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It’s normal to want to enjoy the most benefits from anything you buy, especially if it’s a natural product like CBD oil. You want it to do what you’ve been told it has the potential of doing, and you want to get your money’s worth. If you’ve been looking for ways to maximize your CBD oil consumption, these tips and techniques below may be of use.
Try Nano CBD
Nano CBD from reputable manufacturers like Joy Organics may be one of the most effective ways to maximize your experience with CBD oil. The current problem we have with CBD oil is that, like most oils, it doesn’t mix well with water.
The human body is made up of approximately 60% water, which means it doesn’t always have the easiest time absorbing CBD into the bloodstream. As a result, some of the CBD oil you may consume doesn’t end up entering your circulation, and you may not always receive its full effects.
Vaping and smoking CBD generally has much higher bioavailability compared to CBD oil, yet CBD oil is a preferred option for many people due to it being healthier than smoking to how convenient it is to consume in edibles, tea, and other products.
That’s where nanotechnology comes in. Nanotechnology allows CBD product manufacturers to create smaller CBD particles of between 10 and 100 nanometers. Once it’s broken down into these smaller particles, it’s potentially easier for your body to absorb, which means it’s more suitable for use in products like CBD softgels.
Nano CBD has increased bioavailability, and can be mixed into beverages like coffee, water, and sports drinks, and can work faster than other CBD products due to its smaller particle size. Talk about nano CBD with your chosen product supplier to see if it might be right for you.
Eat Food
The instruction booklets with many medications state that you must consume it with food to reduce stomach irritation, but rarely will you see it mentioned that you should consume CBD oil with food.
However, some small studies in recent months have deduced that CBD oil absorption may be increased if you eat food with a CBD supplement. A study in the Epilepsia journal with eight adults who had been prescribed CBD for epilepsy-related seizures found that the total volume of CBD in their bodies quadrupled with a high-fat morning meal.
Half of the volunteers took their CBD in the morning before eating and had breakfast four hours later. The remaining volunteers ate a breakfast burrito with 52% fat and 850 calories within half an hour of taking CBD oil. The groups switched the following week.
Blood taken from each group throughout the study found that those who ate the burrito had their maximum CBD levels increase 14 times on average, compared to taking it without food. The study concluded with the researchers saying that high-fat meals may be able to improve CBD absorption.
Try Fat
Following on from the study about high-fat food to increase CBD absorption, some companies have been offering CBD liposomes to increase molecular bioavailability in the same way the breakfast burrito may have.
Liposomes are not a new invention, with many healthcare professionals using and recommending them for lipid-soluble drugs. These capsules or pockets of fat may allow your body to absorb CBD into the tissue systems and cells that need it the most.
Follow the Directions
When you purchase CBD products from highly-regarded manufacturers and suppliers, you get to enjoy peace of mind knowing that they only sell products they know, trust, test and understand. The more they know about each product, the easier it is for them to recommend them to consumers and provide them with helpful information.
When your goal is to maximize your consumption and absorption, follow the directions of the business you’re purchasing from and what is mentioned on the packaging. The instructions are there to guide you and promote the best effects, so following them to the letter can ensure you’re in the best possible position to enjoy those maximum effects.
If you’re unsure about dosages and how much to consume based on whether you’ve never had a particular product before, talk to your doctor or medical professional who understands cannabis and the effects on the individual. Remember, cannabis/hemp is not a one size fits all type of product. They can help you make the best decisions for your unique needs or illnesses.
Choose Full-Spectrum Over CBD Isolate
When you purchase CBD products, some of the primary offerings are broad-spectrum, full-spectrum, and CBD isolate. Broad-spectrum has all cannabis plant components except for THC, and full-spectrum has all cannabis plant components along with a small volume of federally legal THC (0.3 %). In contrast, CBD isolate has no other compounds from cannabis plants and, instead, is pure CBD.
You may assume that ‘pure’ means better, but pure CBD may not help you maximize your CBD oil consumption. Research seems to suggest that full-spectrum cannabis tinctures may be more effective with multiple compounds due to the ‘entourage effect.’
Other studies have also determined that the combination of THC and CBD may allow for better pain control compared to CBD isolate.
Add Melatonin
Sleep is a significant problem for many people. Adults need between seven and nine hours each night, yet nearly half of all Americans reported to the Sleep Foundation that they slept less than seven hours a night on average.
As a result, many people rely on various products to assist, with CBD being one of them. Knowing that their customers rely on CBD, some companies have been adding the natural hormone melatonin to potentially maximize its effects.
Melatonin is a hormone produced by your brain when it sees darkness. Light at night time can block your melatonin production, which means that many people struggle to fall asleep at night. If your brain can’t produce as much as you need, you may turn to consuming it to make up the difference.
As some people experience better sleep with CBD, the combination of these two ingredients may make a lot of sense for some people.
Maximizing your CBD oil consumption is not a case of including more in your diet and seeing if that makes a difference. It can sometimes involve trying new, recommended products and keeping up with the latest research. Take note of some of these tips above and talk to a trusted CBD product specialist about the most suitable options for your needs.