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It’s normal to feel anxious ahead of an important job interview, date, or any other big event in your life. While anxiety is normal human behavior, some people experience it at a worryingly high level. The good news is you can deal with anxiety, even if it seems you don’t have control over it. Check out these coping strategies that may help you overcome anxiety!
Identify Potential Triggers
Some common physical anxiety symptoms include shaking or trembling, sweating, feeling sick and nauseous, etc. People often exhibit psychological symptoms, such as feeling restless, irritable, or worried without a particular reason.
You might have learned to recognize the symptoms once they appeared. Perhaps you’ve tried valerian, passionflower, or CBD products to help in relieving your anxiety. According to research, various types of CBD cannabis items can potentially help with anxiety, including gummies, tinctures, oils, etc.
But even if you are familiar with the symptoms, you also need to identify anxiety triggers. Some have social anxiety and get nervous around people. Other phobias, such as the fear of heights, could trigger anxiety. For some, it’s conflict at work or in other environments. Financial concerns, negative thinking, and stress could all cause feeling anxious.
Your first task is to know what you’re dealing with, so try to identify specific triggers. Do you feel uncomfortable when you need to speak in front of a crowd? Perhaps you don’t like being alone or feel anxious when there’s too much work to do. If you can identify the triggers, you can start working on overcoming anxiety in those situations.
Breathe to Calm Down and Accept the Situation
Are you feeling anxious? If yes, take a moment for breathing exercises to calm down. Is there space for a 10-minute walk or yoga? A quick exercise might calm your mind.
Once you are ready, consider the situation and why you are feeling anxious. Be honest and try to accept your current position. If you seem worried about public speaking, try replacing those negative thoughts with positive ones. You can try speaking positive mantras in front of the mirror. It could be a good way to accept the situation better.
Start Writing a Journal
Experts suggest it’s an excellent way of analyzing your thoughts and behaviors. You can create daily entries before bedtime and analyze anything worth mentioning.
For many, writing should make you feel calmer and also help you deal with similar situations in the future. You’ll figure out how to approach everything differently and be better at avoiding and managing potential triggers.
Meditate or Exercise Regularly
Yoga and meditation are excellent techniques to calm yourself down in stressful situations. They also encourage mindfulness, helping you overcome anxiety in the long run.
Working out is another way to ventilate stress and calm your mind. Focusing on physical activity will distract you from negative thoughts that lead to anxiety. If able, you should exercise five times a week for at least half an hour.
You can pick any activity that suits you. Swimming, running, riding a bike, and even dancing will have the same results. Try to choose an activity that fits your style and physical condition. It helps to set daily goals and even motivate yourself with small prizes until you build an exercise routine.
Adjust Your Diet and Use Natural Remedies If Necessary
A healthy diet can contribute to your physical and mental health in the long run, and that includes dealing with anxiety. Your goal is to have well-balanced meals. You don’t want to skip any meal, and you can even consider eating energy-boosting snacks when your energy levels are low.
Here are some general diet rules to apply:
- Always eat protein and carbs for breakfast. Protein keeps your blood sugar and energy levels steady during the day. Cereals, quinoa, and oatmeal are complex carbs that boost serotonin production and get you in a better mood.
- Avoid late-night meals. These could compromise sleep quality, affecting your overall mood the next day.
- Restrict caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine accelerates the heartbeat and leads to feeling more alert instead of calming you down. Alcohol can trigger anxiety attacks and can disrupt your sleeping pattern.
- Consume sufficient water. Dehydration disrupts your mood, so staying well-hydrated is important.
Hanging Out with Friends Helps
Even if you have social anxiety, you probably have a couple of people you enjoy spending time with. Try to hang out with them more often since loneliness can be an anxiety trigger.
Socialization with people you like is usually a positive experience. You’ll share laughs and talk about various topics, helping you feel better and less stressed.
Consider Talking to Someone If Necessary
The critical thing in dealing with anxiety is to be patient and take small steps. If you believe you need help, consider looking for support from friends.
And if your anxiety seems out of control, talk to a medical professional. They could recommend therapies and medications suitable to your situation.
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