourself and I know My will to live knows no bounds and my wont for my twins to live is greater yet. If I need it I will get it.
Watch the Doc WEED2 about the meds they are using for children with seizures in Colorado. Many families are having to move to that state because their states do not allow the use of it. they have also used different versions on 8month old child to cure inoperable brain tumor.
The US government has multiple patents on the plant oils as medical cures and such but will not remove the plant from the schedual 1 drug list making it one of the most illegal substances according to the fed gov. They need to reclassify it because so many are dieing for no reason and the addiction rate is only 9% and thats on smokeing it. Im sorry but our gov makes money off of dieng ppl and they know it. Chemo origin is mustard gas and radiation doesnt target only bad cells so they are both poisons to the body.
Rcount70, Thank you so much for your note. We hope that everyone understands that California has everything that Colorado has to offer and more. No one should ever be put on a wait list when there are plenty of oil makers that can provide the same thing. Yes, WEED2 will be a wonderful documentatry as my father was also interviewed by Ricki and team for this project. You have very valid points and we thank you for sharing your thoughts!
All the best,
I want people who are suffering from any kind of cancer to do research
on cannabis oil and its effectiveness.i was diagnose of lung cancer
May 12th 2013 and i have done surgeries for treatment and it did not
work until i heard about cannabis oil and i decided to use it for
treatment, after using the oil for treatment for 90 days,i felt
different then i went for to see the doctor and i was told that i am
no longer suffering from cancer.
Florida USA
Javi, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thank you for including us in your joy!
All the best,
Hi .
I need help my nephew in brazil is in the hospital with neuroblastoma . Pls need some advise
I would like to know whether a high cbd % or thc % would be the most effective strain for cannabis oil to treat neuroblastoma?
Hello Jay,
Thank you for your inquiry. While we are not doctors here at UPG, we do pass on information that has been accumulated through medical conferences and the experiences of other. Many people treat their Neuroblastoma with a 4:1 ratio of THC to CBD. It is always good to keep in mind that CBD can arrest the spead of cancer while THC has the ability to Kill the cells. This is why we hear a lot about the “Entourage Effect”. This refers to whole plant treatment.
We hope this has helped you!
The UPG Team
Hi! My name is Andrea. First off I’d like to give my condolences to all of you facing such terrifying illnesses. Your stories break my heart. I am a proud mother of 7 and can’t imagine the pain of one of my babies suffering. I’m so thankful to the ones willing to stand against our government on this issue and conduct the necessary research that may lead to a cure.
I am writing because my little boy Zack is 5 and he has severe ADHD that is coupled with OCD, anxiety and the inability to social interact. We have been working with the mind institute and Easter Seals. Both are wonderful programs but they truly have no answers. We have tried dozens of different medications, often times the side effects make things worse than no meds at all. In our own research Zack’s step-mom and myself have found a lot of references to cannabis oil doing wonderful things for children with issues like Zack. While he is not suffering in the way that cancer has made so many of these parents suffer he is suffering none the less. He currently is residing at his father’s house under the care of his step-mom. I am only able to get him a few hours a week as his outbursts are so extreme that he is not able to co-exist safely with his siblings. He so badly wants to be with his brothers and sisters but he simply can’t control his temperamental outbursts. If anyone here has any information about treating his social issues with cannabis oil I would be so appreciative, and so would Zack. =) We live in Michigan, I know there is some medical marijuana use allowed but I don’t know if it is allowed for a child or how to go about getting the oil. Please respond with some help if you have anything that may help.
We are so sorry to hear that your son is struggling. We would be happy to guide you through this process. Do you or your son have a medical cannabis recommendation? Feel free to schedule yourself in for a conference call so that we can go over all of the particulars. Below is a sopy of the Michigan law in regards to medical cannabis.
I hope this helps!
Here in Oregon, there is a young man that is autistic. His parents were able to get him some really good relief using tincture made with organic glycerin. It’s not as strong as the Cannabis oil, but it’s amazing all the same. The differences lie in the strains used (Indica would likely be best) and the processing of it. Blessings!
I have a severely autistic daughter and have done quite a bit of personal research on this topic.
If you would like to contact me I would be more than happy to share what I know about this.
I am Quazi from bangladesh. My son Tahbit, now he is 6+. He was diagonized as Autistic at the age of 2.5. He is non verbal autistic with epitectic. After treatment and we overcome the epilepcy and edinoid and increase eye contract. But till now he is non verbal, allergic and constipitation and behavhiour problem. Please guide me with valueable advice.
Hello Jeff,
It is best to discuss dosing and specific medical question with a professional as each patient has varying levels of the same disease. Protocols vary as well. We do have a nurse practioner on staff. If you would like to hae a consultation, please click here.
I have been suffering from Colon cancer lungs with metastasis to other part of my body. Ever since the discovery
of this diseases, my entire life have been depressed and emotional down, it was a Death roll Sentence on my life,
but still I honor you all for your prayers and concern toward my life and my family and I earnestly pray for God to
be with you all, i also use the medium to thanks to the Dr who God has sent to help me cure this unimaginable,
terrible and horrible illness called cancer.
Knowing that i had colon cancer with met to some part of my body break my heart and make me lifeless, My family
have never knew true peace ever since the diagnose of this disease and period given to live. My wife heard that
Hemp Oil could help, and for the price the entire family was strong in faith and willing to try anything that would
save my Life, I have completed the treatment regime with total eradication of the disease from all parts of my
My battle with Breast cancer started 2 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all didn’t work for my condition. I have been treating this disease for the past 2 years, but today i am here telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help of cannabis oil medication. This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my family for all they did for me. And if you have any kind of cancer diseases, there is no need to waste money on Chemo or Radiation.
Britney Alja
Northern Ireland
that is a very interesting blog , also it was proven that cannabis kill cancer cells
but how do kids take cannabis because they can not smoke it ?
We are not doctors here at UPG but we can pass on current information that has been presented. Cannabis, when treating cancer is taken sublingually. This is accoplished with a tincture or an extracted oil called FECO oil (Full Extract Cannabis Oil). Smoking and eating edibles is not the application for fighting any chronic or terminal illness. Vaporizing can be utilized for muscle spasticity, pain and sleep issues.
I hope this helps,
I’m Dejan from Montenegro, Europa. My son have neuroblastoma 4.stage, relapse and he is on treatment in Germany.
He is in good condition and he is on chemo-therapy.
We hear for cannabis oil and we wont to give him.
But, if somebody have experiance with this disease and cannabis oil it will be god for us parents to make step to used oil.
Thank you in advance and sorry for my not so good english.
Hello Dejan,
Ther are many children here in the US with neuroblastoma that are succesfully using cannabis oil. There is one child in particular named Sophie that has had remarkable results.I have attached an article for you below:
I hope this helps!
Hello, I want help 18 months boy who suffer on atypical teratoid / rhabdoid tumor (in brain) and chemo doesn’t help. He live in Poland. Is it any chance to get the oil from you. Please this is very important to safe him.
Hello Joanna,
Our company doesn’t sell any products. We can help you find someone in Portland if you wouldlike.
How can i find out how much to give to a 4yo
If you would like to call our office for a referral, we would be happy to help you find your answers.
United Patients Group
My nephew is 10yrs old battling Rhabdomyosarcoma Cancer. He was first diagnosed at 4yrs old & after being cancer free for apprx 3yrs it has come back aggressively this August & spread. The doctors advised us to put him in a hospice as they have little to no hope since he has had numerous chemo’s prior. We don’t feel that’s the correct route & looking to try cannabis oil. We’re in NY pls pls help suggest somewhere to purchase the oil here. Thank you in advance for your guidance.
Unfortunately Medical cannabis in the state of New York is not yet operational(See link Below). If you would like to discuss your options please feel free to schedule your self in for a consoltaion. This link is below for your convenience.
NY Medical Cannabis:
any information on PA hemp oil dealers
My dad has stage 4 lung cancer.. just found less than a month ago… he is in California. How or what is the best way for him to try cannabis oil and is it too late to try? He has had 2 chemo treatments and is facing 10 more, they are weekly. He is going downhill fast. Thanks.
It is never too late. If you would like to discuss the details privately, please click on our consultation tab on our home page. You can shedule yourself in for a one on one.
All the best
Is there any hope and place where we can by oil for my family member. He is stage 3 liver cancer. Please help me
This would depend on where you live and if your family memeber is a legal patient. If you would like guidance I have attached the link for you below so that we can guide you appropriately.
All the best,
If I am able to get cannabis oil for a brain tumor patient- how should it be taken??! I was told to use a vapor pen( o-pen or g-pen??)
Cannabis oil, if you have the correct one, should be taken sublingually. If you would like to have a consultation, please click on the link below. We can discuss the type of oil that should be taken, in what amount, and the best formulation for your particular brain tumor. After that we can connect you with product makers who cvan help you. We are not doctors here at UPG but we are affiliated with the best of the best in the industry. Additionally, we do not sell products as we pride ourselves on taking a neutral position. The patient is our first priority.
All of the above will depend on where you live and if you are in a legal state.
I hope this helps,
Please tell me how long it takes the CBD oil to work my 2. Year old grandson has epilepsy and has 10.seizures a day he is on 3 types of medicine that would put an adult to sleep for days :( any word a of positive feedback would be a relief it’s heartbreaking to see our little hero go through this
Usually we see a difference within minutes during a seizure. Generally you would see a reduction int the seizures within a day. Sometimes at the beginning there is an adjustment period as you figure out what dosage he needs. Everyone responds differently.
All the of above will depend on what medicine you aregiving him, what ratio of CBD to THC and the percentage of CBD and THC. If you would like to discuss these details in private, feel free to call our offices at 415-524-8099.
I hope this helps!
I just wanted to say Thank You so much for this UPG, the work you are doing is awesome! Compiling this information for people to see just how many people/children have been helped by CBDs is so important! I just shared it on FB. May all who are suffering find this gift of nature, may all stigmas be banished so that this medicine can be used by all who need and want to use it.
My daughter is having brain tumor and i recently bought the cannabis oil from London and she started taking the oil treatment 3 days ago. i am praying for her fast healing.
My 10 Year Old Daughter Was Recently Diagnosed With Stage 3 Meduloblastoma. We Live In CO Where Medical Marijuana Is Legal. We Are Currently Being Treated At St. Jude In Memphis And She Starts Radiation Next Week :( Please Give Me Some Advice!! What Exact Cbd Should I Give Her And With What Amount Of Thc? Please Help!
Hello Jen,
We are so sorry to hear your daughter is having to fight this terrible disease. One thing that is very important to know is that CBD can arrest the spread of cancers and THC kills the cancer. This is why both constituents are needed to treat cancer. If you would like to have a one hour consultation, we can guide you through the process while avoiding the scams. We do not sell products but we can connect you with reputable providers. Attached is the link for a consultation.
All the best,
Hey Andy!
hello i have a Micropreemie 22 weeker. she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma 2 months after bringing her home in december 2014. she is 3 months (corrected age) and already had her second round of Chemo. It has shrunk her tumor dramatically but Im worried about the long term effects of Chemo since she is a preemie as well and has immature immune system to begin with. They also want her to undergo surgery & radiation in 5+ months from now. My family lives in Alaska but she’s getting treatment in Portland as well. Her second chemo treatment has already effected her appetite( not wanting a bottle), and now has sores in her mouth as well. Its obvious Chemo is toxic and her doctors have told us numerous times that its the ‘only treatment’..Both states have medical marijuana dispensaries but I’m not sure about how i can get it for my daughter since she is a baby. She is on medications for nausea and whatnot we hate seeing our baby like this..We fully support alternative treatment I’m wondering if you can provide any information about how we can talk about it with her doctors, and get them to allow cannabis oil as part of her treatment. we have seen marijuana use to be helpful, husband and I believe it does no harm. Thank you, please respond any info would be helpful.
Please contact our oncology nurse to schedule an appointment. She is a wealth of information. Her email is
Please tell her that Corinne referred you. If you need any further assitance feel free to contact UPG again.
All the best,
Hello Corrine, & THANK you for replying!
I have emailed Eloise and she informed me that she does not work with babies, only adults. Our babies condition with the sores have gotten terribly worse. Doctors have increased her pain medication and so far she’s seemingly ok but still in tons of pain. I was told that its a severe reaction/mucousitis from the Intense Chemo. They have cut off her feeds for 2 days now. She is medicated to the point where she doesn’t realize she is hungry. Im beyond ready to mention alternative treatment to her doctors but unsure of how i can bring it up. Im afraid they will tell me cannabis oil isn’t effective. any info on how to approach this topic and prove my point would be helpful. Thank you.
Feel free to call our offices to discuss. 415-524-8099
My daughter is 7 and has kidney disease and ADHD. She has what is called BOR syndrome?can I use the CBD oil complex for her? She cannot take medication for ADHD because all of the medications filter through her kidneys any help would be appreciated
Hello Soraya,
In cases such as your daughter, we are much more comfortable directing you to a renowned doctor in Southern California. She is an MD and is also one of the experts in Cannabinoid therapeutics. If you would like that referral, please call our offices at 415-524-8099.
I dont know if im in the right spot to post this but im a michigan medical marijuana growers that could sponsor a child for free with oil year round. I dont use the small flowers of the plant and have many left over all year long because I can only trim so much weight at a time. Right now I throw them away to keep my weight under always. In Michigan we can extract the oil. We can not infuse edables at this time. So again if a childs parents were interested in free oil im down! This would be new to me and the most important thing I can not take your money no matter what so don’t even ask how to repay me im good! I have a full time buisnes my self…..THANKS!
My mom has stage iv melanoma cancer. They say terminal. 1 year with treatment 2 month with out treatment. She has gotten a marijuana card and she is on CBD 50% and THC 50% – very costly and she is on a fixed income. The Michigan Med Grower offered Oil – I would love to take him up on it so my mom can continue treatment. Please contact me.
You can call our offices anytime between 9am and 6pm PST Monday through Friday.
I am writing as the husband of an ovarian cancer patient, hoping that an important lesson that my wife and I learned may be of value to others.
My wife, Cathy, 53, has a history of cancer. Her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 32, and my wife had colorectal cancer at the early age of 38. Fortunately, surgery alone was able to take care of the one tumor, sparing her the effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
In December of 2013, Cathy noticed that her legs were aching and tiring quickly; my mother, 81 at the time, could last longer when shopping. Cathy was not overweight and used a Nordic Track exerciser regularly. Soon she noticed that her left leg was swelling slightly. We immediately went to the doctor and a CAT scan was performed, but nothing turned up. Other tests also revealed nothing, and the conclusion was drawn that the swelling was lymphedema caused by old scar tissue from the abdominal surgery she had 16 years ago! We found that hard to believe and got numerous more tests and opinions, only to come back to the same place.
The lymphedema spread to her abdomen and other leg, causing swelling there as well. Finally, about a year later, a CAT Scan finally revealed a tumor, and a biopsy determined that it was malignant. Further testing revealed she was in Stage III.
At about the same time, we learned through reading a book on cancer treatments, that there is a blood test called AMAS (Anti-Malignan Antibody in Serum), that will reveal the presence of cancer in the body, sometimes as much as 24 months PRIOR to clinical evaluation (such as a CAT scan), with great accuracy. We were never advised to have this blood test performed, and found that many doctors, including oncologists, do not know of the test. We believe that had we known about this test earlier, we would have had a much earlier diagnosis, making the disease much easier to treat. she has done chemotherapies twice (Taxol and Carboplatinum) but the cancer was not gone until we heard about the cannabis oil and its effective usage in treatment of cancer.
After 3 months of usage of cannabis oil my wife cancer was completely cured and gone. This oil medication brought joy and happiness to the family again.
Fred Steve
This is precisely the type of result that I have repeatedly witnessed over the last decade. Thank you for sharing about the AMAS blood test Fred and congratulations on helping your wife Cathy defeat cancer. Well done. Peace and many blessing be with you.
My daughter has stage 4 neuroblastomas cancer. She has had chemo, radiation, n a bone marrow transplant and went into remission. But unfortunately her cancer has come back and is in her brain. Her doctors have given up but as a parent and a believer of all things being possible have not given up on my daughter. I have been reading up on this and I would really like help with contacting someone about this and being able to start my daughter on this. Could someone please contact me with information
Please call our office to discuss your options. 415-524-8099
These horrific stories are all swept under the rug by our government and the elitist while our young and old continue to sacrifice and suffer. I have seen absolutely incredulous miracles while patients utilize properly manufactured cannabis concentrate oil and to know that all these family members and friends of patients in other states and parts of the world are unable to attain it for their loved ones induces nausea inside of me. In addition to realize that their governing laws force them to helplessly watch these sick individuals endure the worst days of their lives before they cross over to the otherside shatters any empathetic heart into millions of pieces while infuriating me. God bless America? No, God damn America.
Hi. Does anyones child survived neuroblastoma with the cannabis oil treatment??
Hello, my grandmother was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Are there any (non-pediatric) homeopathic doctors out there that could help us out?? Located in California, United States. Thanks..
Yes Jasmine,
Please call our offices for a referral. 415-524-8099
Hello everyone, my Name is Nicolas and my 16 year old brother was diagnosed with a rare mix leukemia. He was treated with two bone marrow transplants because unfortunately he relapse after the first one which I donated to him. Recently he underwent the 2nd one which came from a non related dobor. U fortunately today we got the results fro a aspirations he got earlier in the week statino that lymphoblast were found in his marrow and that leukemia has returned. i have readed different articles about the usage of cannabis oil with a huge success on kids with cancer but unfortunately we live in Florida where it’s illegal. We would like to get some advice and guidance from you. Thank you!
Please call our offices at 415-524-8099
i am Tara’s mum. Just to update that she is now two years seizure free. Her brother sean will celebrate his two years seizure free at the end of May. THCa has given my family quality of life we could only dream of before.
Wondering if you could send me info on getting CBD oil for my sister in Maryland with stage 4 adenocarcinoma lung cancer.
Please call our offices to discuss (415)524-8099. CBD oil will not rid your sister of her cancer alone. Cancers are each treated differently.
my son is 9 years old. And ever since he was 3 years of age he has suffer’d with insomnia, to the point were he has been able to be up for two straight with just 20 min. naps. Iv try’ed meloatonin it only work’s three times out of two weeks. He has sensory issues so it very challenging for him to eat. And find foods he likes. And is very bone skinny. My doctors say he’s fine for his weight. but i feel if you can see his bones some thing is wrong. Iv read many testimony’s about CBD and how much its help’ed for sleeping disorders and eating disorders as well. My question is ? How can i get my son a RX. In Los Angeles CA.
Hello Rosey,
We often recommend Dr.Bonnie Goldstein at Canna Centers. She would be happy to help you through this process.
All the best,
We have a 11 yr old son and we are from Ontario,Canada. He was misdiagnosed at 4 with severe ADHD,Tourette’s,OCD,Severe Anxiety and Sensory Processing Disorder,Impulse Control. He was finally diagnosed with PANDAS and Chronic Late Stage Lyme Disease last year. We have exhausted every mainstream drug,alternative treatment,homeopathic treatment,8 IVIG Blood Transfusions,4 months on daily IV antibiotic infusions,plasmapheresis etc.Wehave sold our house and spent over $130,000 in trying to get him better,as all of us parents would give all we have to heal our sick child. He still hasTics,Compulsions,OCD,ADHD,severe and crippling anxiety and has said he is tired of living because he cannot control his brain and has spoken of taking his own life at 11 yrs old. We are desperate to try to see if CBD oil can help with these symptoms that are all neuro immune related.We will travel anywhere and do anything to have a chance to try the CBD oil. Please if anyone has any suggestions for what we can do or who we can contact please email me ASAP. Thank you
When treating these conditions, it is best to talk with one of our nurse practioners for guidance and medical information. The conditions that you have listed have been treated with cannabinoid therapeutics although it is an very specific treatment, not a one size fits all protocol.
If you would like to further discuss with one of our nurse practioners, please feel free to schedule yourself in for an appointment here.
I hope this helps!
My son is four years old and has been diagnosed with seizures. Will cbd help him .his doctor said at one time he was having over 100 seizures a day.we live in Alabama can anybody help me help my son please I beg.
Cannabis oil does help but each patient is different. We have a nurse on staff that can advise you through this process as the ratio of THC to CBD is imparative for each child. I have attached the nurses schedule here for your convenience.
My son Adam was “diagnosed” at a very young age with ADHD. We have tied multiple drugs from Adderall Focalin Intuniv Trileptal Zoloft prescribed vitamins and minerals with no help. After he started the adhd meds he developed Trichotillomania (hair pulling)/ocd and anxiety. We are at a complete loss what to do. We NEED help!!!! We want him off all of these meds but don’t know how to start. Please any information on how to aquire this oil. We live in Missouri and am not sure what the laws are. Thank you, Chad
We highly recommend that you call Dr. Dustin Sulak at Integr8 Health. His clinics are in Mass. and is well versed in your questions.
I have a question my son has a rare condition called septo optic displasia it affects his pituitary gland and optic nerve also has nystagmus i read a couple post of cannabis oil has helped one child with the condition he has bit their condition was alot worse with seizures he does not get them bit he does take a lot of medicine everyday and i read the cannabis helped the gland produce hormone levels at a normal rate and another one where it helped with vision
We is the question? Do yo want to know if it will help your son?
My daughter was diagnosed with severe epilepsy when she was just one year old. She is now four years old and we have tried 5 different meds 4 of which she is still on. Two included a steroid and klonopin. I have been interested in trying cbd oil and I have my medical card to get ahold of the oil. During my research it has been difficult for me to find anything discussing dosage for children. Someone, anyone please help!
yes, we are launching a video tutorial in two weeks. All that are on our newsletter list will be notified.
My niece has been diagnosed with Lennox -Gastaut after many years of trying every seizure medicine on the planet. No success. She can’t sleep and sometimes can’t walk. Can you help me understand what oil to look for, and how to use it the most effectively.
Legally, only nurses and pphysicians can give medical advise or advise as to which medicine to take. Each being has a different DNA and medical history. This is why a consutlation with one of our nurse practitioners is recommended. I have attached the link to our nurses schedule here for your convenience.
Wishing you the best,
I have a 6 yrs old with adhd can you please help me with more info about the oil treatment. I don’t want to put him on meds but he has difficulties in school and it’s really hard for him it’s been a struggle with the school to help.
Please help
Hello Roxy,
It is always best to consult with someone in the medical field that is well versed in children and ADHD. There is a renowned physician in southern California that is highly regarded. Her name is Dr. Bonni Goldstein.
I hope this was helpful!
My son has Tourette Syndrome and OCD. I would really like to try a treatment with the CBD Oil. Could you please let me know Neurologists located in Montreal or the area of Montreal, Quebec would approve such a prescription.
Thanks so much
It is best for you to contact your health department for details in your area.
Hello, I know firsthand about how cannabis helps cancer as well as slows the growth of cancer cells. Cannabis gave my mother 4 years of life when she was only expected to live for 2 years. I have also heard and read about how cannabis helps children with ADHD. My daughter is almost 9 years old and was diagnosed with severe ADHD, severe eczema associated with severe asthma when she was only 5 years old. She was prescribed adderall which has worked well but I’m not comfortable with her taking a pill that contains amphetamines or any other pill made in a lab. Takes away one problem and causes so many others. I know cannabis oil or tincture would work for her and its natural. Plus, cancer runs through our family like water. If she is to start taking tincture, it could most possibly prevent her from getting cancer in the future because of it being an anticarcinogenic. Anyway, I live in Portland, Oregon and am a low income single mom. I don’t know who to talk to or what doctor that would refer her for cannabis. Seriously need help and input from anyone.
I am new in hearing about cannabis oil and so far what I’ve researched, it’s a miracle to a lot of people who started taking it. My daughter wad diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 2. She did 2.5 years of chemotherapy and because of the chemo, she developed what some call “chemo brain”. She was seen by physicians who tested her and later diagnosed her as intellectually disabled BECAUSE of the chemo that was administered to her. She wasn’t born with any mental disabilities. Then in 2011 she was diagnosed with myoclonic seizures also side effects from the chemo. She is now 12 years old and is not making any great progress with all the therapies she’s taking. I’ve read about cannabis oil curing leukemia and or seizures but I am now wondering if it would help my daughter with her “chemo brain” or being intellectually disabled. So far she’s the only childhood cancer survivor I know that is going through this. I know my real daughter is somewhere in there and because she was not born with mental disabilities, I have that hope that she can shine through. We live in California and I’m not sure how the law is here with cannabis oil. Anyone know of a case similar to mine who took cannabis oil and it worked for them?
Yes there are successes but each patient’s treatment is individual. We suggest seeiing Dr. Bonni Goldstein in the Los Angeles area for a consultation. Please let us know if you would like a referral.
Mary Ann
My Son was diagnosed with glioma low grade one,he is 11years And responded to radiotherapy Well And due THE symptomatisch he became paralyses one Side of THE body And was on a wheel chair during treatment he could not walk…he finished his treatments and responded Well And can now walk … My question is how And where can i can get this canabbis oil…please advice im in THE netherlands…where can i get while in THE netherlands or kenya…please help…thank you
Hello Perez,
feel free to call our offices to discuss your options. 415-524-8099
I would like to get information about cbd oil, I have four kids two girls and two boys
And my two boys are both on adderall and would love to know if I could
Suggest to there doctor, that maybe I could try it! The adderrall is too much for them
And they still have a hard time either way! I know they don’t have epilepsy or cancer
But I am willing to try something else,like the cbd oil to see how it would help my
Boys! Thank you
Where are you located?
Where are you located? Are you in a legal state?
So, small profits in a small company would not
qualify for mezzanine financing. Venture capital, also known as Risk capital, is
not similar to investments that involve a different level of involvement like
commercial loans and investment trusts. Despite having all of these medical advantages that
are received from pot, there are still a couple of associations and individuals who are going up against the de-criminalization of this health-related herb.
I’m impressed, I must say. Actually hardly ever do I encounter a blog that’s each educative and entertaining, and let me inform you, you might have hit the nail on the head. Your idea is excellent; the problem is something that not enough individuals are talking intelligently about. I am very completely satisfied that I stumbled across this in my search for something referring to this.
As a 60 yr old I have a specific question about THC or CBD in cannabisoil regarding epileptic seizure. Was diagnosed with stage IV mestasized lungcancer (egfr tki Exon 19) 2 years ago and being treated with Iressa medication. All was good until I had one epileptic seizure all of the sudden last year. They found 2 mestasized tumors in my brain, and they were radiated immediately. Problem is I was given levetiracetam to take
twice a day and was told not to drive anymore and to stay on this my whole life…. :( I am very disturbed about this new problem in my life . I dont take that levetiracetam anymore and use home-made cannabis oil instead. Question : should we make cbd or thc or high cbd or high thc or what mix ?
This is a medical question. it is best to discuss this with a medical professional. Here is the link for our nurses scheduling system for your convenience.
Thank you Brent, for your immediate reaction. The only thing we are wondering is whether to take high cbd or high thc to prevent epileptic seizure? I am in The Netherlands.
My husband knows a lot about cannabis-oil since 2.5 years of cancer now, but UPG seems to know about cannabis-oil to prevent a possible epileptic seizure?
For seizures most are using a higher CBD product although each patient is different. Some require more THC than others. To get a medical opinion, you must speak with a nurse or physician. We are just explaining what is trending for seizures.
We are happy to skype with you to beter understand the details.
I hope this helps,
I have a nephew, 10 months old, which was last week diagnosed with acute leukemia.
Can we give him THC oil?
What are your experiences?
Thank you in advance.
Hello Miva,
Each patient is unique and this treatment is not a one size fits all protocol. It is very important to speak with a medical professional in the medical cannabis industry. If you are in California, we can refer you. If you are out of state (or in California as well) you can schedule a consultation with our oncology nurse. These consults are via phone or Skype. I have attached the scheduling system here for your convenience. Please feel free to call our offices if you would like a bit more detail.
I would like to know whether a high cbd % or thc % would be the most effective strain for cannabis oil to treat stage 4 neuroblastoma for my daughter of 4 years old .
We cannot give medical advice as we don’t have all of your daughters medical information. Each neuroblastoma patient could have a slightly different protocol depending on the other meds or suppilments she may be taking, hight and weight, stage of the cancer etc.
It is very important to talk to an oncology professional in the cannabis field to discus the details. This will enable the professional to suggest a formulation and dosing best for your child. If you would like a referral, please call our offices at 415-524-8099.
I would like to speak to someone and to get information for using Cbc with a child that has severe add and adhd , I refuse to give him stimulant medication anymore it’s horrible .
Hello Jet,
You would need to speak with a medical physician in this field in regard to treating a child. If you would like a referral, please call our offices to discuss 415-524-8099.
Mary Ann
My 3 year son have rhabdomyosarcoma on right testis and we deside to take hemotherapy and kanabis oil togeather. What do you think abouth the chance of success… Testis previously was removed with surgery … Answer if you have any awareness …pls
We have an oncology nurse on staff that offers consultations. We do know that the correct formulation and dosing is very important. This is not a one size fits all protocol. The key to more success is proper dosing and formulations.
I hope this helps,
Mary Ann
I have a 9 yr old autistic child with aggression issues. I have purchased cbd oil but I am at a loss on what dosage to start at. Could you please assist, just need the safe starting dose. I am in Ohio so there is basically no thc in this oil because it is illegal here.
Thank you for reaching out. Autism is treated individually as this is not a one size fits all protocol. In order to find th corect formulation and dosing for your child, it is important to speak with a medical professional within the medical cannabis industry. Ohio is still illegal so you would have to consult with a physician in California or another medically legal state. I can refer you if you would like. Just call our offices at 415-524-8099.
I am a 73 year old lady who was diagnosed with MDS in February this year which it is believed to be the result on breast cancer treatments. I had triple-negative breast cancer. Chemo was 6 TAC treatments and 37 rounds of radiation in 2008? I have had 35 chemo treatments of Vidaza starting on Feb.15, 2016 for MDS. I have had to have two blood transfusions (4 pints) in the last month due to critical low hemoglobin numbers and extreme fatigue. Are there folks out there that have used cannibis extract to deal successfully with the fatigue issue? And what dosage did they use? I live in an area where it is available to me.
Looking forward to hearing from others
Thank’s for sharing an useful information. Opting for organic cannabis is highly recommended in Canada for treatment of cancer and epilepsy. Many patients have found successful in treating cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and many other difficult to treat medical conditions.